Teased by Happiness

9 months ago 40

I don’t trust happiness. It never lasts. A momentary tease to fool me into thinking I deserve some only to … More

I don’t trust happiness. It never lasts.

A momentary tease to fool me into thinking I deserve some

only to have it snatched from me

reminding me of my nothingness.

Happiness settles in for a brief moment

long enough to taste its intense pleasure,

only to have it ripped from my heart

and shredded into shards of empty hollowness.

Happiness must be an illusion.

Tastes of it only intensify the pain of my loneliness and feelings of being unloved.

People rob me from the bliss I crave.

The joy and love I so need to live a substantial purposeful life.


Photo credit: photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Copyright © 2021 by Susan Walz of My Loud Whispers of Hope

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