Brain Tumour & Diabetes: 2. Declined Surgery, took herbs — HAPPY!

10 months ago 44

Amar (not real name) is a 49-year-old Indonesian. He has a 4.26 x 5.16 x 2.2 cm lesion in his brain. This was diagnosed as meningioma. He came to Penang in early February 2017 and was scheduled for surgery....

Amar (not real name) is a 49-year-old Indonesian. He has a 4.26 x 5.16 x 2.2 cm lesion in his brain. This was diagnosed as meningioma. He came to Penang in early February 2017 and was scheduled for surgery. The night before the scheduled operation, Amar and his wife prayed for God’s guidance.

The next day Amar and his wife came to CA Care, instead of landing himself on an operation table. Read Part 1 of this story. Amar was prescribed herbs. One month later, Amar and his wife came back to see us again.

Listen to his story!

Gist of our conversation that morning.

Healing Crisis

Chris: After taking the herbs for one or two weeks — did you face any problems?

A: During the first week, I felt a bit dizzy like something was in my head after I took the herbs. My legs felt uncomfortable — like numb.

C; After one week (on the herbs) what happened?

A: I felt good!

C: Okay, let me ask you this — after taking the herbs for a month, what is your condition now compared to a month ago when you were not on the herbs?

A: I am very much better now (showing two-thumbs up!).

C: I am happy to hear that. Thank God for this blessing. Okay, you said you were better off — how many times better off than before? Two or three times better?

A: Five to six times! Before I took the herbs, I felt pulling sensation in my head. After a week on the herbs the sensation was still there and now NO more — gone.

C: Wah, that’s fantastic.

A: After I drank the tea, I felt a certain sensation going through my head (can’t describe). It lasted for about two minutes. Then this was all gone.

Hand Trembling Gone

A: Before the herbs, my hands trembled. Now it’s all gone.

C: Great, God helped you!

Severe Diabetes Gone!

C: You said you were on insulin injection for your diabetes before taking the herbs. How long have you been on this?

A: Since December 2016 (when I was diagnosed with brain tumour). My blood sugar level was 600 plus.

C: You went to the doctor (in Jakarta) and he gave you medication?

Wife: Yes, Nocid, Eclid, Glucophage and Novorapid (injection).

C: Wah, four medication for your diabetes? So many?

A: Insulin injection, three times a day. Each time 10 units.

C: After the injection and the medicine, your diabetes got better?

A: The sugar level went down.

Pain in Kidney and Liver

C: When you were on the medications, how was your health? Any side effects?

A: I had kidney pain. Then my liver also became painful.

C: Liver pain — how was it like? Pulling pain? Sharp pain? Dull pain?

A: Ya, dull pain. These pains started after I took the medications.

C: Okay, then you started taking the herbs — what happened then?

A: I got better. Before I needed 10 units of insulin, times days a day. Then with the herbs, I reduced it to 4 units thrice a day. A few days ago, I was off the insulin totally. No more insulin injection!

C: What about the oral medications?

A: No more oral medications as well.

C: So your diabetes was gone?

A: I am normal.

Hair Appeared on Bald Patch

A: Hairs started to grow from the bald patch of my head!

Wife: Before that the patch at the back of his head was totally bald! (Note where the wife was pointing at). Look at this area. Before the herbs it was totally clean.

C: Har? Ha, ha. Yes, I know that after taking the herbs, white hairs can turn black or gray. I have seen that happen many times. But for your bald head to grow new hairs — this is a new story!

Liver function enzyme: GGT from 198 reduced to 117

C: Very interesting. Your liver function enzyme, GGT dropped from 198 (on 5 February 2017) to 117 (on 13 March 2017). Very good. We should try to half it. At 117 it is still too high.

Blessed for Not Undergoing the Surgery

A: I was ready to go for the operation. The doctor wanted to remove the mass in my brain. It was big, 4.26 x 5.16 x 2.2 cm.

C: You had seizure because of that?

A: Yes, I had seizure, twice. That was why I was hospitalised in December 2016.

C: After you took the herbs, do you still have seizure?

A: No.

C: Thank God for this!

Herbs: Awful Smell, Bitter Taste

C: The herbs — I know very well — are bitter. How do you cope with the taste?

A: After some time, it became good taste!

C: Ha, ha. The first time — was it difficult to drink?

A: I had to bite apple after I drank the tea!

C: Brain 1 and Brain 2 teas — which one is worse?

A: Both have equally bad taste. But later, I got used to them. Now, it is all good tasting!

Stay on Course – Don’t Do What You Are Not Supposed To Do!

C: This is indeed an amazing healing story. I must admit I can’t explain why. But I do know that our brain teas are good for many patients. My advice now is stay on course. Don’t do what you are not supposed to do!

You need to take care of yourself carefully. Maintain that good health. Don’t do anything wrong!


We have posted many stories about brain cancer. It is up to you to learn from the experiences of these patients. But let me highlight three stories.

