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Explore the fascinating world of alma, the Indian gooseberry steeped in ancient traditions & modern wellness. Uncover its history, benefits & culinary magic! The post Alma appeared first on The Best Bake.

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Alma – Superfood

Welcome to a verdant journey where tradition meets modern wellness—introducing Alma, the Indian gooseberry that’s more than just a culinary delight. Hailed as a cornerstone in Ayurvedic medicine and embraced by health enthusiasts worldwide, alma is redefining what it means to be a superfood. Packed with an extraordinary array of nutrients, antioxidants, and therapeutic compounds, alma offers a holistic approach to well-being that resonates across cultures and generations. Whether you’re sipping on its rejuvenating juice or incorporating its powder into your daily rituals, alma invites you to experience nature’s profound wisdom in every bite. Join us as we delve deeper into the multifaceted benefits and timeless allure of this green marvel. ?

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Top Recipes Varieties Nutritional Benefits Health Benefits Nutritional Breakdown Peak Season How to Select How to Store History Fun Facts Superfood in Italy Superfood In Poland Humor

Top Recipes and Varieties

Top Recipes

Amla Juice: A revitalizing drink to kickstart your day. Blend fresh alma with water, a hint of honey, and a pinch of salt. Strain and enjoy the potent elixir packed with vitamin C.

Amla Pickle: A tangy and spicy condiment that elevates any meal. Combine chopped alma with spices like mustard seeds, turmeric, and fenugreek. Allow it to marinate and savor the robust flavors.

Amla Candy: A sweet treat with health benefits. Cook alma slices in a sugar syrup until they crystallize. Perfect for a guilt-free indulgence.

Amla Chutney: A flavorful accompaniment to snacks and meals. Blend alma with green chilies, cilantro, and tamarind for a zesty and tangy chutney.

Amla Rasam: A comforting soup infused with alma. Combine alma extract with spices, lentils, and tomatoes for a nourishing and aromatic dish.

Amla Hair Oil: A nourishing hair treatment. Infuse alma powder in coconut oil and apply to promote hair growth and scalp health.

Amla Sherbet: A cooling summer beverage. Mix alma juice with water, sugar, and a dash of roasted cumin powder for a refreshing drink.

Amla Murabba: A traditional preserve. Cook alma in a sugar syrup infused with saffron and cardamom until translucent. Enjoy as a dessert or digestive.

Amla Raita: A creamy yogurt-based side dish. Mix grated alma with yogurt, roasted cumin powder, and salt for a refreshing accompaniment to spicy meals.

Amla Face Mask: A rejuvenating skincare remedy. Combine alma powder with honey and yogurt to create a nourishing face mask that revitalizes the skin.

Explore these recipes and embrace the myriad ways alma can enrich your culinary repertoire while offering a plethora of health benefits. Happy cooking! ??


The term “alma” primarily refers to the Indian gooseberry, but within this broad category, there are several varieties that offer unique characteristics in terms of flavor, size, and texture. Here are some notable varieties of alma:

Banarasi Alma: Known for its slightly sweet taste, this variety is often used in making pickles and preserves due to its unique flavor profile. Chakaiya Alma: Originating from the Chakaiya region of Bihar, this variety is prized for its high vitamin C content and is commonly used in Ayurvedic preparations. Dehradun Alma: Cultivated in the foothills of the Himalayas, this variety is favored for its large size and balanced flavor, making it suitable for various culinary applications. NA-7 Alma: A hybrid variety developed through agricultural research, NA-7 is known for its disease resistance and high yield, making it popular among farmers. Kanchan Alma: Recognized for its early fruiting and high productivity, this variety is widely cultivated in various regions of India and is favored for its tart flavor. Nurpur Alma: Native to the Nurpur region in Himachal Pradesh, this variety is characterized by its crisp texture and is often consumed fresh or used in desserts. Pratapgarh Alma: Cultivated in the Pratapgarh district of Uttar Pradesh, this variety is renowned for its rich flavor and is a preferred choice for making candies and syrups.

