A strong determination

10 months ago 34

It’s a new year and a new beginning to do new things. Last year has passed away and can never return. So it’s a new year where you have to do new things probably a refreshing of your programs....

It’s a new year and a new beginning to do new things. Last year has passed away and can never return. So it’s a new year where you have to do new things probably a refreshing of your programs. Your programs here means those things that you have set aside your leisure time to do for a great accomplishment of. These are the things you should refresh these new year. Maybe what you did last year, the way you did it, probably you didn’t like it, it didn’t work out well, then this year you have to strategize well. And to do that, you must profess a strong determination in your heart to do them.

Serving God is very much important for every believer, and it is what God demands from us. He wants us to do His will first, and in return, receive His blessings. In the book of Matthew 6:33, Christ tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all other things which are those human wants of ours, which economically they are insatiable will be given to us even in abundance. Philippians 4:19 affirms to us that God shall supply to us all our needs according to His riches in glory. All your needs which simply means those things you lack, promisingly will be provided for you. But the only way to have access to these benefits is by seeking God’s kingdom first and not placing this priority in second place, neither in third place or even at the last place of your seeking.

Dining and living in sin can hinder you as a child of God from experiencing positive change in your life. And when problem arises, you blame God as if He is the one who who has allowed the devil into your life. Have you checked yourself to know your stand with God. You are living in sin and you expect the grace of God to grow abundantly, impossible. Romans 6:1 says we can’t continue to live in sin and expect the grace of God to grow abundantly. It is now left to you to decide if you want God’s premium blessing or not.

Lastly, you must exercise a strong faith in God that He is able to lift you during the time of your challenges. Come what may, you must not betray God. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego portray an exemplary life of faithfulness. They didn’t become compelled by the pressure from the King to bow down to the golden statue he had erected for idolatry. And what was the reward? They changed the heart of the King, leaving him with no option than to issue a command all over his kingdom that the people should respect and should not speak ill of the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego which he termed as the only true God. And they themselves became promoted and respected all over the provinces. This year you need to walk with God with a strong determination in your heart to serve Him and walk in His ways without blemish. By this only can you receive God’s premium grace and blessing.

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