“When I discovered this [that virtuous and valor are the same Hebrew word], it completely changed the way I viewed the Proverbs 31 Woman. She ranks right up there with David’s mighty men of valor! And so can I, if I fear God and go out in His strength to fight the battles He assigns to me! The same word that describes David’s bravest, strongest, most loyal soldiers is used to describe this God-fearing lady of Proverbs 31.
“Every time I conquer another load of laundry, I am fighting to roll back the effects of the curse. (Do you think there was laundry before sin? I’m guessing not. After all, there weren’t any clothes until sin entered the world.)
“Every time you change a diaper, you are fulfilling your role in training up new little soldiers for Christ.
“Every time you stop what you are doing to calmly correct and instruct a sinful child, you are shaking your victorious fist at Satan.
“Every time you straighten up the kitchen or take out a messy seam to re-sew it the right way, every time you clean out the refrigerator or weed the garden, every time you carefully talk through a disagreement with your spouse, you are telling Satan that the battle is already won. In Christ’s strength, you are no longer enslaved to him. You are following Jesus now.
“When we fear God and go out and do what He has called us to do, trusting Him and doing our very best in His strength, we are mighty women of valor marching right alongside the Proverbs 31 Woman!
“See if that doesn’t change how you think about your day!”