Brain Tumour: Amazing healing after four days on herbs

10 months ago 26

Eva is a 54-year-old Indonesian lady who had been having frequent headache for the past one year. Medication did not help her much. In late October 2018, she had a stroke. The limbs on the right side of her...

Eva is a 54-year-old Indonesian lady who had been having frequent headache for the past one year. Medication did not help her much. In late October 2018, she had a stroke. The limbs on the right side of her body were affected. She could not move her right arm but could move her right leg but not able to walk.

A CT scan showed a mass in her brain. The doctor prescribed Indexon which is actually a steroid, dexamethasone. A also took “mangosteen extract” (whatever that is).

For the past one month, Eva was in a serious vegetable-like state. She had to lie in bed, unable to talk and was totally unable to communicate or know what was going on around her. Her face was “blank” and she could not recognise anyone. She had headache on and off and she would moaned.

She was not hospitalised. Eva was just sent home and the doctor could not much for her.

Eva lived with the family of her sister-in-law. While socialising in the office, her sister-in-law shared Eva’s problem with a co-worker named David. David’s brother also had brain tumour. He underwent a surgery followed by radiotherapy. As a result he became blind. His suffered and was in bad shape — being unable to walk, etc. David’s brother eventually took our herbs and his health was back to normal but still remains blind. So David suggested that Eva follow our therapy.

On 9 November 2018, I received an email from David.

Good Afternoon Prof. How are you, I hope you are in good health. 

My family has stage 3 brain cancer according to the hospital. Man, I want herbal treatment so I refer to Prof. for herbal medicine. 

Just info prof. my sister will go to your place Tuesday. With my brother from Malaysia. And hand carry medical record (CT scan).

Eva’s sister-in-law came to our centre with the pictures below. I was devastated. How could I ever handle this case?

In our discussion that morning I laid out the following points clearly.

This is a serious case. It did not happen only yesterday. The problem could have started some years ago. Then last year Eva’s condition deteriorated and she started to have headaches. What can we do now? Operation is not an option. That’s why Eva was sent home with only steroid medication. I am not god and I don’t want to play God either. Don’t expect the herbs to cure her. I have no magic bullet. So I really don’t know what I can do to help her. Our herbs are bitter and are difficult to take. You need to brew these teas. If she can swallow the capsules and drink the bitter tea, perhaps we can try. But if she cannot swallow and drink, there is nothing I can do. So you have to decide what you want to do. If you want give it a try I can prescribe you Capsule A, C, D and M. In addition Eva needs to drink Brain Tea 1 + PLM and Brain Tea 2. I can also give you SuperP — this is a plant-based protein supplement. Take these and let us see what happen. I can’t promise anything. Just try. But I know from experience that our Brain Teas are very good. I have helped many patients with these teas. Besides the herbs, you need to take care of the diet. Don’t eat anything with legs or that walks. That includes eggs or dairy products. Do not take sugar and oily food. No, you cannot take instant oat meal sold in the supermarket. That has sugar in it. If she gets well, please do not start eating “rubbish food” again. I know of many patients when they get well, the first thing they do is to start eating what they like. They conveniently forget what I told them. Please don’t do that. I expect her to suffer “healing crisis” in the next two weeks. She may vomit, may have more pain, etc. Don’t worry. Continue taking the herbs. Hopefully after three to four weeks the healing crisis goes away. After a month on the herbs, the only question I want to ask is, Do the herbs help you? Are you getting better?

At this point the sister-in-law asked: Do we need to go for another CT scan?

My answer: No, no. Don’t go for another CT scan. Do once is enough. Don’t have the illusion that the tumour is going to disappear after one month on herbs. If a CT scan were to show that the tumour is small or gone, I would not believe it! My herbs don’t do magic.

FOUR DAYS ON HERBS: Amazing healing

Eva’s sister-in-law came back to see us again three weeks later. She reported that Eva could talk and sing on the fourth day after taking the herbs! I told her I could not believe her story! Are you sure it is true? But I also know that with God’s blessing everything is possible. Thank God.

Watch to this video.



Chris: She took the herbs. Any problems? Can she drink those teas?

