Nail Polish Remover Cream?! A High End & Low End Comparison Review!

10 months ago 50

Hey there lovely readers! If I stumble across a gimmicky, quirky, out of this worldy nail related product, you can guarantee I will be ALL OVER IT like butter on toast. I feel like it is my duty ya...

Hey there lovely readers!

If I stumble across a gimmicky, quirky, out of this worldy nail related product, you can guarantee I will be ALL OVER IT like butter on toast. I feel like it is my duty ya know?

When Nailfix and Chill came upon my radar via twitter, an innovative nail polish removing CREAM, I was naturally filled with curiosity to find out how this product worked & if it was any good.

Available online from Beauty Mart for £14.25, I wasted no time in ordering me a tube of this intriguing stuff. However I wish I had waited a bit because as always is the case with things like this...others will no doubt catch on & release a much cheaper dupe! So when I found the brand Delia on eBay selling their Varnish Removing Cream for just a fiver I naturally snapped up a tube to do a bit of a comparison!

Lets start with the main player here. As you can see the packaging of Nailfix and Chill is very on par with that of the well known streaming service. Really cute, vibrant and eye catching.

As we know, nail polish removers can be incredibly harsh to the skin & nails from the acetone causing dry, harsh & brittle conditions, SAD times! However with Nailfix and Chill being not only acetone free but also including scrumptious ingredients like Macadamia, Almond & Argan Oils as well as Vitamin E, this cream almost acts like a nourishing treatment whilst ALSO removing polish...HAPPY times!

The product comes with step by step instructions on how to use the cream, basically lathering a nice thick layer over the nail bed. They have also advised on how long to leave the cream on for, depending on how many layers of polish there are, 1 minute per layer. Once applied you then sit and...chill! Whack a film on, put your feet up, maybe grab a cuppa before hand otherwise it'll be quite difficult now!

Now when I do my nails I tend to have quite a few layers going on...basecoat, 2 coats of polish, nail art on top of that & THEN topcoat. Because of this I needed a lot longer than the recommended 3 minutes! After 5 minutes I checked with a cotton pad & there was still a bit on so I left for another 5, after which I went in again with the cotton pad, massaged the excess cream on to the bed before rubbing off & voila! Not only were the nail beds polish free but they felt SO moisturised!

As you can see the finished result is pretty decent & I was very impressed! 

Now to compare with the cheaper ebay brand Delia...again like the Nailfix and Chill it contains plenty of natural oils including Macadamia, sesame, corn, sunflower and olive. So a slightly different formula to the more expensive product but still pretty nourishing! 

As before I applied the cream & left it for about 10 minutes, before rubbing in & wiping with the cotton bud with equally successful results! So in this case the dupe is definitely a good & cheaper alternative to go for.

All in all I can understand the appeal of the polish removing creams. The nails & skin definitely don't feel as harshly abused as they would with normal polish removers. Having said that however, this sort of polish removal method is really only for those who have a lot of time to spare! For me, the polish removal step of the manicure process has to be super quick so I can get to the good stuff of creating art! Hence why I sometimes actually use straight acetone to remove.

But if one is having a nice long pamper session, with masks & movies, then I would definitely treat my nails to this form of removal as I'm certain they would appreciate it! You can find Nailfix and Chill on Beauty Mart for £14.25. However if you'd rather save your pennies then you can get the Delia brand on eBAY for £4.28.

Thanks as always for reading! 

Lots of love to ya!

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