Meet the Lovely in Lace Ladies!

10 months ago 32

Let’s meet the women behind Lovely in Lace! You’ve seen or heard all of our names, now it’s time to learn a little more about us! Let’s start with our amazing owner and lead photographer, Sivan! Tell us a...

Let’s meet the women behind Lovely in Lace! You’ve seen or heard all of our names, now it’s time to learn a little more about us!

Let’s start with our amazing owner and lead photographer, Sivan!

Tell us a bit about you! What makes you happy? What do you love to do in your spare time?

What brings me the most joy in life is seeing my kids playing together, laughing, and having fun! Their laughter is contagious, and it brings me the most joy! My spare time...let's be honest...momma of two young kiddos, spare time doesn't quite exist in my life at this moment, but that's okay! I am soaking it all in, and accepting the regular stress and anxiety that goes hand in hand with being a mom! But what helps me wind down is my "guilty pleasure" of watching Friends. My kiddo teases me "are you watching Friends again???" I also really do love spending time outside just breathing in the fresh air!

If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

Oh girl...we all know I could talk anyone's ears off about boudoir photography and how it is SO much more than taking pretty photos. I actually have taught a workshop about boudoir, and I loved it! It's fun to be able to share what I've learned, and help other photographers help their own clients. We're all in this together, and what we do as boudoir photographers is so incredibly important. Helping women tap into their sensual sides and re-connecting with themselves is something we do not take lightly, and I love teaching others how to accomplish this!

What's something you know you do differently than most people?

I don't know about "most people," but I do know that I am a major empath. Heck...I feel bad for tiny critters that get stuck in our house, and do my best to free them back to their families! Being such an empath has really helped me with this incredible path I've chosen. I'm able to listen, respond, and help. Also, I think every woman is an absolute goddess, and I do everything in my power to help her see that!

Where do you find inspiration?

Honestly, I find inspiration in just about everyone around me. We are all constantly learning and growing, and we can all learn something from those around us. My husband inspires me to love myself the way I encourage other women to love themselves. My kids inspire me to be a patient person. My team inspires me to push further in my own education and teach them new concepts. And other photographers constantly inspire me as well! I love learning new techniques and poses so that I can carry those ideas into my studio for our wonderful clients!

What is your favorite part about boudoir photography?

Hands down, my favorite part about boudoir photography is seeing the transformation of how a woman sees herself. It has nothing to do with having a makeover, but has everything to do with her learning to trust herself. I love that when our clients walk in, they are a ball of nerves...and then just minutes into the session, their nerves settle and they start to let go of whatever is holding them back. By the end of the session, she has completely evolved her view of herself, and she finally sees what everyone around her sees; a beautiful, strong, confident woman who can do absolutely anything!

We have 2 phenomenal Associate Photographers!

Let’s meet Rae!

Tell us a bit about you! What makes you happy? What do you love to do in your spare time?

 I enjoy being outdoors, out on the water, planting, sleeping in the sun, and being with my dog. The beach is our happy place! I also really enjoy participating in and teaching aerial dance classes. That being said, I can really appreciate a sleepy-rainy day at home doing absolutely nothing with some games and movies. It's about balance.

What's your favorite TV show and/or movie? Why?

Lord of the Rings is my favorite movie series out of nostalgia, but I do love and enjoy all sorts of different movies. I'm not sure I have a favorite TV show.. I suppose it depends on the season and my mood. The only thing I don't enjoy is drama reality TV. I'm currently enjoying The Last of Us on HBO as well as The Great Pottery Throw Down.

If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

I already do! For a couple of years already, I've been lucky enough to be a part of an aerial studio teaching different apparatuses. I love being able to share that passion with others, and similarly to boudoir, I get to empower others and help them feel confident and powerful doing something that they maybe never thought they could do! 

What's something you know you do differently than most people?

Stress out waaaaay to much over minimal blog questions :D like this one. 

Where do you find inspiration?

