Board Game BINGO! - Duncan's Dilemma

10 months ago 34

? 3 min readClick to get a closer look!Tis the season to be jolly, and boy do we have a REASON to be jolly this December. Duncan from the one and only Games Room in Norwich has kindly donated...

? 3 min read

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Tis the season to be jolly, and boy do we have a REASON to be jolly this December. Duncan from the one and only Games Room in Norwich has kindly donated a brand new board game to NoBoG, for us to give away to one of you lovely NoBoGlins.

So in typical board gaming fashion, we have decided to hold a 'gaming event' to decide who gets it.

Get ready for.... BOARD GAME BINGO!!

During all 3 Tuesday evenings in December, you will be invited to pick up a NoBoG Board Game Bingo card and pen from Ian. Each card, if handed back in at the end of the evening, will give you one entry to the grand prize draw at the end of this month. Simples!

'Terror Below' with Duncan
BUT. Before you hand it in you may want to try to fill it up as much as possible by crossing off any board games you hear called-out during the evening's introductions. 

Each card has a 3x4 grid, with 12 random board games on it. Every card is unique, and here are the rules for scoring:

Each card has to be handed in that evening and is worth 1 victory point (VP).
During introductions, when board games are being called out, if a game on your card is mentioned, cross it off!Each time you manage to fill in an entire column (3 boxes) you will earn +1VP.Fill in a row (4 boxes) and you will gain +2VPs for each row.If you manage to sit down and play one of the games you have crossed off that evening, then circle that box and gain another +1VP to your score.You get to put an 'X' on one additional box of your choice before you hand it in as a bonus!At the end of the evening, total up your score, put your name on the card, and hand it in to Ian, or whoever is Master of the Bag/Hat/Box that evening.The contact details and score will be snipped off, and posted into the chosen container. All this information will be destroyed after the Grand Prize Draw has taken place.The remainder of the Bingo Card, is retained by you, and may be given to Duncan to be used as a 5% off voucher on any purchase in The Games Room. Thanks Duncan!At the end of the month (date TBC), 3 names will be drawn out of the container. The NoBoGlin with the most VPs in that group, WINS! Ties will be decided by who was drawn first - first player privilege. If the same name is drawn out more than once, the VPs are simply totalled up together to form one explosive score for them! The drawing of names will stop once 3 different NoBoGlins are picked.
Clear as mud? Great. See you all there for fun and games, and BEST OF LUCK!!

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