How To Protect Your Baby From Diseases

one year ago 76

Taking care of your new born's health is a huge task considering the fact that we are always surrounded by disease causing organisms .Babies are always surrounded by our friends and family and these people come bearing germs and...

Taking care of your new born's health is a huge task considering the fact that we are always surrounded by disease causing organisms .Babies are always surrounded by our friends and family and these people come bearing germs and bacteria,if care is not taken we expose them to the risk of infection.

Our babies are not as strong as adults so they need extra care to ensure that they stay in the best of their health .Doing this does not take rocket scientists intelligence,it just needs a little bit of the right baby care information.I will show you in this post how to make sure your baby stays healthy.

As always please bear in mind that although the information herein is sourced from professional medical practitioners,it is not not advisable to use this article to replace your doctor's orders and recommendations.

If you want more professional advice I would encourage you to check out a goldmine of baby care information on a website called feedspot .They have actually put together all the top baby care websites and blogs including The Perfect Mom in one free package .Be sure to check out  Top 70 baby care websites not to miss .

Now lets dive into the ways to keep your baby healthy;

1. Breastfeeding

My number one recommendation
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Breastfeeding is my number one recommendation hence it comes top in this list .There are so many benefits of breastfeeding but I will simply touch on the health side of it.
Breastfeesing ensures that your baby is over 80 percent safe from constipation.Mother's milk is the right food for babies especially those under six months as can be easily digested and thus avoiding constipation.
Your baby also has a great supply of antibodies that help in fighting off diseases and infections .This will eventually lead to the build up of stronger immune system.Studies show that most babies that are breastfed for at least six months do not suffer from from diseases such as asthma,flu,cancer and other common recurring winter diseases.
It is always advisable that you breastfeed your newborn for at least up to one year if you can .

2. Exercise good hygine around babies

Hand washing before holding baby is important
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As mentioned before ,our environment carries a lot of invisible disease causing organisms bit by maintaining a clean house,we can ensure that our babies are safe .
Make sure that all the things that you use everday in taking care of your baby are clean,clothes must be changed more than once a day .Always keep baby wipes at hand when changing nappies and make sure baby's bottom is clean before putting on a fresh nappy.
When it comes to food ,I advise that you prepare only what you want to use as improper storage of leftovers can cause problems.Make sure all meals are properly cooked to kill all germs.
One of the most important aspects on this point is hand washing.Before handling a baby,mske sure your hands are clean and do the same for your guests as well.If you are traveling ,make sure you carry sanitizers,anyone who insists on touching the baby must sanitize their hands .Sanitizers are your best friend,these little ones are fragile.

3. The Sick Should not Handle the Baby

The sick should stay away from baby
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If there are any sick people in your house they should at least for the duration of their illness.It may be hard to stop people from touching your baby but remember that you are doing it for your baby .You should not allow your baby to suffer with everyone that has their flu or fever.
Caregivers should also consider taking sick leave whenever they are not feeling well so as to avoid exposing the little ones to diseases .If you are the nice one and can not tell people to give baby some space the best way is to just blame it on the doctor,I mean everyone respects doctor's orders right?

4. Keep your baby at the right temperature 

Keep baby warm to avoid colds and flu
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One of the most important things to do to keep your baby in the best of their health is to always keep them at the right temperature.Always ensure that the little one is never feeling too hot or too cold .

It is important to check for things like sweating and shivering ,these signs will tell you to adjust accordingly.keeping the right temperature will avoid fevers,flu and colds .

5.Never miss any vaccine schedule

Never skip a vaccination appointment 
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As opposed to some beliefs that vaccines are a thing of the past ,it is still very important to vaccine your baby so that they develop a stronger immune and resistance to most of the worst diseases .Vaccines are not outdated at all infact they will protect your baby in the long run and builds  stronger beings..
Some studies show that babies that are vaccinated tend to escape those common winter diseases and are at a lower risk of asthma ,cancer ,etc it is important to never miss that vaccine appointment.

6.  Always keep a medicine box

Always have some meds on standby
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I put this one at the very bottom of the list so that it will stick in your head forever.A wise mother is always prepared for any kind of emergency and what better way to that than keepimg some medical supplies ready at home .You always have some meds ready to give to your baby to control some symptoms that you might be worried about

Here is a brief list of medical items every mother needs ;

Baby thermometer Non-aspirin pain relivers Syrnge to administer meds  Gripe water Rehydration fluids for when baby has stomach problems Nasal drops to clear baby nose


It is very important to keep your baby healthy at all times and to do that you have to be careful about everything that happens around your is important to know that mistakes happen and when they do it is of no use to beat yourself .When you do not understand anything call your doctor immediately.

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