From everywhere! I love drawing inspiration from the beauty around me, in every day things. Whether it's sea shells, wall textures, over grown greenery, or the way light shines through colored glass - all sorts of stuff! 

What is your favorite part about boudoir photography?

Let's be real ..The outfits! I love seeing clients come with all of their options and styles, even if they bring something they wouldn't normally wear, and once they are in them they get to look and feel even more amazing! Creating beautiful images (especially in the incredible Lovely in Lace studio) of and with clients is always so much fun. 

What do you love the most about our sessions and your experience with our clients?

Being able to provide a safe and supportive space for clients to celebrate themselves and embrace their own beauty and sensuality! Even if they come in nervous, they always leave having had a blast! 

What are you looking forward to the most when it comes to your own sessions with Lovely in Lace?

Developing relationships with our clients and being able to create beautiful photographs with them in such an incredible setting. Working with Sivan and the rest of the team has already been so much fun and I can't wait to continue to grow together!

And Kelsey!

Tell us a bit about you! What makes you happy? What do you love to do in your spare time?

Hi my name is Kelsey and I’m an associate photographer at LIL. I’m from Toronto, Canada and moved to Florida for love. I’m an artist who loves creating be it using photography, adding to my visual diary or creating jewelry, stained glass or designing clothes and sewing. Since moving to Florida, my husband and I have been avidly adventuring Florida, exploring the springs and coastlines.

What's your favorite TV show and/or movie?

I love old 90’s teen movies and I think my favorite would be Empire Records. Liv Tyler and Renee Zellweger are young and work at a record store and insanity, love, and typical teenage mayhem ensues. The fashion and the music is amazing.

If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

This is an excellent question! I have been thinking a lot lately about going back to school myself and doing a masters in photography… so if I were to do that I would definitely be teaching photography! I love the history and theory that is involved in photo and image based media. Would love to deep dive into that!!!

What's something you know you do differently than most people?

This is a hard question! I like to think that EVERYTHING I do is different than others. My experience is of a northerner coming to the south so maybe that’s my approach!

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration from people and experiences and looking. I love going to museums and seeing contemporary art, exploring, and talking about ideas and themes that are represented. 

What is your favorite part about boudoir photography?

I love spending an afternoon with our clients and I think my favorite part of boudoir photography would be the transformation of every woman. You can walk in here in your comfy house clothes or your work uniform… but once you get in glamour makeup and lingerie and in front of our camera lens you turn into a sexy goddess. I love seeing each and every one of you make that transformation.

What do you love the most about our sessions and your experience with our clients?

I love the collaboration between us, the photographer, and each client. Every session is different and each individual is unique. I love the empowerment and comfortability we achieve in each session. You could walk in here shaking in your boots but once you warm up and get rolling from set to set a transformation happens. It’s a wonderful to experience.

What are you looking forward to the most when it comes to your own sessions with Lovely in Lace?

We’ve been training for about 6 months now with Sivan and her team and I’m excited to bring my own energy and charm to each session. I love spending the day with each individual and learning about all the different women who come through our doors. I am just excited to continue on this ever evolving journey that is LIL.

Did you know we have an amazing woman that handles all of our social media content?! Well now you do! Here’s Lexy!

Tell us a bit about you! What makes you happy? What do you love to do in your spare time?

I grew up in Connecticut and moved here in 2020! It was one of the biggest leaps of faith I took, but I wouldn’t change to for the world. Moving has brought me wonderful people like Sivan and has helped me explore my passions! Turns out I love all this social media, the design, the marketing, I love it all. And what shocks me the most is that I wanted to be a teacher! So, this is a completely different route than expected, to say the least. In my free time I love to cook, relax at the beach and spend time with those who I love! 

What's your favorite TV show and/or movie, and why?

Hands down my favorite TV show is Friends. It’s my comfort show, you can turn on any episode or any season and literally laugh your head off. My favorite movie would have to be Bridesmaids, I love a good laugh and man this movie will have you in tears from laughing so much. I’m sure you can tell by now that I love comedy! 

