October 2021 Report & Analysis

10 months ago 24

Per aspera adastra.Total October 2021 revenue: 1,869,207October 2021 Revenue share: 186,921Share per 100 CPAY: 0.207Distribution date: November 10th, 2021October 2021 Revenue share in ETH: 44.4912ETH1,869,207, and this is the best result for Cryptopay ever.Yet.The cherry on top? All this...

Per aspera adastra.

Total October 2021 revenue: 1,869,207
October 2021 Revenue share: 186,921
Share per 100 CPAY: 0.207
Distribution date: November 10th, 2021
October 2021 Revenue share in ETH: 44.4912ETH

1,869,207, and this is the best result for Cryptopay ever.Yet.

The cherry on top? All this became possible thanks to B2C, which had a massive growth spurt in every area possible. Wallet exchange operations? Doubled. Bank transfers? 1,5x times higher. The card programme? Up 30%. Card deposits? Ditto. B2B stayed pretty much in the same place, but considering that where it was was the Brilliant street??oh well, well takeit.

Can we guarantee a better (or, at least, the same) result for November 2021? Obviously, not. Cryptopay humble, and first of all, the market is the first one to blame for our success. But then again, we did do a good job, too: product development cleans up nicely, and well soon begin planning for Q1 2022, but this is another story for anothertime.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. BTC has surged above $67,5k and broken a new record. Have younoticed?

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October 2021 Report & Analysis was originally published in The CPAY Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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