How it started

10 months ago 36

By Stephanie Eisler Vance

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Stephanie Eisler Vance is a writer, spoken word poet, educator, and mental health advocate based in Brooklyn, NY. In 2021, she founded The Make Yourself Collective (and MYC Kids,) which fosters creativity and artistic skill for all ages. In 2022, she published her debut poetry collection, MADE OF YOU, from Read or Green Books. She has performed her poetry on stages throughout New York City, including Housing Works Bookstore and the off-Broadway Triad Theater. Her prose has appeared in The New York Times and elsewhere. She has a degree in Cultural Anthropology from Duke University and just began a program in Expressive Arts Therapy. Her belief that art saves lives is literal. It has, in a very real sense, saved hers.

Stephanie's Book

How It Started

By Stephanie Eisler Vance

It all started with a hand

A hand on my hand

thumb tucked underneath, stroking my palm

I was wasted

in that liminal space between sleep and awake

slumped over in the back of the cab

he was just taking me home

I knew him well

Skateboarder pal down the dormitory hall

already spoken for

but always kicked it just the two of us

off to the side at parties

When I woke up

all I could think of was his hand on my hand

only after that night did I know

that tenderness

was available to me

It started with too many lines of cocaine

sideways glances

giggles over nothing

with my newly single friend 

a full year of my own personal will-they-won’t-they

my friends never told me to shut up

They should have

This cab ride at dawn was not tender

malfunctioning magnets 

neither repelling nor attracting

We danced around each other instead


and more than a little exciting

I needed him to love me

He did

but he preferred that love

at a distance

as many had and many would after him

I have never understood this

am I prettier from a distance 

the cracks not so visible?

The world more livable 

when you love something

broken and beautiful from 

way over there?

That is what we call a failure of imagination

mine can fill that distance

weave a road paved in golden wishes 

impossible conversations and deep kisses

This distance may protect you

you may think it protects me

but the invisible labor in traversing it turns these

hands to ash

lips into vipers

cracks already there 

groaning from the strain

This distance may protect you

It is destroying me

It all started with a full body shiver

my heart worn out from constant labor

a whole country away from what it needed

my brain commandeering the wheel

sometimes my mind has a mind of its own

And not just a road, it created a

u n i v e r s e

magic waiting in every corner of my world

an underdeveloped and overacted rom-com brought to life

it was all much too good to be true

but I had no reason to believe otherwise

I had no working definition for “manic delusion”

nor had I seen the new cracks

These new cracks didn't feel like cracks at all

they felt like healing

they felt like nothing could ever hurt me again

like distance, too, was a construct

and what is a construct in the face of limitless love?

I wanted to share what I had seen with everyone

most especially him

so I did

but he could not see it

why couldn’t he see it?

The cracks kept shifting, as cracks are wont to do

and just as suddenly as my world became brilliant

lighting changed

pain returned with double the force

distance spread like a weed

my brain whispering

what have I done?

It started with checking in to the psych ward

“fill out these forms”

as if I was capable of reading

“strip down so we can inspect you for bruises

self-inflicted or otherwise”

“have you taken any recreational drugs recently?”

“when was the last time you ate?”

“here's some orange juice”

It started with a diagnosis

Ten days of 

pacing hallways 

timid visitors

Ten days of 

zombifying drugs

timed smoke breaks

Ten minutes of sunshine if we are lucky

I did not know what “psychotic break” meant

I just knew it scared me

Piteous looks, sideways glances no longer for me 

but about me

“bipolar” is less scary than “schizophrenia,” right?

It started with a notebook


making sense

not making any sense

cross-legged on the couch at the end of the hall

this pen my only reprieve from

the endless creep of each passing minute

Writing things the doctors didn’t want to hear

things I didn’t want to say

line by line excavating the cracks

the truth will set you free


I hope

Something was churning

and then settling

and back again inside me

Is this what opening feels like

what healing feels like

what dying feels like

what moving forward feels like?

Is this something?

It started with my release

I described how I felt as 

“twitchy” and “delicate”

when I could find words

but what I really meant was

my being is rearranging itself in real-time

and I have to stand watch so it doesn’t get all fucked up

This life I fell in love with revealed to be a mirage

the world as it looked, suddenly flat

I didn’t talk to him anymore

or rather

he didn’t talk to me

With my mind’s universe disintegrating

my heart’s road with it

all I had was distance

and a notebook

What was true then is true now

I’m not terribly good at distance, or

distance is not terribly good for me

its siren call takes me when I have no will at all

makeshift prison disguised as safe harbor

without will the way is                                   away

But now, neurochemical jailbreak

I am back

I had gone away

but I am finally here


at the doorstep

of my shimmering fate

and I grab…

a handful of dead leaves

my fate has gone

leaving no footprints and taking no pictures

so I draw it from memory

which takes a long time

but it’s okay because I remember everything

I remember realizing I had bitten

my left ring fingernail to the nub

how uncomfortable my subconscious made me

I remember dancing around my bedroom

after our friendship ended 

immediately ready for what I was sure would come next

I remember the last time he called me “homegirl”

I remember when he told me he loved me 

then pretended he didn’t

I remember how many times I had to be told

“this is not about him”

before I would listen

how when I finally did

it didn’t change anything at all

If I keep starting the story

I never have to think about how it might end

one beginning bleeds into another

lessons learned, or not

cycles as comforting as they are vicious

I can continue to make the same mistakes

find myself in the same predicaments

the same hospitals

the same pain

I search before the beginning

I thought this mask would hold for far longer

I thought sadness was naivete

why didn’t I allow myself sadness?

I search anywhere but the end because

my psychiatrist says she doesn’t have a crystal ball

as if I was expecting her to

as if what I am now requires

the kind of foresight reserved for witches

If I keep starting the story

I do not have to move beyond it

beginnings do not require a crystal ball

“Write what you know,” they say

all I know is the beginning

I am only ever beginning

I keep going back to the beginning

and when I do

I am beginning

to move the starting line myself

a game of inches

I am beginning to make some sense

filling cracks with gold

or at least not ash

My definition of “self-care” goes beyond

face masks and bubble baths

because the strain is now the work itself

and beginning again

once a frustrating mess

is a blessing

The odds are not in my favor

Odds that would paralyze my mother

if she had the stomach to read them

but the odds

I think

reflect those who look at cracks

and see endings

a life or death Rorschach test

I cannot tell you I will always pass

For now, all I see are beginnings

I admit, it frustrates me sometimes

I do not have a crystal ball

But I do have this

pen and page and an urgent need to use them

isn’t that how all of this started?

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