Why is BJJ the Best Martial Art For You?

10 months ago 56

Today, BJJ is practiced by millions of people worldwide, with many international competitions and organizations dedicated to the sport. The Gracie family and their descendants continue to play a prominent role in the development and promotion of BJJ. Gi...

Today, BJJ is practiced by millions of people worldwide, with many international competitions and organizations dedicated to the sport. The Gracie family and their descendants continue to play a prominent role in the development and promotion of BJJ.

Gi or Kimono is the uniform for BJJ. In case you are going to opt for No-Gi BJJ then rash guards are the best choice for you instead of a T-shirt.

What is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on group grappling, submission techniques, chokeholds, and dominant positions. It focuses on ground grappling techniques to dominate over your bigger opponent. Size does not matter in BJJ as it is all about skills. It was developed from traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu but has now evolved into a distinct martial art with its own techniques, training methods, principles, and rules.

BJJ practitioners learn techniques such as joint locks, chokes, and submissions. It instructs strategies for controlling and submitting opponents on the ground.

The Origin of the Gentle Art

bjj workouts

BJJ has its roots in Japan. It was brought to Brazil by Mitsuyo Maeda, a Japanese martial artist. Maeda learned the art from Jigoro Kano in 1987 and later on, taught to the Gracies. Basically, it all started when Conde Kama reached Brazil in 1918. Gustavo Gracie, a politician and father of Carlos Gracie, helped Conde Kama in building a Japanese immigration society.

Later on, Conde Kama taught Jiu-Jitsu to Gustavo’s hyperactive son, Carlos Gracie. Gracies spent their lives in the learning and propagation of the gentle art, as it was taught to them. In the 1980s and 1990s, BJJ gained international recognition and popularity through the success of members of the Gracie family in the early Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) competitions.

The Gracies’ domination of early UFC events demonstrated the effectiveness of BJJ in real-life scenarios.

Gi & No-Gi BJJ

There are two types of BJJ, Gi BJJ and No-Gi BJJ. The difference between the two is their attire and fighting techniques.


In Gi BJJ, practitioners wear “Gi” or “Kimono”. It is a must for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Gi BJJ is well-known for grips as you can use your opponent’s Gi to control his movements. It is rather easy to gain control of your opponent. That is why it is taught first to beginners.

Choke can also be applied in No-Gi BJJ, but in Gi BJJ it is rather easy to apply them. These chokes include Ezekiel Choke, Cross Collar Choke, Clock Choke, and many more.

It is more technical than No-Gi BJJ because of the availability of grips and positions. It places a greater emphasis on the basics and fundamentals of the art. Many practitioners enjoy the history and cultural significance of the uniform. Practicing with the Gi can help connect you to the art’s roots and its long lineage.


On the other hand, No-Gi BJJ does not involve wearing Gi. It is slightly different from Gi BJJ because there is nothing you can hold. You have to master techniques if you want to gain victory. Techniques such as lateral kneebar, body-lock pass, ashi-garami, and saddle control can be applied in No-Gi BJJ. No-Gi BJJ is often mixed with 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu. Both are No-Gi sports but they do differ in techniques.

It is a practical form of self-defense. It is typically faster-paced than the traditional Gi BJJ. There is less friction in the absence of Gi, allowing you to move faster and transition between positions more quickly. Without the Gi, there are fewer grips available, which forces practitioners to develop a more well-rounded set of skills.

NoGi BJJ focuses more on using underhooks, overhooks, and collar ties to control opponents. It is more accessible than Gi BJJ as it does not require a specialized uniform.

Reasons Why BJJ is the Best Martial Art For You

BJJ is nowadays one of the trending and most learned martial arts. It is mainly because of its submission techniques and the leverage a short person has over a bigger opponent. Even if you want to pursue MMA, you must learn BJJ submission techniques to become an all-rounder fighter.

An Effective Self-Defense System

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is not only a martial art rather it is a way of living. These techniques can be applied in real-life situations. It helps you escape from unwanted/dangerous happenings. It helps you control an opponent on the ground where you can neutralize the threat and avoid it.

The chokes and joint locks can quickly incapacitate an opponent without causing serious injury. These chokes allow you to control how much damage you can inflict on your opponent. In real life, it is very unlikely that people carry weapons. That is why BJJ is an effective self-defense system as it protects you.

A Whole Body Workout

BJJ training is an intense one that provides the advantage of a whole-body workout. It targets all your body muscles and helps them acquire size and strength. BJJ training also involves workouts and sparring sessions. These workouts work on your different body parts at the same time.

The following are important BJJ workouts for you that can help you achieve a whole-body workout without going for various exercises.

Kettlebell Workouts: They are great for full-body conditioning, core stability, and explosiveness. They are a combination of lifting weights to build mass as well as strength. Muscle coordination is one of the core benefits of kettlebell workouts. These workouts include kettlebell swings, kettlebell get-ups, Russian twists, kettlebell deadlifts, and many more.