Sister-in-law: We remove the capsule and used the powder only. Yes, we prop her up and.she can take the herbs.

C: Bitter and awful taste — okay? She is not angry because she had to drink those herbs? In the first or second week after starting the herbs, did she suffer or have any problem.

S: Her condition improved and she can do the following:

She can talk! Before the herbs she just had to lie down unable to communicate with anybody and is oblivious to her surroundings.  Four days after taking the herbs she can talk and communicate with us. She can even sing! She can talk and understand us. Yes she can answer questions. She can remember and recognize us. When friends come to visit she can recognize and greet them. She is able to sit down, before she had to lie down all day or had to be propped up. The pain and headache are almost gone. Before the herbs, she has pain on and off. When this is severe she moaned or screamed. No, she does not do this anymore. Her bowel movement is back to normal. Before the herbs, her stools are hard and we have to use our fingers to help “dig” it out. Her appetite is very much improved now. She has more energy. She can now move and lift up her right arm. Before, after the stroke she lost the ability to move her right arm. She can now walk slowly with help or support. Her facial expression looks good and fresh. She looks healthier. From day four until now, her health seems to be improving with each passing day.

C: This is indeed an amazing healing. I want to let you know that I cannot believe that story you have just told me. It does not seem to be possible. Four days on herbs and she gets better! It cannot be right. But I also know that with God everything is possible. So, let us be grateful to God for this blessing. Give thanks to God.

No, this story is too good to be true. God indeed helped her! Praise God. Go home and tell your pastor that.

But let me remind you that this is not a cure. You need to take care. Be careful and don’t do what is not right. Remember my advice, especially about the diet. Most patients when they just get well the first thing they do is go out and eat what they like.

Also continue to do what you are doing now. Don’t try to change anything. I must say I don’t know what else I can do to help her. So be patient. Healing takes time.


When Eva’s sister first came to seek our help, I must admit I was at a lost. Even after prescribing Eva the herbs, right down in my heart, I was not optimistic at all. Her condition is too serious. On top of that I was also not sure if she could take those bitter herbs or follow our instructions properly.

It is amazing that in such a depressing condition Eva took the herbs without any protest. Salute her for that!

Some patients, when told that the herbs are bitter or have awful taste, would automatically show their “sour faces or crooked nose” in protest. How to help such patients?

As much as I was NOT optimistic with this case, at the back of my mind, I also know that our Brain Teas are very good and have helped many patients. Even though Eva’s story is a big surprise and a big bonus, it is does not “shock” me. I have seen such miraculous healing before.

One case immediately comes to mind. This is about Prapti, a 21-year-old Indonesian lady. She had tumours in her brain and was lying comatose or unconscious in Jakarta’s Military Hospital. Medically she was written off. Everyone around her was just praying expecting her to die any time. A stranger passed by her ward and told her parents to try CA Care for help.

Prapti was fed our herbs. After two weeks she woke up from her “deep sleep” and was alive.

I had a chance to meet Prapti when I visited Jakarta. She had fully recovered (please, not cured!). She was such a sweet girl, and we decided to adopt her as our own daughter. I would make sure that she gets her supply of herbs. Prapti went on to study in a seminary and graduated.  One day Prapti expressed her desire to meet us again. Yes, we bought her the plane tickets to come and stay with us in Penang. Wonderful.

You may ask what had happened to Prapti now? This is a sad ending. After graduation Prapti became a pendeta or pastor. She decided to get married to her college mate, also a pendeta. Yes, we were okay with that but I did not foresee her problem coming. Prapti became pregnant. What do we do now? Continue taking the herbs? Will that affect the developing baby? I did not know because I have not encountered such a problem before. To be on the safe side, we decided she stop the herbs for while until the baby is born. Unfortunately, at the 7th month of her pregnancy the cancer struck her again. She became unconscious like before. She was admitted to the hospital and was on support system. They even made a hole in her throat to help her breathe. Prapti gave birth to her baby naturally while still in coma. Soon after the delivery, she died.

So, this is one bitter lesson I have learned. Ladies, by all means, get married but don’t get pregnant if you have cancer.

Click this link to read more about Prapti’s brain cancer:


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