Miss C’s Hype Girl Boudoir Experience

10 months ago 37

You know those people who you just vibe with? Those whose energy matches yours, and talking for the first time feels like you’ve actually been friends for years? That’s what chatting with Miss C was like the very first...

You know those people who you just vibe with? Those whose energy matches yours, and talking for the first time feels like you’ve actually been friends for years? That’s what chatting with Miss C was like the very first time, and now after her MANY sessions, I am so happy to call her a friend!

She is such a fun and genuinely wonderful person to be around, and we are so excited that she just booked her SIXTH boudoir session with us during our Black Friday Pre-Sale! She has done 3 sessions so far, has a couples session coming up next month, and 2 more future sessions that we’re going to start planning soon!

Read on to learn more about this beautiful woman, her experience with Hype Girl, and check out some exclusive photos from her past 3 sessions.

What made you decide to do a boudoir session?

“Ever since I heard about Boudoir Photography after I graduated from college, it was something that wanted to do but no matter how strong my desire was I never had the courage to look into it or even tell anyone that I wanted to do a session. I had zero (more like negative) self-confidence, My whole life my parents, especially my mom, made me feel ashamed of my body, even though I did not have a problem with my weight. I got married my senior year of college to the guy I had been dating since the second week of my freshman year. It turned out that I was so in love with the idea of being married that I didn't see how incompatible we were as husband and wife. He came a from an extremely conservative, religious family who thought shorts above the knee and tank tops showed too much of your body. So of course I never brought up the idea of having someone taking pictures of me in lingerie. During those ten long years of marriage, I hit rock bottom. In my mid-twenties I was diagnosed with a medical condition and gained a lot of weight due to all the medications I was had to start taking. The pounds kept coming, no matter how much I worked out or how healthy I ate, and the number on the scale kept going up which completely destroyed any sort of self-worth that I had left.

When I met my now husband of almost 13 years, he loves my boobs, booty, hips and legs. He was always (and still does) telling me that I am beautiful and sexy just how I am. No matter how hard I wanted to feel beautiful I couldn't. I just kept wanting to be "that girl". You know the one who walks by with her head held high, oozes confidence because she knows that she strong, sexy and beautiful and as she walks by you can not mistake her confidence as arrogance. She's not 5'10", 115 pounds but she is beautiful, loves who she is, embraces her curves and isn't ashamed to wear something that shows them off. That is the girl that I always wanted to be. Not the 5'10" 115 pound girl on the cover of Vogue magazine but the one that looks like me and knows she is a beautiful, sexy badass. 

During the COVID lock down, I had a lot of time to think and reflect upon not only who I had become but how I had gotten to this point in my life. I realized that I had lived my life basing my choices and decisions upon what other people would think or say about me, including my mom. Inside I was still that 12 year old girl who never fit in and no matter how well I did in school I never heard my parents say they were proud of me. They never encouraged me to follow my dreams and that if I kept doing my best, pushing forward then I would break barriers and could be whatever I wanted to be when I grew up. So after a lot of soul-searching and self-reflection, I realized that I did not want to me "that woman" who looks back on her life when she is old and gray wishing that she had done that boudoir photoshoot, gotten that tattoo she always wanted, never had the courage to wear those sexy outfits that she actually bought but never went out it in. I did not want to be "that woman" who looks back at her life wishing she had given the world her middle finger and decided to live her life on her terms, not making decisions based upon what others may say or think.

So long, story short, I chose to do a Boudoir Photography session because I do not want to just live life but I want to leave a legacy in hopes that one day, my story will inspire someone else to make the decision to live life on her own terms.”

What made you decide to hire me as your photographer?

“When I started looking into Boudoir Photography, I read a lot of articles about what to look for in a photographer, how to make sure you find someone you feel comfortable with and everything else that people post on the internet as if they were an expert on the subject matter. I looked at a lot of photographers in the Northeast and Central Florida area but the one site I kept coming back to was Hype Girl Boudoir. The other sites I looked at felt like I was looking at pictures from fashion magazines - beautiful, flawless skin, "perfect" bodies but none of them spoke to me or invoked any sort of emotion. I have always considered photography a form of art and to me art should invoke some sort of emotion or leave you wanting more. It should draw you in and make you wonder what was going on at that specific moment that was caught on film. All the other photographer's work were not my definition of art.

Anyone can pose someone and take a picture that is flattering to how someone looks but not everyone can take a picture of a woman the way Tiffany Joyce does. They say 'the eyes are the window to the soul' except that Tiffany's gift is that her camera is also a window to the soul of the woman she is photographing. Not only was her gallery a work of art, I saw girls that looked like me and were just as beautiful, feminine, sexy as all the other women. There were photos of ladies with tattoos, different colored hair (I mean colors that we aren't born with, like my purple highlights), ladies of all shapes and sizes but what stood out to me the most was that no two pictures invoked the same emotion. There were similar poses and backgrounds but they all were so unique and left you wondering what made her laugh, what is she looking at through the window, who or what is she thinking about in that moment while her eyes are closed.

Since this was huge step outside of my comfort zone, I reached out and asked if I could meet with Tiffany J before I booked a session. Wearing lingerie in front of a complete stranger, or in front of anyone other than my husband for that matter, was a big deal and I wanted to be sure that I felt comfortable with her. Within 5 minutes of our first meeting I felt like I had known her for years. I felt so comfortable sharing my life's journey and what gave me the courage to reach out that I knew she was the one. Then on the coffee table she had a coaster that said 'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone' and I knew this was meant to be. I had lived my entire life smack dab in the middle of my comfort zone so seeing this gave me confirmation that this was where I needed to be at that very moment. I was even so inspired by the saying that I had it tattooed on my leg as a daily reminder to keep walking further and further away from that box I had lived my life in.”

How did you feel about the consultation?

“Well after I had a my 'meet and greet' with Tiffany, I was so excited that I started buying lingerie that very same week. So by the time I had my consultation, I already had my outfits chosen! The consultation was great because she explained how the day would go, explained what to expect during the photoshoot, explained that it was up to me how much I wanted or didn't want to show and that she would not ask me to do something that I was not comfortable doing. For me, knowing exactly what to expect (especially when it is something I have never done before) helps me to prepare myself so I do not get anxious or nervous. She asked what parts of my body I felt most comfortable with and what part I felt the least comfortable about. We also talked about my outfits since I had brought them with me.”

How were you feeling the week leading up to your session?

“It was the longest week ever! I had a countdown on my calendar of how many days before my session. By the time it came to my session, I was so excited and surprisingly enough I was not nervous or anxious. Of course there was this little voice in the back of my mind that was saying what if the pictures look like what I see in the mirror but I kept telling myself to trust Tiffany and everything would be perfect.”

Now that you've had your own photo shoot, how was it?

“The first thing that came to my mind was why had I waited so long to do this! I not only had so much fun with Tiffany but I now see myself differently when I look in the mirror. I have a new confidence that I have become "that girl" who is a strong, sexy, beautiful badass. I told my coworkers about it, my girlfriends and said that you HAVE to do a boudoir photoshoot.”

How did you feel about having your hair and makeup done?

“It was so much fun. I couldn't think of a better way to start the day than having your hair and makeup done by professionals. They asked how I wanted my make up to look and how I normally do my hair. When they turned me around to face the mirror I was so impressed. My makeup was flawless and my hair was perfect. I felt so pretty which helped me to feel more ready for the pictures.”

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