Each variety of alma brings its own unique set of attributes to the table, whether it’s the flavor, nutritional content, or adaptability to different climates. By exploring these varieties, you can discover new dimensions of this superfood and appreciate the diversity it offers.

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Nutritional and Health Benefits

Nutritional Benefits

Alma, also known as the Indian gooseberry, is renowned for its rich nutritional profile, making it a prized superfood in various traditional and modern wellness practices. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutrients found in alma:

Vitamin C: Alma is exceptionally high in vitamin C, containing up to 20 times more vitamin C than an orange by weight. This potent antioxidant plays a crucial role in boosting the immune system, promoting skin health, and enhancing iron absorption. Antioxidants: Apart from vitamin C, alma contains a diverse range of antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols, which help combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage. Minerals: Alma is a good source of essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron, which are vital for bone health, energy production, and hemoglobin synthesis, respectively. Fiber: Alma is rich in dietary fiber, promoting digestive health by aiding in bowel regularity and supporting a healthy gut microbiome. Vitamin A: Alma contains beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which is essential for vision, immune function, and skin health. B Vitamins: Alma provides a range of B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B3 (niacin), which play key roles in energy metabolism and nervous system function. Essential Fatty Acids: Alma contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in balanced proportions, supporting cardiovascular health and cognitive function. Tannins: Alma contains tannins, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, contributing to overall wellness.

Incorporating alma into your diet can offer a comprehensive array of nutrients that contribute to overall health and well-being. Whether consumed fresh, dried, or in various culinary preparations, alma stands as a testament to nature’s profound capacity to nurture and heal.

Overall, this is a versatile and powerful natural remedy that can provide a wide range of health benefits. Whether consumed fresh, dried, powdered, or as a supplement, it can be a valuable addition to a healthy and balanced lifestyle. However, it’s important to note that this should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment, and you should always consult with your healthcare provider before using this or any other natural remedy for medicinal purposes.

Health Benefits

Alma, or the Indian gooseberry, is revered in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its multifaceted medicinal qualities. Here’s a list highlighting some of the key therapeutic properties and health benefits associated with alma:

Antioxidant Rich: Alma is a powerhouse of antioxidants, including vitamin C, flavonoids, and polyphenols, which combat free radicals and oxidative stress, thereby promoting cellular health and longevity. Immune Boosting: The high vitamin C content in alma strengthens the immune system, aiding in the prevention and management of various infections and illnesses. Digestive Aid: Alma supports digestive health by enhancing metabolism, improving nutrient absorption, and regulating bowel movements due to its fiber content and digestive enzymes. Liver Tonic: Alma acts as a liver tonic, promoting detoxification, enhancing liver function, and supporting the elimination of toxins from the body. Cardiovascular Support: Alma supports heart health by regulating cholesterol levels, improving circulation, and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Anti-inflammatory: Alma possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate inflammation, reduce swelling, and mitigate symptoms of inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Neuroprotective: The antioxidants and essential fatty acids in alma have neuroprotective effects, supporting cognitive function, and potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Anti-diabetic: Alma may help regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce complications associated with diabetes. Skin Health: Alma promotes skin health by combating oxidative damage, supporting collagen production, and enhancing skin elasticity, contributing to a youthful complexion. Hair Care: Alma nourishes the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and promotes hair growth, making it a popular ingredient in hair care formulations. Adaptogenic Properties: Alma exhibits adaptogenic properties, helping the body adapt to stress, balance hormonal levels, and enhance overall resilience. Anti-cancer Potential: Preliminary studies suggest that alma may possess anti-cancer properties, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and promoting apoptosis (programmed cell death). Respiratory Health: Alma supports respiratory health by reducing inflammation in the airways, promoting lung function, and offering relief from respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Antibacterial & Antiviral: Alma exhibits antibacterial and antiviral properties, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and viruses, thereby aiding in the prevention and treatment of infections. Anti-aging: The antioxidants in alma help combat premature aging by protecting the skin from environmental damage, reducing wrinkles, and promoting a radiant complexion. Bone Health: Alma contributes to bone health by enhancing calcium absorption, supporting bone density, and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Mental Clarity: Alma is believed to enhance mental clarity, concentration, and memory by nourishing the brain, supporting neurotransmitter balance, and protecting against cognitive decline. Hormonal Balance: Alma may help balance hormones by regulating endocrine function, supporting menstrual health, and alleviating symptoms of hormonal imbalances like PMS and menopause. Detoxification: Alma aids in detoxification by supporting liver and kidney function, promoting the elimination of toxins, and rejuvenating the body’s natural detox pathways. Anti-allergic: Alma exhibits anti-allergic properties, reducing allergic reactions, alleviating symptoms of allergies, and supporting immune modulation. Wound Healing: The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of alma promote wound healing, reduce infection risk, and support tissue regeneration. Gastrointestinal Health: Alma supports gastrointestinal health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, reducing inflammation, and supporting the integrity of the gastrointestinal lining. Vision Health: Alma supports vision health by protecting against oxidative damage, reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration, and promoting overall eye health. Energy Boosting: Alma provides a natural energy boost by enhancing metabolism, supporting adrenal function, and increasing vitality and stamina.

