Carpe Gaudium

9 months ago 38

I have decided on my phrase for 2022. It is “Carpe Gaudium.” We’ve all heard of “Carpe Diem,” ie seize the day. This is a cousin to that, which I just made up. It’s seize the joy. As we...

I have decided on my phrase for 2022. It is “Carpe Gaudium.”

We’ve all heard of “Carpe Diem,” ie seize the day. This is a cousin to that, which I just made up. It’s seize the joy.

As we enter the year, I still have yet to celebrate Christmas since my daughter and son-in-law had to quarantine away the holiday because of COVID. Infectious disease experts are saying it’s just a matter of time before we all have some form of COVID, although vaccines may prevent us from actually dying. Of course, we may die because we can’t get a hospital bed for our other diseases thanks to those who are filling beds with their unvaccinated selves.

The Land of Plenty has become the land of “we’ll get it to you when we can” as labor shortages and supply chain delays create depleted shelves and empty restaurant tables.

Politics have never felt more rancorous in my lifetime. Politicians are legislating not for the people they represent, but to preserve power. Speeches are not made to inspire, they are delivered to be clickbait, the more outrageous, the better.

The climate is retaliating for years of neglect, with unseasonal wildfires, tornadoes and snow. Beloved and necessary species totter on the brink of extinction.

There is very little to be optimistic about as we enter 2022. We’re all going to die.

So, that’s where my phrase comes in.

Yes, we’re all going to die, but we were going to die anyway. But maybe we aren’t going to die today or tomorrow. And, even if we are, let the scarcity – of supplies, of perfect days, of any days of life at all – highlight the beauty of what there is.

I am not going to be reckless about COVID. In fact, I’m masking up again and avoiding indoor crowds.

But, I’m also seizing joy. Whenever it’s offered, I’m going to stop saying “no” as I wait for COVID to end…it’s not going to end. Instead, I’m going to do a mental calculus about risk versus joy.

And, if it’s seeing loved ones or hearing sublime music or tasting amazing food? I’m doing it. I’ll take precautions, but I’m doing it. I’m seizing joy this year.

Carpe Gaudium, everyone, and happy new year!

Photo by Jill Wellington on

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