May's Painting Update

10 months ago 39

Why so late? I know late posts are just the norm around here but I have a good excuse this time I promise. So, towards the end of May I...

Why so late? I know late posts are just the norm around here but I have a good excuse this time I promise. So, towards the end of May I quit my job as I felt I could no longer continue to work for my current employer. I have a new job lined up to start in September and I've been temping for the last two months. This has meant that keeping up to date with blogging and painting has been tricky.

However, things are finally slowing down as I enter August with a nice empty calendar and a pile of models to paint, so things should be back to normal soon! Right, let's cast our eyes back on May and see what I got painted before I blew up my life!!!

Zombicide Dark Side (5)

I kicked things off by finishing off Green Team for Zombicide Dark Side. Very happy with how they look, nice and straight forward but striking on the table. I also put together a painting Green tutorial for the blog. Don't forget you can see all the tutorials I've made in their brand new home, here.

Zombicide 2nd Edition (5)

The Daily Spawn Walkers are great minis for me to paint when I don't have the time to commit to other projects. Below we have 5 new walkers, the Nun, Ballerina, Magician, Air Stewardess and the Cat Lady, which is one of my favourite zombie concepts.

Other (8)

To finish off the month I wanted to paint the Big Bang Theory survivors for Zombicide as it's my mum's favourite TV show and it was her birthday this month. I had the cards from the reboot box, so all I needed was the minis. I picked these up from Etsy but I wasn't overly happy with them. The resin was quite sticky, the details on the faces in particular was shallow and half of them were broken on arrival.

On the upside, Leonard's broken machete got replaced with a working lightsaber so it's not all bad!

Overall I'm pleased with how they turned out even if I did have to do some repairs.

Total (18)

So, slightly less productive this month with just 18 models added to the total, but I've already made peace with the fact that I won't be hitting my targets this year, having already lost 2 months of time and counting.

250 Minis - 93 Finish Marvel United X-Men (78) - 21 Finish ISS Vanguard (36) - 17 Paint Zombicide Darkside (104) or Paint Marvel Zombies Core (90) - 6 Paint Arkham Asylum (15) - Complete Finish Hellscape for 4 Players (10) - Not Started Paint Descent Heroes (14) - 3 Zombicide Daily Spawn (30) - 12

Until Next time, have fun painting... The Duke

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