Lips and Lashes on Lock!

10 months ago 27

Good morning! I genuinely hope it is a good morning for you all. Ive been a little more positive this week about things and Ive been going on long walks as my daily outdoor exercise which I have also...

Good morning! I genuinely hope it is a good morning for you all. Ive been a little more positive this week about things and Ive been going on long walks as my daily outdoor exercise which I have also found beneficial.

Its also been quite refreshing to have a break from makeup, although my skin doesnt seem to think so! Ive seen so many posts where people have been saying lockdown has done wonders for their skin. Has this happened with mine??? NOPE! If youre a regular on my posts, youll know Ive struggled with bad skin since I was about 11. Although having more time on my hands has enabled a greater focus on my skincare regime, mother nature making an appearance and my stress levels recently have caused an annoying breakout. Ive just completed a two week social media detox and I absolutely loved it because I wasnt constantly viewing pictures of picture perfect women (which can really impact your confidence if youre not feeling great). I have them back now, but Ive reduced my screen time massively, and instead of posting a cheerful photo of me looking all dolled up and pretending everything is fab, you can have some photos of my flared up skin instead! My best advice at the moment would be to try and stay away from social media; its inevitable that were not gonna be feeling amazing, and seeing unrealistic and photoshopped pictures where people are looking their best will only exacerbate the problem. Take time out and be happy in your own skin (Ive embraced the spots)!

Wow ok I also really need to brush my hair!

Right, now for the subject of this weeks blog: lips and lashes! And first up we have.

Product 1 The Lip Mask

Its no secret that Ive used dermal fillers in the past (click here to see my blog post where I discuss them). Theyre not for everyone and its really not a decision that should be taken lightly, so I just want to make it clear that I never have and never will promote the use of lip fillers.

Of course, being in lockdown I cant actually get my lips topped up anyway! I mentioned in last weeks post that I was feeling pretty rubbish, so my best friend very kindly left a care package outside for me, which included these really cool lip masks!

Dermal fillers start at around 100 for 0.5ml and can go upwards of 250 for more. These little masks are1!!! Thats 50p per lip mask as they come in a pack of two check them out on the B&M website here. The packet says that they moisturise and plump the lips, and theyre infused with collagen, which is a natural remedy for enhancing lip volume. Im sure given the bargain price you may be skeptical as to whether they work lets see!


Not only is the volume of my lips visibly enhanced, they were left feeling really soft and smooth so the moisturising promise was most certainly met. While the effects are less permanent, Im excited to continue using these masks throughout lockdown to keep my full lips in place! These little masks are a must have (even if I did looks a little strange while wearing one).

Product 2 The Last Lift

Ive never been one to wear individual lashes as I just end up picking them all out, so my usual go to lash treat is the lash lift. Right now, more than ever, I felt like this was a must-have because Im makeup free every day but still want a little boost so that Im feeling good when rocking the natural look. So, I thought why not try it myself

I purchased this product from amazon for 20.99 click here to buy! The instructions are really clear, but I just want to say, it is really fiddly to use at first. Here are the steps:

1) Glue your lashes to the pads and leave for 5 mins. 2) Apply the perming solution and leave for 15 mins. 3) Add the fixation lotion and leave for 15 mins. 4) Apply the nutrition lotion with cotton wool. 5) Use the cleanser to remove any residue.

Sounds easy right? I mean, it was once I got the hang of it! So for step one, my advice is to apply the glue to your lashes and the pads before trying to fix them on the lid. Once youve placed the glue on the pad/your lashes, fix onto your eyelid and use a cotton bud to gently stroke up the lashes so that they stick to the pad. I also used a cotton bud to apply the perm solution and the fixation lotion. This is what it will look like its a little strange.

1) Glue2) Perm3) Fixation

Staying still for around 30 minutes was harder than youd think, but I was actually really happy with the finished result.


As you can see, my lashes are visibly lifted, although I wouldnt say its salon quality. I think it would be better to use the product with a tinting solution too for optimal results, but I was still really pleased with the outcome for my first time trying! Youve got to be patient, but we all have a lot of time on our hands right now dont we?

Thats all for this week! I have honestly really enjoyed trying out some cool home treatments during lockdown and I would recommend giving it a go if youre looking for something new to try. Were all missing our usual beauty treatments at the moment, but that doesnt mean we have to go without! Its also a really nice distraction, particularly if youre an over-thinker like myself. I say it every week, but if youre struggling and need a chat, contact me here! Sometimes its good to speak with someone you dont know as well. Also give me a message or leave a comment with recommendations of any other products you think I should try I am open to all suggestions. Heres a picture of me with half wet hair, no makeup, and pretty rubbish skin as a reminder that what you see on social media isnt always accurate dont pay too much attention to it!

Stay safe everyone xxx

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