By incorporating alma into your wellness routine, whether through dietary consumption, herbal formulations, or topical applications, you can harness its potent medicinal qualities to enhance health, vitality, and overall well-being. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized medical advice and treatment recommendations.

Overall, this is a versatile and powerful natural remedy that can provide a wide range of health benefits. Whether consumed fresh, dried, powdered, or as a supplement, it can be a valuable addition to a healthy and balanced lifestyle. However, it’s important to note that this should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment, and you should always consult with your healthcare provider before using this or any other natural remedy for medicinal purposes.

Nutritional Breakdown

While the exact nutritional content can vary slightly depending on factors such as cultivation methods and maturity of the fruit, here’s a general nutritional breakdown of alma (Indian gooseberry) per 100 grams of fresh fruit:

Calories: Approximately 44 kcal Protein: Around 0.9 grams Fat: Approximately 0.6 grams Carbohydrates: Roughly 10 grams Dietary Fiber: Around 4.3 grams Sugars: Approximately 4.3 grams Vitamin C: A staggering 600-1800 milligrams (This varies widely and is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C) Vitamin A: Around 290 IU Vitamin B Complex: Thiamine (B1): Approximately 0.03 mg Riboflavin (B2): Around 0.04 mg Niacin (B3): Approximately 0.3 mg Minerals: Calcium: Around 25 mg Phosphorus: Approximately 27 mg Iron: Roughly 0.3 mg Potassium: Around 198 mg Magnesium: Approximately 10 mg Zinc: Roughly 0.1 mg Copper: Around 0.07 mg Antioxidants: High levels of flavonoids and polyphenols Essential Fatty Acids: Balanced levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

This nutritional profile underscores why alma is considered a superfood, offering a remarkable concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Incorporating alma into your diet can provide a significant boost to your nutritional intake, supporting various aspects of health from immune function to digestive well-being.

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Peak Season, How to Pick, and How to Store

Peak Season

Alma, or the Indian gooseberry, typically has a seasonal availability that varies depending on the specific region and climate. In India, where alma is predominantly cultivated, the harvest season generally aligns with the following periods:

Winter-Spring Season: The primary harvesting season for alma in India is typically between December and April, spanning the winter and early spring months. During this time, the fruit ripens on the trees and is ready for harvest. Late Summer-Early Autumn: In some regions, there may be a secondary harvest of alma between August and October, coinciding with the late summer and early autumn months. This harvest may be less abundant compared to the primary season.

It’s essential to note that the exact timing of the alma season can vary based on factors such as local climate conditions, specific cultivars, and agricultural practices. Additionally, as alma gains popularity globally, it may be available in various forms, including dried, powdered, or preserved, throughout the year in specialty stores and online platforms.

