Brain Tumour & Diabetes: 1. His prayer answered in an unexpected way!

10 months ago 26

In an earlier article, I wrote about one bad morning at CA Care —  sharing with you a disappointing story. But luckily, not all days are like that — although you need to know that only 30 percent of...

In an earlier article, I wrote about one bad morning at CA Care —  sharing with you a disappointing story. But luckily, not all days are like that — although you need to know that only 30 percent of patients who come to see us benefit from our work. The remaining 70 percent don’t. They just cannot benefit because of all kinds of reasons or excuses that they have. But to be frank, I am well prepared for such disappointments because I know I cannot win all! And most important of all, I know I cannot change the attitudes of human beings!

Not all days are cloudy though. Let me share with you what a great and blessed morning is like. A morning like this is worth many times the bad mornings!

Amar (not real name) is a 49-year-old Indonesian. In early December 2016 he had two seizures. He was unable to talk and had to be hospitalised. His blood sugar was extremely high, more than 600 mg/dl. Amar was asked to take three medications — Nocid, Eclid and Glucophage. In addition he had to be given insulin injection, Novorapid,10 units three times per day.

A CT scan and MRI on 9 December 2016 showed a 4.26 x 5.16 x 2.2 cm lesion in his brain. This was diagnosed as vertex meningioma. The doctor in Jakarta asked Amar to undergo an operation but he refused.

In January 2017 Amar and his wife came to a private hospital in Penang. He was asked to continue taking his medication:

Dilantin(phenytoin) — an anti-epileptic drug. Hepamax — for his liver. NovoRapid® — insulin injection.

A month later, February 2017, he came back to Penang again with the main purpose of undergoing  an operation. This surgery would cost him RM35,000.

Chris: Did you ask the doctor if the surgery would cure you?

Patient: The doctor said some parts of the lesion can be removed! Even that the most serious risk of such surgery is getting a stroke. In addition, my hands and legs may become weak.

The night before the scheduled operation, Amar and his wife prayed to God for guidance! If possible, he would not want to undergo the operation!

Listen to this video!



Who ask you to come to our centre?

Gist of our conversation

Amar: The night before my scheduled operation, my wife and I prayed telling God that if possible, I do not want to undergo this operation. But I knew in my heart that this was not possible! After our prayer, that same night, we were told to come and see Pak Teo first before undergoing any operation.

Chris: Who asked you to come and see us?

A: My wife’s friend in Jakarta.

C: (Asking the wife). Tell us what happened.

Wife: I phoned my best friend in Jakarta that night. I told her about my husband’s operation. Then she told me, Don’t do any operation yet. Go and see Pak Chris first. She gave me your address. The next morning, we came to see you. I showed your address to the Grab driver and he brought us here.

C: So, you did not do the operation?

A: No. I went to see the doctor in the hospital that morning and told him that I was not ready to undergo the operation. I need some time to sort things out.

C: The doctor was not angry that you decided to postpone the surgery?

A: No. So we came to see you after that.

C: When you came here, did you believe what we told you?

W: Yes, absolutely.


At CA Care we encourage patients to talk to their God — never mind who you believe in. Just pray to God to help you. We believe if you sincerely pray, God will answer your prayer! But remember, the answer you get may not be what you want!

Many patients told us many “amazing stories” how they came to know us. One lady once told me that she was very desperate and did not know what more to do for her sister who had been hospitalised for some two months already. So that night she prayed (she is not a Christian!) before she went to sleep (in the hospital taking care of her sister). The next morning, she switched on her lap-top. She could not remember what she did but there it was the CA Care website that popped out in front of her!

I once asked a lady who go home and pray to her God first before deciding to take our herbs. She replied, I have already done that. The Goddess of Mercy (Kuan Yin) told me to come and see you!

In this case, you can hear for yourself how Amar and his wife came to know CA Care just the night before Amar was to undergo his brain operation! It is just like a fairy tale, but is that not a miracle? God works in mysterious ways, if only you sincerely ask Him for guidance and help.

But don’t misunderstand. Coming to CA Care is not the ultimate answer. We are not bomohs (sharmans) or magicians. The tumour will not go away. We cannot cure your cancer — get that straight and clear! Nevertheless many patients who came to seek our help benefited from our advice and what we do. Some live a normal life without the surgery!

In the next article, let us hear why Amar was  “fortunate” not to undergo his surgery yet!



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