10 months ago 47

Ten years have passed since the birth of cryptocurrencies and since the publication of the Bitcoin White Paper, blockchain technology has not stopped evolving.  At the […] The post KUALILIAN BRINGS BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY WITHIN EVERYONE’S REACH appeared first on...

Ten years have passed since the birth of cryptocurrencies and since the publication of the Bitcoin White Paper, blockchain technology has not stopped evolving.  At the same time, the way of working to obtain better productivity has also undergone a drastic evolution.  Things have changed a lot since the days that anyone could generate returns from their desktop computer.  The appearance of big competition on a global level, driven by the advances in technology, has meant that only the biggest players in the system have found investing in blockchain to be attractive and profitable.  For this reason, today we present to you:  Kuailian’s Ecosystem.

Discovering Kuailian

Kuailian is a company that benefits from a complete ecosystem of services to access the world of cryptocurrencies.  We also have at our disposal the tools based around blockchain technologies, which are accessible to all and where no great knowledge of the systems or heavy investment in technology is needed.

Kuailian’s Main Characteristics

It would be very difficult to define Kuailian with one main characteristic, given that we have at our fingertips a complete ecosystem, with each section being as equally as important or even better than the previous.  However, we can say that our main differentiating attribute is our commitment to be honest and transparent, all thanks to and made possible by blockchain tools and technology.

All of the activity carried out on Kuailian can be viewed in real time.  You can audit your own accounts, decide when you want to schedule a transaction (remember that the blockchain registers are public) and we can assure you that your cryptocurrencies are working and generating results.

If required, you can consult the legal registrar in Estonia; all the information is available on Kuailians website and social networks.

Kuailian Smart Pool and Proof of Stake Technology

Not all consensus mechanisms to verify transactions are like Bitcoin (Proof of Work).  Huge operating costs and powerful equipment is needed to work with them and these soon become outdated.  There are other cryptocurrencies which need to have a predetermined amount of the coin in question to be able to carry out transactions.  For this reason, it makes a lot of sense to build up our cryptocurrencies by using a company like Kuailian, which works with this technology, is known in the market and is able to carry out these transactions (on which great returns can be achieved).

But the advancement in technology never stops (and neither does Kuailian’s).  The most powerful and modern networks use consensus mechanisms.  If you have Heard of Kuailian, you Will already know that one of our main products is Master Nodes.  To summarise, this product is able to carry out high performance transactions and in Kuailian, supports a range of consensus mechanisms like the following: PROOF OF STAKE, DELEGATED PROOF OF STAKE, THRESHOLDED PROOF OF STAKE, MASTERNODES,  PROFIT SHARE, PROOF OF AGREEMENT, PROOF OF HISTORY, PROOF OF AUTHORITY, TENDERMIT, HIGHWAY, BYZANTINE FAULT TOLERANCE (BFT), NON-BFT, MULTI-BFT, SHARE PRACTICAL BFT, ASYNCHRONOUS BFT – FUTURE CASPER Y  OUROBOROS.

It is here that Kuailian maximises their capacity, by making it available to ordinary people that wouldn’t otherwise be able to access it, due to the volume of cryptocurrencies that would be needed and the knowledge required to work with them.  Therefore, Kuailian uses a long-term stake strategy of 1000 days and will also be adding Simple Way Staking (Stake/Unstake), to the services they offer.

Kuailian and its automated systems

Kuailian has made it possible for everyone to participate in Master Nodes.  So that access to these is not limited to the few, we have pooled them together and then divided them.  Furthermore, it is possible to automatically receive some of the rewards generated in Smart Pool.

Following is a description of the easy process of signing up to Kuailian

1.        Create a Kuailian account

2.       Complete the KYC (given that we are a company which is registered legally within the European Union) and pay the inscription charge (50.95 dollars, paid in Ether).

3.       Purchase as many Kuais that you want, priced at 100 dollars each (paid en Ether).  A Kuai is not a token nor a cryptocurrency.  It is the measurement unit which can be used for staking a license in the software for 1000 days.  The more licences you buy, the better the returns.

4.     Indicate the Ethereum purse where you want us to deposit your profits daily.

The way the Kuais are organised is very interesting. One one hand, it is accessible to everyone due to the low cost and on the other hand, it allows the users contributions to be sent to Smart Pool, our own system which has been developed in Kuailian to automatically administrate all of the cryptocurrencies that have been contributed by the users, that have been created in Master Nodes.  Twinned with the fact that each week, new Master Nodes are opened up for new licences to be acquired (by new users or existing users).

The contributions made by the users are administered by a system of Machine Learning, that carries out a Deep analysis in the cryptocurrency market, and based on the results, sets up the most profitable and liquid Master Nodes.  In other words, your rewards can be exchanged for Bitcoin or can be transferred to Ether.  The system operates around these so as to maximise the global efficiency of the ecosystem.

Finally, we would like to highlight the fact that the benefits generated by our contribution to the system are shared out on a daily basis.  This is a great advantage of Kuailian, as we are normally used to using big interfaces that demand a minimum amount to be able to make a withdrawal and can take a number of days or weeks to process the payments, or that we rely upon authorisation to have our money made available!!  Kuailian’s, in its bid to be transparent, offers its users a system, which is programmed by their technical team, a Smart Dispersion Contract , developed around the blockchain of Ethereum, which shares out the profits on a daily basis between the users, without any errors or deception (in fact, this contract can be viewed in any Ethereum blockchain explorer).

Extra:  Kuailian Bank, Smart Pool and all the other services offered by the company, have an individual affiliation programme, through which each user will generate profits when their referral signs up to become a Kualian user.

Kuailian Bank and its next innovations

Kuailian is very clear that the future is with blockchain, and they dedicate their complete ecosystem to it.  They have closed many different deals to be able to offer financial services.  These days, “FIAT” coins can be deposited and exchanged for cryptocurrencies. In the near future, a wallet and a debit card will be added along with dataphones and other financial services that will allow an expansion in the services offered.

Smart Pool Will also expand and develop new options, for example, High Frequency Trading (HFT) and an arbitration system; all of this through the artificial intelligence system that carries out the administration of the ecosystem.


A constantly expanding ecosystem

But Kuailian isn’t just a finance ecosystem.  Without a doubt, like blockchain technology, it goes beyond that.  The main objective of Kuailian is to access the resources based on blockchain technology that already exist on the market; to make them more efficient, more transparent and to give our users an experience they’ve never had before.  Very soon Kuailian Travel Ecosystem will be added, the first service that will be outside of the ‘financial’ sector of the company and that will open the gate to the arrival of new market resources that will turn the company into a reference point in the world of blockchain.


If you are looking for a company that will bring nearer your entrance into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies and more accessible, Kuailian is your best ally.

Official Links

·         Web: https://kuailiandp.com/

·         Instagram Official: https://www.instagram.com/kuailiandpofficial/ ·  Formal


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