To enjoy the freshest and most flavorful alma, it’s advisable to seek out locally sourced varieties during their peak season and explore different preparations, from fresh juices to pickles and preserves, to savor the unique qualities of this superfood.

How to Select

Selecting fresh and high-quality alma, or Indian gooseberries, ensures that you can fully enjoy their unique flavor and nutritional benefits. Here’s a guide to help you choose the best alma:

Color and Texture: Opt for alma that have a vibrant green color and a smooth, firm texture. Avoid fruits that appear dull, discolored, or have blemishes, as they may be past their prime. Size and Weight: Look for alma that are plump and heavy for their size, indicating that they are juicy and well-hydrated. Larger fruits are generally mature and may have a more developed flavor. Firmness: Gently squeeze the alma to assess their firmness. They should yield slightly to pressure but still feel firm and resilient, indicating that they are ripe yet not overly soft or mushy. Smell: A ripe alma will have a fragrant aroma, with a sweet and tangy scent. Avoid fruits that lack aroma or have an off-putting smell, as they may be overripe or spoiled. Stem and Leaves: If purchasing alma with their stems attached, ensure that the stems are green and fresh-looking. The presence of green leaves is also a positive sign, indicating freshness. Seasonal Availability: Purchase alma during their peak season, which is generally between December and April in India, to enjoy the freshest and most flavorful fruits. Source: Whenever possible, choose locally sourced or organic alma to support sustainable farming practices and ensure a higher quality product.

By following these guidelines, you can select premium alma that are ripe, flavorful, and packed with nutrients, whether you’re planning to consume them fresh, incorporate them into culinary dishes, or use them in traditional remedies. Enjoy the natural goodness of this superfood!

How To Store

Proper storage is crucial to maintain the freshness, flavor, and nutritional integrity of alma, or Indian gooseberries. Here’s a guide on how to store alma effectively:

Fresh Alma:

Refrigeration: Store fresh, uncut alma in the refrigerator to extend their shelf life. Place them in a perforated plastic bag or an airtight container to maintain moisture levels and prevent them from drying out. Avoid Moisture: Ensure that the refrigerator is not overly humid, as excess moisture can cause the alma to spoil more quickly. Temperature: Keep the refrigerator temperature between 40°F (4°C) and 45°F (7°C) to maintain optimal freshness.

Cut or Sliced Alma:

Airtight Container: If you’ve sliced or cut the alma, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Use them within a few days to ensure freshness and flavor.

Preserved Alma:

Sealed Containers: If you’ve prepared pickled, candied, or dried alma, store them in sealed containers or jars in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Properly sealed containers will help preserve the alma for an extended period.

Frozen Alma:

Freezer Bags: For long-term storage, you can freeze alma by placing them in freezer-safe bags or containers. Remove as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn. Preparation: If you plan to use frozen alma in cooking or smoothies, consider slicing or chopping them before freezing for convenience.

Avoid Exposure: Protect alma from exposure to strong odors in the refrigerator or freezer, as they can absorb unwanted flavors.

Check for Spoilage: Regularly inspect stored alma for signs of spoilage, such as mold, discoloration, or off-putting odor, and discard any that appear compromised.

By following these storage guidelines, you can prolong the shelf life of alma and enjoy their nutritional benefits in various culinary preparations, from fresh juices and salads to pickles and preserves. Always remember to use alma within their optimal storage period for the best flavor and quality.


History and Fun Facts


The history of alma, also known as the Indian gooseberry, is deeply rooted in ancient traditions, cultural practices, and medicinal applications that span millennia. Here’s an overview of the historical significance and evolution of alma:

