I'm not trying to brag but, I finished my 4 week diet in 2.4 days

10 months ago 73

In-case you men don’t know this….women do not like to disclose their weight.  I sometimes wonder if this keeps some women from competing. This is the 1st sport I’ve been involved in where I’m constantly asked “how much do...

In-case you men don’t know this….women do not like to disclose their weight.  I sometimes wonder if this keeps some women from competing. This is the 1st sport I’ve been involved in where I’m constantly asked “how much do you weigh?” or “what’s your weight class?” My point is….not only do we girls have to be brave enough to get out there and fight, we have to tell our weight (and sometimes our age).

I have weighed the same weight most of my adult life (aside from during pregnancy). This seems to be a comfortable weight for me, I eat whatever I want, I can work out hard or not at all and no change. While this can be a good thing, when it comes tournament time, I always fall 3 lbs over the limit for my weight class.  I always end up struggling to lose these 3 lbs. After doing this many times now, I have become really good at dieting , I haven't tried to fight a teenager or threaten to stab a hole in my child's blow up pool in years! (Yes, I am ashamed to say this really happened)  but, it's still never fun!
This past week I did my 1st actual weight "cut" (typically for jiu jitsu we weigh in within minutes of competing making a "cut" a tough option) I competed at Fight to Win Pro and we were able to weigh in the night before. I was pretty excited about this and didn't go real hard core on my diet thinking "I will just lose the water the day before" I chose to not eat or drink AT ALL the day before hoping to wake up on weight the day of, unfortunately...this was not the case! Some how, I had gained 2 lbs while sleeping and had to continue the cut all day on "weigh in day".  Well, I did make weight, in-fact I was 2 lbs under! That evening I had an IV, ate dinner and drank plenty of fluids. I was excited to feel amazing the next day, instead I woke up with a migraine, extremely low blood pressure, nausea, dizziness and felt absolutely horrible! I am writing this blog 3 1/2 days later and still feel like I haven't recovered completely.  

I'm sharing this experience to help make others aware of the dangers of dehydration!  For younger adults, recovery is much faster but, you still need to be careful (especially here in AZ where it's been over 110 for the past week) when you are a little older, the recovery time is much longer. I am lucky to have an awesome sponsor to help re hydrate me (he may have saved my life ;) ) but, not everyone has that option.  Diet!! Stay Hydrated!! Train smart!!   

I learned my lesson and I am hoping others will learn from my mistake!  
?*Parents..PLEASE do not ever have kids cut weight!! 

Wrapping this up with a funny dieting experience fro a few years back:  a few days before a tournament, I was having lunch at an Italian restaurant with Andrew (my Husband)  and some other guys from class, I ordered a salad and the waitress asked if I wanted regular or fat-free ranch, I said “regular” Andrew turned and looked at me knowing I was dieting, I said “What? at least I’m eating a salad”. The waitress gave him the dirtiest look (and probably spit in his food lol) probably thinking he was some crazy controlling husband.  Being my instructor, he may be only 1 in a handful of husbands that know their wife's “real” weight. Luckily he still thinks I’m only 27 ;) ?

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