New Year Update

10 months ago 40

Hey everyone! 2018 has started out well for our family. I haven't updated the blog since December (and we were skeptical about the outcome of his MRI, but luckily everything looked good). I'm glad to report that everyone is...

Hey everyone!

2018 has started out well for our family. I haven't updated the blog since December (and we were skeptical about the outcome of his MRI, but luckily everything looked good).

I'm glad to report that everyone is doing well, at the moment. Yay! Nathan is still off all treatment, and he is feeling the best that he has since his diagnosis in 2015. He's been running a lot lately - something he has missed so much since last spring. His 2nd craniotomy (June 2017) really knocked him off his feet - literally - and he is just now getting his running rhythm back. He has also been able to go into work a few times a week and is taking an online coding class.

Our newest family member, Boogie, has also made some progress in the last 6 months. He is a Newfoundland and is the definition of a "gentle giant." Although he still hasn't gotten the memo on what NOT to chew... we're working on that. He and our 5 year old golden retriever, Yeti, have become fast friends and have so much fun tearing up our backyard. He is absolutely obsessed with Jack and would love to follow him around all day long, if Jack would let him. Jack is still warming up to Boogie-- I guess it takes a while when your 9 month old puppy continues to chew up all of your toys!

It was zero degrees outside, so Boogie made himself right at home on our bed....hmph

action shot! 

Since Nathan has been doing so well lately, I thought it'd be a good time to go back to work. I landed a job at a local non-profit. I'm working three days a week (while Jack is in school). Although I've only been there for two weeks, I am loving it so far! We are so grateful that they worked with me on a schedule that fits our family's needs.

My amazing parents, Meepsie and B (as Jack calls them), have been taking Jack to and from school and caring for him until I get off work. We are so fortunate to have them around. They have done SO much for us, and - whether they know it or not - they continue to lift so much weight off of my shoulders just by having the piece of mind that Jack is always in the best of care while I'm at work.

Jack at "Camp Meepsie" (as I call it)

B, Jack, and Meepsie

Since I'm only working part-time, I thought it might be exciting to start selling Young Living's oils. We've been on the "oil train" for a few years now, but I'm just now coming around to the idea of selling them to help out with bills.

Now, I know what you think -- believe me, I've rolled my eyes one too many times on the thought of oils and all that everyone says that they do... I am the number one skeptic of these kinds of businesses. It's literally taken me two years to come around to sell them. Also, I'm a yellow personality. What does that exactly mean? Take this quiz and find out what color you are. It's actually kind of fun and insanely accurate! Basically, it means -- I am NOT a salesperson. I did not get that gene. Right after college, I was in sales, and I always felt as if I was bothering the potential client -- and I hated that feeling -- so I didn't last long in that field.

So, instead of trying to "sell" you essential oils, I simply want to tell you about the benefits we've experienced over the past few years that we've used them.

If you're interested in learning more, great! If not, that's fine, too! Whatever floats your boat..

Nathan and I started using essential oils after he was diagnosed. His sister, Hannah, and mom, Gretchen, were really on our backs about how beneficial they can be. So, to appease them, we bought a 'starter kit.' A starter kit comes with 11 oils and a diffuser. We started out diffusing lavender at night, and, lo and behold, we started to sleep so much better. I was still a little skeptical - but I really liked the smell so I was on board just for that reason.

After his diagnosis of Grade IV GBM, Nathan started to have a ton of different issues...from insomnia, nausea, seizures, joint pain, inflammation, weakened immune system... to so many other issues, we finally started to listen to his sister and mom and actually research how oils could possibly help to alleviate these issues (along with his meds proscribed by his medical team). Gretchen and Hannah explained to us that so many oils - just in the starter kit - could be so helpful for Nathan (and Jack and me) - but especially Nathan - in all kinds of ways.

So, we started to use them. I mean really use them. We used lavender for sleeping, peppermint for nausea and headaches, frankincense for inflammation, thieves for a weakened immune system, pan away for joint pain and sore muscles, and bought clary sage for seizures (plus so many more). We have had amazing results, in my opinion. We use them all day, every day. 

So, not only are the oils incredibly beneficial to your body, but, like I said, they smell amazing, too. A random fact I learned the other day: did you know that if you burn a candle for an hour in your house can be equivalent to smoking a full cigarette? After hearing that, I am only diffusing oils to get rid of the Yeti, Boogie and Jack smells in our house. No more candles in our house!

I could go on all day about all of the oil routines we do... taking supplements, rollers for Jack to help him simmer down at night, chemical-free bath products, chemical-free makeup products, but I don't want to overwhelm you. So, there's just a small taste of my family's positive experience with essential oils. Like I said before, if you're interested, I'd be more than happy to talk to you more about them. If you want to go ahead and dive into the essential oil world, you can click here to get started. Either way, thank you for reading my "sales pitch" :)

Ok, so changing topics. Yesterday was a special day because a special band, Moon Taxi, came out with an amazing album with a special song about a special person. The whole album is amazing, but The Way was written about and inspired by Nathan, his journey and his fight. One of Nathan's best friends is in the band, and we are forever grateful to him for writing this song and giving this amazing gift to us. This song will always hold a special place in our hearts. 


Racing to the end, won't give up without a fight

I don't know how you do it, a never ending light

I can't see it from your view, couldn't imagine if I tried

Staring down the dark, with your eyes open wide

And in this moment, oh I can see you

Show me the way, the way, the way

We can run run run right to the edge

I'm right beside you every day

Looking back I see how the days all added up

I'd give anything for more, but it'd never be enough

I know it must feel like you're running out of time
But the end is not the end, when you leave so much behind

And in this moment, oh I can see you

Show me the way, the way, the way

We can run run run right to the edge

I'm right beside you every day

Every day...

Thank you for keeping up with our family. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Please keep us in mind when we go back down to UAB for a MRI next month.

Much love and many thanks,

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