December 2023 Monthly Update from GMT Games – A Christmas Miracle – A New Combat Commander Battle Pack and a Game on the Ongoing Russo-Ukraine War by the Herman

one year ago 66

I was really glad to see the Monthly Update email hit my inbox this month and I eagerly gobbled it up in about 20 minutes. I feel like we have experienced a bit of a Christmas miracle as we...

I was really glad to see the Monthly Update email hit my inbox this month and I eagerly gobbled it up in about 20 minutes. I feel like we have experienced a bit of a Christmas miracle as we got a new Combat Commander offering. I was really very excited when reading about Combat Commander Battle Pack #9: Island Hopping that was added to the P500 and I am also very excited about the new game covering the Russo-Ukraine War designed by Mark Herman and David Dockter although I know that many of you will not care to play it…and there is nothing wrong with that. I think that there is a lot we can learn from the conflict and gaming it out so I am very intrigued at this point.

Both Alexander and I just want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope you get to spend time with your families and friends and hopefully get some gaming in as well!

This month there were 2 new P500 additions offered including 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War 2022-? Volume 1: Miracle on the Dnipro 2022 and Combat Commander Battle Pack #9: Island Hopping. There also were 4 reprints offered in Atlantic Chase: The Kriegsmarine Against the Home Fleet, 1939-1942 3rd Printing, Normandy ’44 4th Printing, Simple GBoH 2nd Edition 2nd Printing and A World at War Mounted Maps.

Also, as is usually the case, there was plenty of other information shared including updates on GMT One products, development updates, upcoming future P500 additions and absolutely stunning art samples.

In case you missed the Monthly Update email, here is a link:

First off, I wanted to extend my condolences to both Mark McLaughlin and Fred Schachter as we learned in the update that they both had lost their spouses over the past coupe of years. I had no idea and I am so sorry for their loss. I know that my wife is a huge part of my life and I am unsure how I would ever deal with her loss but I am glad to see that both Mark and Fred are back at it and working on Hannibal’s Revenge again. I wish nothing but the best for these 2 fine gentleman.

Next’ we learned that GMT has a new multi-media offering in GMT Talk hosted by Luke and Rachel Billingsley. This is supposed to be “an “inside look” at the people and games of GMT through their (Luke and Rachel) eyes and their interviews”. In their inaugural episode, they interviewed the distinguished and all around good guy Harold Buchanan.

If you would like to listen to the audio-only version on Spotify, click the following link: GMT Talk on Spotify

There were lots of other great pieces of information but you will just have to read about them on the Monthly Update link. But for now, onto the good stuff!

New P500’s

As shared above, there were 2 new P500 additions offered this month including 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War 2022-? Volume 1: Miracle on the Dnipro 2022 and Combat Commander Battle Pack #9: Island Hopping. There also were 4 reprints offered in Atlantic Chase: The Kriegsmarine Against the Home Fleet, 1939-1942 3rd Printing, Normandy ’44 4th Printing, Simple GBoH 2nd Edition 2nd Printing and A World at War Mounted Maps.

2nd Russo-Ukrainian War 2022-? Volume 1: Miracle on the Dnipro 2022

I know that many designers and publishers have a strict “no current ongoing war designs allowed” policy. I also understand that not all games are for all gamers and that is fine. With that being said, with the events in Ukraine over the past 2 years, it is just a matter of time before we get several of these designs (this being the 2nd I am aware of with the other being 2022: Ukraine from Conflict Simulations Limited). The situation in Ukraine is a study in modern warfare and I for one am glad that this game is coming to light. Plus, Mark Herman is one of my favorite designers and I am excited to see what he can do with a modern war.

