After initial recovery from her breast-brain cancer, patient is now on hunger strike!

10 months ago 34

Just about two weeks ago, I shared with you the story of one lady who had breast cancer that had spread to her brain. For more read: Before taking the herbs, Ana had no strength to walk. She...

Just about two weeks ago, I shared with you the story of one lady who had breast cancer that had spread to her brain.

For more read:

Before taking the herbs, Ana had no strength to walk. She had difficulty talking. Both her right hand and leg cramped. Because of this she was not able to pick anything with her right hand.

Two weeks on our herbs, Ana was better. About two and half months on the herbs,  her husband came back to report that Ana is doing very well. There was no more cramping of the hand and leg. Ana could now use her right hand normally. Her walking is also normal. One in a while she had headache. After taking the Pain Tea the headache went away.

Chris: Your wife benefited much from our therapy. I did not expect her to recover so soon. Let’s we grateful for that.

Husband: Now, my wife is having difficulty with her diet. She wanted to eat bread, etc. She was bored with her present diet now … eating corn, potato, etc.

C: Is your wife a person who is very choosy and fussy about her food?

H: Yes.

C: Oh no! If you wants to eat anything she likes, then so be it. Let her die la! This is the problem with most cancer patients. When they are dying they will follow what we tell them about their food. But the moment they become well, they started to complain about their food. They wanted to eat what they like!

Chris speaking to Ana on Whatsapp:  You have been doing so well now. You look good. Let me tell you — don’t simply eat anything you like. If you eat anything you like, you can die, understand?

Watch this video: Her health was restored after two months on our therapy.

Read the following two emails from her daughter:

24 June 2019

Selamat sore dok, mau tanya dong. Apa bahan atau makanan˛ seperti roti atau biskuit, mie, gula atau lainnya dari bahan organik boleh dikonsumsi oleh pasien? Soalnya mama saya lagi pengen makan roti.

Translation:  Good afternoon doc, want to ask. Can ingredients or foods such as bread or biscuits, noodles, sugar or other organic ingredients be consumed by patients? The problem is that my mom wants to eat bread.

Reply: Tidak bisa. Mama kamu memang pasien yang susah nak dibantu. Saya sudah beritahu — makan tak betul, MATI.

Translation:  Cannot eat. Your mom is indeed a difficult patient to help. I already told her — eating wrongly, you DIE.

30 June 2019

Selamat siang dok, saya mau tanya. Pasien mogok makan dan muntah terus. Kepala pening sakit sampai badan terasa panas semua. Kemarin cek dokter sini katanya kurang darah. Sekarang obat herbal ga diminum, hanya obat sakit kepala. Karena pasien kehilangan nafsu makan. Siap minum obat dimuntah semua keluar. Apa dokter ada saran? Terimakasih.

Translation: Good afternoon doc. I want to ask. Patient is on a hunger strike and vomits continuously. Dizzy, headaches until the body feels all hot. Yesterday the doctor here checked her and said  she lacked blood. Now she refuses to take the herbal medicine. Only taking headache medicine. The patient loses appetite. After taking the medicine she vomited out. Do you have a suggestion? Thanks.

Reply: I really don’t know!




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