Healing Trifecta

3 days ago 5

TrifectaI noticed the other day that every time I checked in with my emotions (something I have been doing since starting therapy)…checked in with my thoughts…checked in with my physical body…I noticed that more often than not…I felt good…not just good but more often than not I was noticing I felt great in all these areas.Going from a bit of a mental meltdown (ok…full on breakdown 🤷🏻‍♀️) in January after the endoscopy disaster, I started 3 things that has helped me SO much.I started with weekly therapy.For years I have gone to therapy when I needed it, but I was only working on the thoughts/emotions I was dealing with in the moment from cancer. With my current therapist, we started with an outline of my whole life…not just cancer, found my trigger points (WAY more than I knew about) and did EMDR to “collect and file” the stories that would take me down and throw me into a tailspin.I am now able to step back and question the thoughts/fears/anxiety/sadness etc. all while not blaming or self criticizing…major win!I can’t believe how amazing this process is…I am working on several posts about my experience with EMDR because I want everyone to know about it.Meditation I got serious about meditation!I made it a point to meditate daily, even when it was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. I made myself sit and focus on my breathing for minim of 5 minutes…some days it was SO hard but I stuck it out.I noticed when meditating was the last thing I wanted to do was when I needed it most and when I felt the most at peace with my heart afterwards.I have also noticed that I am now craving my daily meditations and meditate 2-3 times a day.Changed an Rx I stopped taking Lexapro and started Wellbutrin.I had been feeling like maybe the Rx I had been on for 10 years kinda lost its total effect and after I couldn’t shake my depressed feelings after the endoscopy, my doctor changed it up. I am so glad that he did and I feel as great as I do!I don’t know if it is just one of those action items that helped, a combination of two or all three of them, but I do know that I haven’t felt this great for this amount of time in so long and it feels absolutely amazing!

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