Leg Stretching Workouts: These workouts are for stretching your leg muscles so that you can easily apply submissions. Your static and dynamic flexibility is boosted through leg stretching workouts. You can go for quad and hip flexor stretches.

Battle Rope Workouts: These are heavy rope workouts that are specifically for BJJ and MMA fighters. Grip strength is one of the key factors of this workout. It involves using multiple muscle groups at the same time, making them ideal for full-body conditioning. You can perform planks and jumping jacks via battle ropes.

Plank Workouts: Planks are a static exercise that strengthens your abdominals, obliques, and lower back. They improve posture and reduce back pain. You can also lift weights and make the workout intense. It is basically using your own body weight to build endurance.

Squats and Push-Ups: Squats and push-ups both are bodyweight exercises that can be performed anywhere without any hard-to-get equipment.

Even if we don’t go for the workouts, only rolling and sparring sessions give you great cardio.

Benefits of Gi & No-Gi BJJ

In BJJ there are two types, Gi BJJ and No-Gi BJJ. Most fighters fight in both Gi and No-Gi matches. It provides them with knowledge of both areas. Gi BJJ provides you with Gi strength while No-Gi BJJ focuses on your techniques. If you want to go towards MMA, BJJ is still very helpful for you, especially No-Gi BJJ.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

As mentioned earlier, BJJ is a whole-body workout. It enhances your athletic performance by building muscle, grip, and glute strength. After an intense workout session, you will feel changes in your body. And especially when you are rolling with your partner, you will notice how fast you can dominate him.

BJJ is a high-intensity workout that involves continuous movement which is responsible for improving your cardiovascular fitness. Performing BJJ workouts makes you an active grappler. Being an athletic BJJ practitioner means that you are healthy and fit.

Mental & Physical Strength

BJJ makes you physically and mentally strong. BJJ can be mentally challenging, requiring focus, strategy, and persistence. It helps you develop mental toughness and resilience.

Submission Techniques

BJJ is well-known for its submission techniques. These submission techniques are responsible for proving full control over your opponent. You can dominate your opponent to the point that he/she is forced to submit out of the move or else will suffer from consequences. It ensures a 100% success rate.

Great For All Age Groups

BJJ is not an age-related combat sport. It can be learned at any age. The only important thing is having a strong motivation and dedication towards the gentle art. It provides you with leverage over raw strength. Even if you don’t want to pursue the art professionally, still there is a whole area of learning for you.

It is a relatively low-impact martial art compared to other combat sports like boxing or wrestling. It builds your confidence and gives a sense of validation as you progress with belts. Learning new skills and techniques, overcoming challenges, and achieving goals can be incredibly rewarding and empowering. It is important to find the correct program according to your age and then you will do fine.

Muscular Endurance

BJJ is all about muscular power. You can only dominate your opponent if you are physically strong. Physical strength does not come from muscle mass, rather it comes from muscle strength. It involves short bursts of activity followed by brief rest periods.

This type of training can help build muscular endurance by challenging the muscles to perform at a high level for a longer period of time.

Mostly a question arises, What is the effect of diet on your BJJ training? The answer is that diet directly affects your training. It is essential to add a specific amount of nutrients to your diet and you will have a perfectly toned body.

Sharpened Muscle Memory

Sharpened muscle memory is one of the reasons practitioners adopt BJJ as a martial art. During BJJ training, practitioners repeat techniques multiple times. This makes your muscles habitual of the movements. The techniques get saved in your muscle memory. That is why it is easy for most BJJ fighters to apply techniques. It is only because they remember the techniques.

Repetition helps to make movements automatic and instinctive, allowing you to execute techniques without having to consciously think about them. That is why BJJ coaches and instructors are so serious about rolling and sparring sessions. Learning BJJ techniques is one thing and keeping in mind when to apply which technique is another thing.

Practicing BJJ techniques slowly and deliberately can help sharpen muscle memory by allowing you to focus on the details of each movement. Practicing slowly breaks down complex movements into smaller understandable parts that are easier to remember.

If you are wholly committed to BJJ, visualization is another thing you can opt for. By visualizing BJJ techniques in your mind, you will create a mental pathway that makes the execution of techniques easier.

Makes You An All-Rounder

Although kicking and punching are not a part of BJJ, it is still considered that BJJ makes you an all-rounder. In combat situations, BJJ provides you with an all-rounded skill set. BJJ is a versatile martial art that can be adapted to different styles of fighting. It can be used in combination with striking techniques, allowing grapplers to be effective in both grappling and striking techniques.

In terms of fitness, BJJ requires a high level of fitness and conditioning. BJJ provides you with ground fighting expertise, striking techniques, strategy and tactics, mental toughness, and conditioning.


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the most trending martial art these days. The inculcation of submission techniques is the thing that earned BJJ its rightly gained popularity. It enhances your muscle strength and memory. In addition to your cardiovascular fitness, it makes you a complete fighter.

In this era of combat sports, BJJ is the best martial art for you. It not only makes you an accomplished fighter but also an athletic/active person.

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