Ancient Ayurvedic Texts: Alma holds a revered place in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. It is prominently mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts, such as the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, where it is lauded for its therapeutic properties and health benefits. Cultural Significance: Alma has been an integral part of Indian culture and traditions for centuries. It is associated with various religious ceremonies, rituals, and festivals, symbolizing fertility, prosperity, and well-being. Traditional Uses: Historically, alma was consumed fresh, preserved, or in various culinary preparations to enhance flavor, prolong shelf life, and harness its medicinal properties. It was also used in herbal formulations, tonics, and remedies to treat a wide range of ailments. Trade and Commerce: Alma played a significant role in ancient trade and commerce, with references to its cultivation, harvest, and export in historical records and accounts. It was valued for its nutritional content, medicinal value, and versatile applications. Global Recognition: Over time, the unique qualities of alma gained recognition beyond India, leading to its cultivation and utilization in various countries and regions, particularly in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. Modern Research: In recent decades, alma has garnered global attention for its potent antioxidant properties, high vitamin C content, and diverse health benefits, leading to extensive research, scientific studies, and commercial applications in the fields of nutrition, wellness, and pharmaceuticals. Culinary Evolution: Alma has been adapted into diverse culinary traditions, from savory dishes and pickles to sweets and beverages, reflecting its versatility and appeal across cultures. Sustainable Cultivation: The cultivation of alma has evolved over time, with traditional farming practices giving way to modern agricultural techniques, sustainable farming initiatives, and organic cultivation methods to meet growing demand while preserving the natural ecosystem.

The rich history of alma is a testament to its enduring relevance, cultural significance, and profound impact on health and wellness. As a superfood deeply ingrained in ancient traditions and modern lifestyles alike, alma continues to captivate hearts and minds, bridging the timeless wisdom of the past with the dynamic possibilities of the future.

Fun Facts
High Vitamin C Content: Alma is renowned for its exceptionally high vitamin C content, containing up to 20 times more vitamin C than an orange by weight, making it a powerhouse of antioxidants. Ayurvedic Elixir: In Ayurveda, alma is referred to as “Dhatriphala,” meaning “Mother Earth’s Fruit,” highlighting its revered status as a nourishing and rejuvenating superfood. Versatile Culinary Uses: Alma is not only consumed fresh but also used in various culinary preparations, from pickles and preserves to candies and beverages, showcasing its versatility in gastronomy. Festival Significance: Alma holds cultural significance in Indian festivals like Makar Sankranti, where special dishes and offerings are prepared using alma to celebrate the harvest season and mark the transition of the sun into the Capricorn zodiac sign. Historical Trade: Alma has a rich history in trade and commerce, with ancient trade routes and maritime voyages transporting this prized fruit across continents, contributing to its global recognition and popularity. Symbol of Prosperity: In Indian folklore and traditions, alma is considered a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and well-being, often included in auspicious ceremonies and rituals to bestow blessings and good fortune. Eco-Friendly Packaging: The natural astringent properties of alma have been explored for eco-friendly packaging solutions, with research underway to develop biodegradable films and coatings derived from alma extracts. Modern Wellness Trends: Alma has found its way into modern wellness trends, with the global wellness community embracing its nutritional benefits, adaptogenic properties, and holistic healing potential in various health and wellness practices. Sustainable Farming: Alma cultivation promotes sustainable farming practices, as the trees are resilient, drought-resistant, and thrive in diverse agro-climatic conditions, contributing to environmental conservation and agricultural sustainability. Cultural Heritage: Alma is an integral part of India’s cultural heritage, culinary traditions, and medicinal practices, reflecting the deep-rooted connection between nature, nutrition, and holistic well-being in Indian civilization.

These fun facts illuminate the multifaceted nature of alma, from its rich cultural heritage and historical significance to its modern applications and global appeal, celebrating its enduring legacy as a superfood that transcends time and borders.


