Reconnecting with your body after becoming a mother | Seattle Boudoir Photography | Tacoma, WA Boudoir Photographer

10 months ago 30

I have found that boudoir photography can really help new moms reconnect with the body that is now a sudden stranger to us…

It happens to almost all women who have gone through a pregnancy and birth. The body that was once our own, became a space for other humans to live in!!! Wrap your head around that…people have LIVED IN YOUR BODY! Then they continue to challenge your body when they are on the outside. Hormonal changes, sleepless nights, skin that somehow needs to relearn where it belongs…and that is all on top of your body being a human milk dispenser. It’s no wonder we have feelings of confusion about the changes our bodies go through in less than a year.

I have found that boudoir photography can really help new moms reconnect with the body that is now a sudden stranger to us. Now you might be thinking, boudoir is the last thing I am thinking about doing as a mom of young babies and or toddlers! I gotta tell you, I have had a client who came in just 4 months after having her adorable son! I am not saying that you have to be ready THAT quickly, but it was extremely healing for her.

Coming into my studio to take time to pamper yourself…it helps you to recharge! Taking time to pay honor to the body that created the miracle of life! Learning to see yourself through someone else’s eyes! You see, when you are in front of my camera, I don't see a woman who is exhausted, covered in barf, a banana slice embedded in her hair. When you are in my studio, you are a beautiful woman who deserves to be shown just how beautiful she is. You walk into my studio alone—no toddlers charging in before you. Your co-workers and family members cannot follow you into my space. It’s time for just you. It’s a space for you and your fierceness to flourish!



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