Day Twenty-Six: Habakkuk

10 months ago 30

So obviously this isn’t Deuteronomy. Again I made the decision to move to a smaller book. As we prep for vacation, a trip to Centrifuge with my students and carving out some time to celebrate our 10 years of...

So obviously this isn’t Deuteronomy. Again I made the decision to move to a smaller book. As we prep for vacation, a trip to Centrifuge with my students and carving out some time to celebrate our 10 years of marriage my days are getting fuller and fuller!

So Habakkuk it is! This book started off a little differently than the other minor prophets I’ve read so far- it started off with Habakkuk’s complaint! Through the book he has 2 complaints for the Lord. When he receives the Lords reply to those complaints he ends up praying and praising God!

Both of his complaints center around the wicked. First, that he is surrounded by those who love evil, love to argue and pervert justice. God responds by telling Habakkuk of the coming conquest by the Babylonians- which prompts the second complaint.

Habakkuk complains about the Babylonian conquest- surely the Lord will not let these evil people wipe out his chosen ones even as sinful as they are! It sounds rather similar to my children- pointing out the flaws of each other to ensure that if they go down, they at least go together. (Golden example: When they colored the cat pink.)

The Lords response to this second complaint is a call to faithfulness. He discouraged the people from trusting in their wealth, friendships or fortifications promising that sorrow will be found in all those places. He assures them that their trust should be in Him alone.

After this Habakkuk begins to pray, and the closing lines of his prayer in Habakkuk 3:17-18;

“Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,
    and there are no grapes on the vines;
even though the olive crop fails,
    and the fields lie empty and barren;
even though the flocks die in the fields,
    and the cattle barns are empty,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord!
    I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!

Tomorrow is our anniversary and we are planning to be gone most of the day, so I am planning on reading the book of Nahum. Thanks for following along! Feel free to subscribe down below!

In Christ,


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