If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

If I could teach something I could definitely teach a plant based cooking class! For starters, there aren’t many places that offer this as an option. As someone who had to alter my diet because of my food allergies, I wish someone would have taught me where go get started. It’s hard to be accustomed to eating a certain way and then having to alter it entirely. It can be overwhelming and scary. And I want a fun and enjoyable experience for people. Whether they are actually plant based or or just looking to improve their lifestyle. I want everyone to be able to enjoy these recipes!

What's something you know you do differently than most people?

I love to compliment random strangers. When I am out with my friends they go “here goes Lexy again.” But, you never know what kind of day someone is having. That one compliment can make their entire day turn upside down. And I started doing this because one day after a long and stressful day, I was complimented by a stranger. As any other person would do on a bad day, I went to Target. As I’m stroking through the ice cream options, a woman stops me and says I just have to tell you that your hair is beautiful. What the woman didn’t know was that I was having a terrible day and that comment genuinely made me my day. 

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration in the people I love! I’m fortunate enough to be surrounded by hardworking and determined friends/family. Everyday I wake up is a new opportunity and I’ve learned that life is too short to take that for granted. So, in times when I’m feeling unmotivated and don’t know what to do, I remember how I am supported and loved. With the love and support from my peers, I can do just about anything! 

What is your favorite part about boudoir photography?

I love how empowering it is! So many woman don’t realize their beauty and it really saddens me. But, the second they see themselves on the camera they are in utter shock. I always hear “WOW” or “That’s me?”. And although I’ve never attended a shoot in person, just know I’m cheering you all on from home. I cannot wait for you all to get the chance to book a session and finally see yourself the way you should! 

What do you love the most about our sessions and your experience with our clients?

I love seeing their excitement and anticipation leading up to their shoot. Seeing your comments on our posts truly make us happy! Since I don’t interact with you all face to face, it really is beautiful getting to know you all through the internet. I hope to one day meet you all! 

And last, but not least, our studio manager, Holly!

Tell us a bit about you! What makes you happy? What do you love to do in your spare time?

Hey, I’m Holly! I’m the studio manager at Lovely in Lace! Nothing in this world makes me happier than my son and my family! He’s my joy and my happy place. I love spending time with them in the parks, we live for Disney and Universal (fun fact, I’ve worked for both)! If I’m not in the studio or theme parks, I’m on the water. We love cruising!

What's your favorite TV show and/or movie, and why?

Harry Potter or almost anything Disney! I have tattoos for both! Harry Potter has always had a soft spot in my heart. I remember reading the books with my sister growing up, and the excitement of going to see the movies with her. We went to almost every midnight showing! Disney is in my blood. I grew up going to Disney, worked at Disney, and met my husband at Disney. My life wouldn’t be what it is today without it! The movies remind me of that!

If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

That’s easy because I’ve actually taught it before! Color guard. Yup, “flag twirling”. It gets a bad rep from movies and television shows, but it’s actually an insanely physical activity and has a massive competitive circuit. I competed throughout high school and was the head coach for a local middle school while in college.

What's something you know you do differently than most people?

I talk a lot. I also have a flare for sarcasm. My mother hates it, but she gave me the gift of gab and my father gave me the gift of wit. What can I say? The apple didn’t fall far, but it definitely fell hard!

Where do you find inspiration?

My child. He inspires me to rip my hair out some days, but mostly he inspires me to want to do more in this life. He deserves so much and I would do anything so he never has to struggle.

What is your favorite part about boudoir photography?

I love how it makes our clients feel! There’s nothing better than watching them walk out of the studio on cloud 9, feeling on top of the world after their session! It’s empowering and every woman deserves to feel that way!

What do you love the most about our sessions and your experience with our clients?

I get to be the first one to speak to our clients, that’s my favorite part! I LOVE hearing your stories and how you got to this point in your life. Each and every one of our clients is unique and I’m honored to be able to speak with them and get them booked for the boudoir session of their dreams!

Are you ready to book your session and meet them in person?

100% YES!

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