1. Brain Cancer: Operation, Radiation, Blind After Two Weeks: This  is a 32-year-old Indonesian male from Riau. Like Amar, he had a seizure. CT later showed a tumour in his brain. He was asked to immediately undergo a brain surgery. The doctor said that was the only option left. The risk of surgery would be: memory loss or total blindness. Yes, he became blind two weeks after radiotherapy post surgery.

Amar in this case, was also warned that surgery for his brain could result in a stroke or paralysis. Perhaps it was a blessing that Amar did not undergo that surgery.

2. Brain Tumour: No to Surgery: Also from Riau, Indonesia, this  35-year-old Indonesian lady has a tumour in her brain. Her family refused surgery and decided to take our herbs. She became well and could lead a normal life. Her husband wrote to say that she has since gone back to work.

3.  Living With Her Brain Tumour for Seventeen Years. This 51-year-old Indonesian lady was diagnosed with brain tumour after two seizures — just like Amar. She was 35 years old then. The doctor said the tumour was too big and it had to be removed bit by bit, meaning she has to undergo three operations to remove all the mass. The family refused the surgery. Up to this day, 17 years later, she is still doing fine — minus surgery.

Like Amar, her tumour is a meningioma.

Amar came to us with a mass in his brain — also a meningioma. He decided not to undergo surgery. That was his decision, perhaps guided by his God (also our God!).

We did not send Amar away. Generally if you have a tumour in your breast, colon, uterus, etc. we would send you to your surgeons first. Get it out before you follow our therapy.

But for the brain, pancreas, liver and lung we have seen enough disastrous results after surgery.

When Amar decided to take our herbs, we warned him that our herbs are not magic potions. And we are not god either. So don’t expect a cure — because we believe that no one on earth can cure any cancer.

Don’t expect the tumour to disappear either. Just learn to live with your cancer, that’s our approach.

In one of the stories above, someone went blind after his brain surgery. We are sure many died too — but the dead do not come to see us. So we don’t know about such cases.

When Amar came back again after a month, the first question we asked was: Are you getting better? If Amar did not get better or did not derive any benefit by taking our herbs, we would advise him to stop taking our herbs. Don’t waste your money and time. Go and find someone else for help.

Amar said he was far better after taking the herbs. He gave his reasons why he got better — that’s important to know why he said so. There is no reason to believe that he is making up his story!

I reminded Amar that it is a blessing indeed that he became well just after a month. But this “wellness” would not last if he does not stay on course! Do something wrong and he will be back in the pit again!

Many people don’t like to hear this — they think that I am blaming them!

Know that your health is your responsibility. To stay healthy and be alive is your choice. If you make a wrong move, you die. As simple as that.

From my years of experienice most patients will forget what we taught them after they get well.

Yes, they will curse Chris Teo because they cannot eat this or cannot eat that. One more sore thing, Chris Teo’s herbs are bitter and taste terrible. After a while these patients will “cheat” themselves — taking only one tea a day instead of 2 or 3 as prescribed. Or they take them once every 2 or 3 days. They cut corners left and right.

Well, it is your life. Do what suits you. We are not blaming you! And if you take the herbs and you don’t get better, don’t blame us either. For certain kaisu people, I just wonder why they ever come and seek our help and want to take my herbs in the first place!

As I am writing this passage, let me tell you this — I replied to many emails and said, Do not come and see me. I cannot cure your cancer! Still they insisted on coming! Why? Because medical treatments cannot cure them.

Over the years dealing with cancer patients, I come to understand one thing. Cancer is man-made. Go and see a mirror. Ask that person in the mirror, what has gone wrong? No, most of us don’t want or never want to admit our short comings. It is always someone else’s fault. Or if there is no ready scapegoat, they blame it on their luck, fate or karma. So be it. But, to me and you can disagree with me, cancer is about human being ….  it is about you!

After talking to Amar, I found him a positive patient.  This is a person who sees a glass of water half full, not half empty. He did find the herbs are bad tasting. He had to bite an apple to help him swallow that bitter stuff. But later he said the herbs are good tasting. It’s his attitude that changed, the herbs were the same!

How many are like Amar — very few, 30 percent at most. The remaining 70  percent of patients who come to see us never make it — to them the glass is always half empty. Why don’t they go find someone better?

There are many ways to deal with your cancer. One patient wrote to say that she had opted for targeted therapy and hyperthermia (very scientific, high sounding names, right?) after she gave up on our herbs. Others went on to try immunotherapy, cryo- or radio-frequently ablation. Yet other said music therapy, laughter therapy, bio- frequency, etc. are great. By all means, go ahead and find your own way! And after your survive long enough why don’t you share your success story! Teach and help others too!

I hope to write a review on Dorit Rishono-Mandil, the author of Leaving No Stone Unturned. She said, I believe that each patient must seek their own way, educate themselves on their options and choose therapists and therapies they feel comfortable with …. There isn’t one single path to recovery that’s better than the others.

P/S: If you have diabetes or are bald, please don’t write me for help after reading this story. I cannot help you. I only work with cancer patients.

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