Q: Why did you do a boudoir session? A: A gift for my husband and it ended up being a gift for myself too!Q: What was your favorite part of the session?A: Gaining more confidence with each photo.Q: What...
Q: Why did you do a boudoir session?
A: A gift for my husband and it ended up being a gift for myself too!
Q: What was your favorite part of the session?
A: Gaining more confidence with each photo.
Q: What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your story.
A: I've always felt insecure about my body, especially after having 3 kids. I knew we planned on having just one more baby (crazy I know, lol) so I figured no better time after losing all my previous baby weight breastfeeding. The confidence that I gained is immeasurable. Thank you!
Q: Was your experience what you were expecting? If not, how was it different?
A: Better than expected!
Q: What was the best part of your experience? Would you change anything?
A: I wouldn't change a thing!
Q: What changes in yourself have you noticed since your session?
A: Feeling secure and sexy in my skin.