Creamy creme fraiche panna cotta with poached quince and lemony almond shortbread crumble

9 months ago 41

I love the idea of creating desserts that people can just dig into and help themselves. That’s why i created...READ MORE

creme fraiche panna cotta and poached quince

I love the idea of creating desserts that people can just dig into and help themselves. That’s why i created this as one large panna cotta, but if you prefer to do single servings use ramekins.

The creamy creme fraiche panna cotta goes so well with the beautifully fragrant quince and buttery almond and lemon shortbread crumble. This was a huge hit in our house.

Quince are one of my favorite fruits. It always amazes me how something pale, hard and inedible raw can be transformed into this beautiful pink hued, flavorful fruit.

There is no rushing the cooking of them, sometimes they can take an hour, sometimes it can take three. Its always worth the wait though, and the heavenly scent of them cooking is an extra bonus.


The crumble is great to serve with lots of desserts, you will have some left overs so safe it in a air tight container. Its great with yogurt for a breakfast treat.

Creamy creme fraiche panna cotta with poached quince and lemony shortbread crumble

Recipe by gd_supportCourse: Uncategorized




For the creme fraiche panna cotta

Creme fraiche panna cotta 
2 platinum grade gelatine leaves 
30g milk
350g double cream
250g full fat creme fraiche 
70g honey 
Seeds from one vanilla pod or 1 tsp vanilla bean paste 

For the poached quince

4 -6 quinces depending on size 
Approx 1 lr water or enough to cover 
275g sugar 
4 strips of lemon zest
Juice of one lemon
1 cinnamon stick
5 star anise 
5 cardamon pods
Vanilla bean 

Almond shortbread crumble

100g unsalted butter very soft
40g caster sugar 
1/2 tsp salt 
100g plain flour 
65g ground almonds 
20g flaked almonds 
Zest of 1 lemon 


For the panna cottaFor the panna cotta break gelatin leaves in half and cover with milk to soak and set aside.Add the cream, creme fraiche, honey and vanilla to a pan and bring to a gentle simmer. Stir In the milk and gelatin until gelatin dissolves. 
Add the orange blossom water and pour through a sieve into a large shallow serving dish. 
Chill in fridge to set for 6 hours or over night.For the poached quinceWash and peel the quince (or keep skin on and remove after) cut in half or quarters if large.
Add to a pan with the water and sugar and lemon juice. bash the cardamon pods and add those with the other ingredients. Stir to dissolve the sugar over a medium high heat and bring to a simmer. Cut a circle of baking paper with a hole cut in the center and place on top. Turn the heat down and gently poach at a low/medium heat for 1-1/2 to 3 hours or until tender and pink. It depends on ripeness and size. 
For the crumbleTo make crumble, 
Preheat oven to 160c fan.
cream butter, sugar and zest together. Mix in the flour, ground almonds and salt until it comes together. Add flaked almonds and mix in.
Press into a lined baking tray, bake for 8 minutes. Remove from oven and use spatula to break up, stir then press the dough back down with spatula. Bake for another 8 minutes. Stir again and bake for another 2-4 minutes until golden. I like to then taste it and mix a sprinkle of flaked maldon salt in if needed.To serveSlice quince remove seeds and place onto panna cotta. Add the crumble, the zest of half a lemon and some honeycomb and serve. Let people serve themselves.


Its great to Save the poaching syrup. I keep it in a bottle in the fridge. its lovely to use in cocktails or served swirled into yogurt or porridge for breakfast.
quince in basket quince tree

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