Boudoir is for the insecure.

10 months ago 38

Boudoir is for the insecure. It helped me see that I have value. I am worthy of love, I am worthy of being celebrated. I am worthy of eating the food that makes me happy. Even if that means...

Boudoir is for the insecure

Never in a million years did I see myself doing something like boudoir. But let me tell you this, boudoir has done amazing things for me. Healed me in ways I never thought possible. I’ve been given an opportunity that one person could only begin to dream of. So many people have told me that they did not know if they could do what I do. They don’t know if they are brave enough to pose in front of a camera like that.

What they don’t know, is everything that they could gain from taking a leap of faith and just deciding to do it.

As I’ve gone through my journey as a Brand Ambassador for Zealous Stills, I’ve come to some realizations and thought I might share them with the rest of the world. It only seems fitting for me to do so.

I am enough. Boudoir helped me realize that I am enough.

In everything that I do.
Through the community.
Through my friends.

It pulled something out of me that I cannot even begin to explain.
I find myself not needing an explanation either.
I am enough as I am.
I don’t need to be anything in particular to be accepted in society. There are no stipulations placed upon me by anyone or anything.


Boudoir helped me see that I have value. I am worthy of love, I am worthy of being celebrated. I am worthy of eating the food that makes me happy. Even if that means it’s not the “best” food for me. When looking through my photos I don’t feel like I’m viewing myself. I feel like I’m viewing a princess worthy of everything good in this life.

I am safe.

And at that, I am a safe space for anyone to come to when they need it. But I am safe in myself. I can rely on me to stay that way. Something I have always struggled feeling. Boudoir helped me see this by opening up my heart space. It also brought me people who needed to be heard. And I’m so damn proud to say that I don’t need anyone to do that for me anymore.

I am free.

Free from the judgement of others.

What they think or say about me or what I’m doing, especially with boudoir, is absolutely none of my business.

I am free to be exactly who I am. Unapologetically me, if you will.

I am free to take up space in this world. No one can tell me that I can’t.

Boudoir has helped me relieve the stress of someone else’s opinion by giving me the strength to see the beauty in myself. An untouchable force that is new in my life. I am grateful. I’m so incredibly honored and blessed to have been chosen to be a Brand Ambassador for Zealous Stills. I’m grateful every single day that I was picked to share how powerful Boudoir can be. I’m grateful for the friends that I have made through Boudoir. And I’m so grateful to have a platform to share the strength that I have found in myself through the Boudoir community.

I can rely on myself for that strength, but there is so much comfort in women supporting women. I decided to set my insecurities aside, and take the leap of faith into modeling for Zealous Stills because I needed a change. I needed to see me differently. Modeling for Zealous Stills is so much more than just modeling. Its finding me again. It’s falling in love with who I am or have been. It’s getting up at the ass crack of dawn to make some really amazing art for the entire world to see. It’s hard work. It can be exhausting. But it’s also exhilarating.

Anyway, all this to say that Boudoir is for the insecure.

It’s for everyone. But it’s especially for the insecure. You don’t know the power you hold until you let go and set yourself free.

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