Around The World

Superfood in Italy

In Italy, while alma (Indian gooseberry) may not be as widely recognized as in its native regions, it has gained attention among health enthusiasts, culinary enthusiasts, and wellness practitioners who appreciate its unique nutritional profile and versatile applications. Here’s an overview of alma’s presence and significance in Italy:

Health and Wellness: Alma’s rich vitamin C content and antioxidant properties have resonated with Italians interested in natural health remedies, dietary supplements, and wellness practices, leading to its inclusion in various health products and formulations. Culinary Exploration: Italian chefs and food enthusiasts have begun exploring the culinary potential of alma, incorporating it into innovative recipes, gourmet dishes, and artisanal products, showcasing its versatility and exotic appeal. Superfood Spotlight: Alma has garnered attention as a superfood in Italy, featured in health blogs, culinary magazines, and wellness platforms that highlight its nutritional benefits, therapeutic properties, and culinary uses. Cultural Exchange: With the growing interest in global cuisines and ingredients, alma has become a symbol of cultural exchange, bridging the culinary traditions of India and Italy through creative fusion dishes, collaborative events, and culinary workshops. Holistic Wellness: Alma’s presence extends to the holistic wellness sector in Italy, where it is incorporated into wellness retreats, yoga practices, Ayurvedic therapies, and spa treatments, reflecting its holistic approach to health and well-being. Retail Availability: Alma is available in select health food stores, specialty markets, online platforms, and gourmet shops in Italy, catering to a niche market of discerning consumers seeking unique, high-quality superfoods. Educational Outreach: Awareness and education initiatives have been initiated to introduce alma to Italian consumers, highlighting its history, cultural significance, and nutritional advantages through seminars, workshops, and informational resources.

While alma’s presence in Italy may be more niche compared to other regions, its growing popularity among health-conscious consumers, culinary enthusiasts, and wellness practitioners underscores its universal appeal and potential to enrich Italy’s vibrant culinary landscape and wellness culture.

Superfood in Poland

In Poland, alma, or the Indian gooseberry, is gradually gaining recognition and appreciation among health-conscious individuals, culinary enthusiasts, and wellness advocates. Here’s an overview of alma’s emergence and significance in Poland:

Health and Nutrition: Alma’s high vitamin C content, antioxidant properties, and diverse range of nutrients have resonated with Polish consumers interested in natural health remedies, dietary supplements, and functional foods, leading to its inclusion in various health products and wellness regimens. Culinary Innovation: Polish chefs and culinary enthusiasts are exploring the culinary potential of alma, incorporating it into innovative recipes, gourmet dishes, and artisanal products, reflecting a growing interest in global cuisines and exotic ingredients. Superfood Status: Alma has been recognized as a superfood in Poland, featured in health blogs, nutritional guides, and wellness publications that emphasize its health benefits, therapeutic properties, and culinary versatility. Cultural Curiosity: Alma serves as a symbol of cultural curiosity and exploration, sparking interest in Indian cuisine, Ayurvedic traditions, and global culinary trends through educational workshops, culinary events, and gastronomic experiences. Holistic Wellness: Alma’s presence extends to the holistic wellness sector in Poland, where it is embraced in wellness retreats, spa treatments, Ayurvedic therapies, and yoga practices, reflecting its holistic approach to health, well-being, and lifestyle. Retail Availability: Alma is available in select health food stores, specialty markets, online platforms, and gourmet shops in Poland, catering to a discerning audience seeking unique, high-quality superfoods and wellness products. Educational Initiatives: Efforts are underway to raise awareness and educate Polish consumers about alma, highlighting its cultural significance, nutritional advantages, and diverse applications through seminars, informational sessions, and educational resources.

In summary, alma’s presence in Poland is characterized by a growing awareness and appreciation of its nutritional benefits, culinary versatility, and cultural significance, reflecting its potential to enrich Poland’s culinary landscape, health and wellness culture, and global culinary connections.


What did the alma say to the orange?

“You’re peeling me away with your zestiness!”

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.” – Alice Walker

The Best Bake Peach Galette
Are you ready for a tantalizing summer treat that will transport your taste buds to a world of sweetness? Our Peach Galette with is about to take center stage, and you won't want to miss a single bite. Picture succulent slices of ripe peaches nestled in a flaky, golden crust, baked to perfection. This classic dessert will have you craving the sunny flavors of the season with every mouthful. Get ready to embark on a culinary journey that combines the charm of a rustic galette with the irresistible allure of juicy peaches.
Check out this recipe
Peach Galette
The post Alma appeared first on The Best Bake.

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