Ten Things of Thankful: People, Places, Things

10 months ago 32

After a busy weekend, I realized I had missed TToT for a couple weeks, and was so grateful (#1!) to find that the linkup is open until Tuesday.  If you enjoy these posts, I would highly encourage you to...

Ten Things of Thankful

After a busy weekend, I realized I had missed TToT for a couple weeks, and was so grateful (#1!) to find that the linkup is open until Tuesday.  If you enjoy these posts, I would highly encourage you to join in with those who are thankful.  More information can be found at the TToT website, here.

I have missed blogging over the last month or so, but have found that I have relatively little to say.  I am thankful (#2!) to be back to it today.  Blogging, for me, is like a comfy old sweater that you find at the back of the closet.  I don’t realize how much I miss the comfort of it until I do it again.

The Mother’s Day service at my new church was really amazing.  I am eternally grateful to my friend, Marla, for getting me back in the swing of going (#3!).  It is a smaller church, not anything fancy or pretentious, and the pastor has delivered a wonderful, easy-to-understand message each and every service I have been to.

Since this week’s theme was Mother’s Day, he talked about the gifts we should be giving our mothers.  The gifts of acceptance, of appreciation, and of affirmation.  He said he knew of many people who were still blaming the issues of their lives on parents long into their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and how freeing it could be to give these gifts to one’s mother,  no matter the relationship.  I have a pretty decent relationship with my mom, but was grateful (#4!) for this message, because it told me that God really wants me to accept her even more fully, appreciate her beyond the mundane, and use affirmation to build her up at any turn, no matter the situation.  I was so moved during the service, that I shed tears, and I was truly touched, thinking of my mother and my life, and I how I can do better and not blame her for things beyond her control.  As the pastor said, “You didn’t choose your mother, but she didn’t choose you either.”  That really rang true for me and I was grateful to hear it (#5!).

Although a bit redundant, I  must give thanks again (#6) for the LarBear, for being my rock, for being my everything, for always being there.  Mother’s Day is a difficult time for me, as I struggle with my own choices long ago not to have children, and I see what a positive impact so many women are making in the lives of their children.  Facebook was particularly hard to look at this weekend, but while I am sad and lonely and regretful about never having children, I am also thankful (#7!) that I have never brought a human into this world that I wasn’t fully able to take care of.  Some people were meant to be aunts, and dog moms, and that is enough for me.  It is hard to swallow sometimes, but I am grateful for the decision.

And in no particular order, to close out the post, I am thankful for:

8.  Instagram and the wonderful people, beautiful and meaningful pictures and posts, and the ability to interact more with my sister through it.

9.  The birthday that keeps on giving, LarBear and I are booked for a two-night trip starting next week to the Kansas Cosmosphere, and we are thrilled!

10.  The confidence I have found in crafting, where if I see it, I now believe I can do it, and I DO THE THINGS.  Thank heavens for a creative mind.

Re-purposing a spiral-bound day calendar into something pretty and funky for the desk. Who doesn’t like peacocks?!

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