From the game page, we read the following:

Defiance: 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War 2022-? Volume 1: Miracle on the Dnipro 2022 (“Defiance”) covers the initial 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine with the Kyiv and Chernihiv campaigns from February 24, 2022 to roughly April 1, 2022. Defiance builds upon Victory Games’ (Mark Herman’s) Flashpoint Golan (1991), adds a strategic political component, and updates the system for modern multi-domain warfare/the expanded revolution in military affairs (eRMA). At its core, Defiance is a game where players pull chits, activate a formation, and conduct movement & combat while hopefully avoiding enemy detection & response. HQ’s figure prominently in the game with support, electronic, and combat enhancement capabilities.

I like that Mark is using one of his systems from the past and bringing it up to current trends with a new strategic political component. I also really like that the game is chit pull.

A game turn has three phases: Strategic, Operational, and Logistics.

During the Strategic Phase, players draw one of three random SitRep cards that move four political tracks (Zelenskyy, NATO, Lukashenko, and Putin Tracks) and provide bonuses/penalties for players that accomplish (or fail to accomplish) specific tasks. Logistics points are generated and utilized to purchase HQ chits (which activate formations), logistics supply, and replacement points and improve readiness/muster troops. A Cup of Chaos is constructed which includes purchased HQ chits, a Berg random events chit, bonus chits, and chits that cause the turn to end. Supply is determined (and checked upon a unit activating). Supply states include offensive, full, partial, and out of supply. Russians have a significant challenge, given their dependency upon railroads. Finally, turn strike assets (aircraft, helicopters, drones, and long range strike weapons) are generated.

Russian operational thrusts near Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy through the first week of the 2022 invasion…Russian advance lines & underlying map by @Nrg8ooo
During the Operational Phase, players activate HQs and units from that formation to conduct movement and combat (either meeting engagement or set piece battles) during two activation segments (movement and exploitation). Each HQ may draw upon capabilities (support assets) that may be employed to assist friendly operations or thwart enemy efforts. Combat considers primarily troop quality and die roll modifiers (drm’s) for terrain, supply, and combat support (air and artillery). A Troop Quality check is made. If the result is higher than a unit’s TQ (troop quality), that unit suffers a reduction in morale (normal, disorganized, broken, cadre). Depending upon which side or sides suffer morale reductions, battle outcome is determined: Standoff, Repulse, Retreat, Stalemate.

During the Logistics Phase, players conduct reorganization (units recover a morale level if they reorganized the entire turn), spend replacement markers (that were purchased during the Strategic Phase) to recover morale levels/replenish ammunition, and conduct a few other odds and ends.

I am very much interested in this one and can’t wait to find out more. This has been a polarizing and very interesting look at warfare today and we have all learned many lessons about how things will be in the future. I also liked that Mark shared this text message conversation between him and some of his friends on the day that war started.

If you are interested in 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War 2022-? Volume 1: Miracle on the Dnipro 2022, you can pre-order a copy for $64.00 on the P500 game page at the following link:

Combat Commander Battle Pack #9: Island Hopping

I have played all of the Combat Commander family of games including Europe, Mediterranean and Pacific as well as plenty of the Battle Packs. I also recently acquired a copy of Resistance and need to get it to the table. I really absolutely love the narrative that the game creates. I love the cards and how they are used for combat, there are no dice in CC in case you didn’t know, for activations and events. The system is just full of chaos and fun. I was very pleased when I heard that there were some new Combat Commander products upcoming and now the first has been revealed with Combat Commander Battle Pack #9: Island Hopping designed by Mark Yoshikawa.

From the game page, we read the following:

Lack of supplies, disease, and skirmishes at night were common in the Pacific. Combating the tropical setting as well as an enemy determined to battle to the last man, fighting on the islands was completely different than in Europe. The thousand-yard stare was a common trait among the fighting troops in the Pacific due to the strain of these conditions. This Battle Pack represents the hardships facing the men on both sides of the fluctuating front line.

Focusing on situations where the US Army and Marines commonly battled the entrenched Japanese Imperial forces, this Battle Pack highlights engagements on Attu Island (where the first Banzai charge took place), Tarawa, and Guam (where the famous incident of Gen. Smith relieving Gen. Smith took place), among others. The Japanese were experts at night actions, so a number of them are included in this set to illustrate their deadly proficiency.

