Demi Girl Photography's Recent Interview with Lover's Lane (FAQ's)

10 months ago 49

The people at Lover’s Lane reached out to Demi Girl Photography because they were interested in educating their customers about boudoir photography. Some of our most frequently asked questions regarding boudoir sessions were covered during this interview!

Recently, Demi Girl Photography had the honor of being interviewed by the company Lover’s Lane, one of the largest Midwest sellers of sensuous lingerie and romantic gifts, with a strong focus on sexual health and wellness. They have a store conveniently located just minutes away from our Chicago Demi Girl boudoir studio location, and even if they do not have any stores located near you, women everywhere can still buy beautiful lingerie and a wide variety of amazing products from Lover’s Lane online

Lover’s Lane, located at 955 W. Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL.

The people at Lover’s Lane reached out to us because they were interested in educating their customers about boudoir photography through their blog, and they asked us a lot of really great questions. In fact, we covered so much ground during this interview that we decided to share the Q&A with Lover’s Lane here on our boudoir blog, as well! You will find that some of Demi Girl’s most frequently asked questions regarding boudoir photography are answered in this interview. Enjoy!

Click here to schedule a free consultation with Demi Girl Photography

“Among couples, how popular are boudoir photos as Valentine’s Day gifts? Have you seen that popularity grow in the past few years at all?”

Many people naturally assume that Valentine’s Day must be a busy time for Demi Girl Boudoir Photography. However, the answer to this question may surprise you!

While, yes, we do have several clients each year who book boudoir sessions as a sexy Valentine’s Day gift idea, more often these days we are seeing an uptick in photoshoot bookings AFTER Valentine’s Day. This is because (as you are most certainly aware) lingerie is a very popular Valentine’s Day gift, and women will either buy new lingerie to surprise their partners, or vice versa! And because it’s such a shame that their gorgeous new lace teddy, sexy garter belt set, or leather corset is only worn for (let’s face it) a few minutes on Valentine’s Day evening, an increasing number of women have started booking boudoir sessions afterwards so they can have another reason to wear their new lingerie and have it fully appreciated! Some even present their boudoir photos as a cheeky little post-Valentine’s Day “thank you” gift. ;)


“Who do you recommend should get boudoir/nude photos taken?”

Every single woman, no matter her size or age, should experience a boudoir session at least once in her lifetime! This is because the return on investment is FAR greater than any woman ever realizes when she first books her photoshoot. Everyone goes into the experience expecting to create sexy photos, whether it’s for a gift or just for fun. However, they don’t always anticipate the overall positive and empowering effect the boudoir experience itself can have on their lives! Every woman benefits from having a boost in her self-confidence, and that’s exactly what we provide here at Demi Girl Photography.


“Why is boudoir photography empowering?”

A boudoir session is empowering for all women in a number of different ways. For example, some women get so wrapped up in being a wife and mother that they often lose themselves to that role and neglect their own wants and needs. For these women, booking a boudoir session and spending a fun day all to themselves, being pampered with professional makeup and hairstyling, playing “sexy dress-up,” and having a professional boudoir photographer constantly tell them how HOT they look during their photoshoot reminds them that they are so much more than “just a wife and mother.” They are sexy, desirable women, as well, who deserve just as much self-care and attention as the people they take care of every single day.

I’d say for an even larger number of our clients, though, the empowerment of this experience comes from realizing how beautiful they TRULY are! Most women spend their whole lives comparing themselves (especially their bodies) to other women who are idealized in the media (models, actresses, etc.). As a result, most plus size and mid-sized women tend to create a distorted, negative image of themselves in their own minds and have a hard time believing that they are also beautiful, no matter how many times their partners, best friends, family members, or even strangers might tell them so. However, when a woman has a boudoir session, she has the unique opportunity to step outside of herself and see in her gorgeous boudoir photos what she actually looks like through someone else’s eyes. Trust me, there’s no better feeling than when a woman sees her boudoir photos for the first time and says, “Oh my gosh, that’s ME! I really AM beautiful!” 

Click here to schedule a free consultation with Demi Girl Photography  

“What are the most common concerns that you hear from people having their first boudoir photography session?”

Without a doubt, weight is the most common concern that we hear from women who are considering having a boudoir session. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard, “I’d like to lose about ten pounds first,” I’d be a multi-millionaire! 

The first thing I explain to any woman who voices this concern is that one of the main purposes of having a boudoir experience is to embrace and celebrate the person she is today, because she is just as worthy of being seen and photographed in this phase of her life as she ever was in the past or ever will be in the future. Secondly, as professional boudoir photographers, it is our job to know which poses, lighting, angles, and wardrobe options are going to be the most flattering for every individual woman who walks through our studio doors. Our top priority is to help every woman look her absolute best in her boudoir photos. So, if you are a mid-size or plus-sized woman who has been putting off booking a boudoir photoshoot because you think you need to lose weight first, please stop depriving yourself of this amazing experience based upon how you think you’re “supposed” to look. Instead, I challenge you to allow my all-female staff of amazing boudoir photographers to prove to you how stunning you truly are right now!


“What should individuals or couples do to get ready for a boudoir photo shoot?”

Demi Girl Photography recommends goldplaited for our Chicago and Tampa boudoir clients’ pre-session blowouts!

The most important thing an individual needs to do as she prepares for her boudoir photo shoot is to thoroughly read through her Client Agreement, as well as any other emails or information that was sent to her by the photographer before the photo shoot, and don’t be afraid to ask questions! I personally email a detailed Preparation Guide to all of my clients prior to their appointments, which is FULL of helpful tips and pre-photoshoot recommendations (such as having an amazing blowout done at goldplaited before the photo shoot). I also send out a Lingerie Guide that discusses the various styles of lingerie, how different pieces fit different body types, and I even include suggestions on where to shop (such as Lover’s Lane, of course!). Again, it is extremely important for women to read everything they receive from their boudoir photographer and fully understand their boudoir studio’s policies, pricing menu, and recommendations PRIOR to having the session because this will ensure that both parties are on the same page in terms of what to expect and eliminates the risk of miscommunications.


“Is there anything else that people should know when considering boudoir photography?”

It is a common misconception that a woman needs to be in a relationship or have some other specific purpose for having sexy photos taken of herself, but that could not be further from the truth! While boudoir photography does make a fantastic gift for a significant other, this experience is actually one of the greatest gifts that a woman can give to HERSELF, and the only “reason” she needs for booking a boudoir session is because she wants to feel good! Furthermore, it has also been said that the best gift you can give your loved ones is to be the absolute best version of yourself, and having a boudoir session certainly helps women in that endeavor. Therefore, I highly encourage ALL women to treat themselves to a fun and empowering boudoir photo shoot as soon as possible, because every woman deserves this experience!


Thank you, Lover’s Lane, for requesting this interview with Demi Girl Photography. We appreciate the opportunity to help educate your customers about what an amazing, and sometimes even life-changing, experience boudoir photography truly can be!

Click here to request a free boudoir consultation with Demi Girl Photography!

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