After reading the intro paragraph, I became even more excited as the designer seems to really be taking into consideration the many challenges of the soldiers and how that fit into the style of fighting in the Pacific. I am very interested to see how them one comes out.

There are 10-12 new scenarios in the Battle Pack as well as including four new maps which give us another airfield and a new invasion beach, as well as beaches on Tarawa and Wake Island. There also will be some terrain new to the Pacific game including things like coral, sea wall, and trenches and a new weapon (AMTRAK). Here are a list of the scenarios:

M15 – “Enemy on Island – Issue Still in Doubt” Following their defeat a few weeks prior, Japanese forces invade Wake Island with superior forces and off-shore support, determined to retake the island; 27 December 1941. M16 – “Blood Like Wine” Set on Attu Island, this engagement was the first use of what became known as the Banzai Charge when the unsupplied, unreinforced Japanese garrison conducted a last-ditch attack against American forces on the island; 29 May 1943. M17 – “Bloody Tarawa” The most fortified atoll the American forces would face, this first American offensive was part of Operation Galvanic; 20 November 1943. M18 – “Long Night Into Dawn” Set on Saipan Island, having secured the beachhead, US Marines dig in to withstand the overnight Japanese counterattacks; 16 June 1944. M19 – “Mount Tapotchau” Set on Saipan Island, in attempting to clear the mountain, the difference between Army and Marine tactics came to a head, resulting in the famous incident when Gen. Smith relieved Gen. Smith; 23 June 1944. M20 – “Seven Lives to Repay Our Country” Set on Saipan Island, this is one of the largest Banzai Charges of the war; 7 July 1944. M21 – “Army Landing – Guam” Set on Agat Beach, Guam; 21 July 1944. M22 – “Long Night into Day” Set on Guam following the beach landing, the Marines prepared defenses for the night as Japanese forces were preparing to infiltrate the American lines looking to find a weakness; 25 July 1944. M23 – “Island is Declared Secure?” Set on Tinian Island, the US Marines had declared the island secure the previous day and then faced a last-ditch attack by the remaining Japanese forces; 2 August 1944. M24 – “Tanks??” Set on Peleliu Island, in one of the few tank attacks in the Pacific, US Marines are caught off guard as the Japanese counterattack across the airfield; 15 September 1944.

Two additional scenarios are being considered which feature engagements on Okinawa.

If you are interested in Combat Commander Battle Pack #9: Island Hopping, you can pre-order a copy for $29.00 on the P500 game page at the following link:

The Island Hopping Battle Pack is NOT a stand-alone game and will require ownership of the Combat Commander: Pacific boxed game in order to be played.

Atlantic Chase: The Kriegsmarine Against the Home Fleet, 1939-1942 3rd Printing

When I first saw Atlantic Chase offered on the P500 a few years ago, I immediately thought about Ticket to Ride as the game uses small matchstick style blocks to represent trajectories of ships as they travel from port to port on the map. The game is really very colorful and immediately drew my interest. Now it is going on its 3rd Printing and that should tell you all you need to know about the game.

From the game page, we read the following:

Atlantic Chase simulates the naval campaigns fought in the North Atlantic between the surface fleets of the Royal Navy and the Kriegsmarine between 1939 and 1942. It utilizes a system of trajectories to model the fog of war that bedeviled the commands during this period. Just as the pins and strings adorning Churchill’s wall represented the course of the ships underway, players arrange trajectory lines across the shared game board, each line representing a task force’s path of travel. Without resorting to dummy blocks, hidden movement, or a double-blind system requiring a referee or computer, players experience the uncertainty endemic to this period of naval warfare. This system also has the benefit of allowing the game to be played solitaire, and to be played quickly.

The German player’s task is clear: sever Britain’s lifeline to its overseas colonies and allies.  All hangs on the fate of convoys. Ultimately, success or failure in Atlantic Chase will hinge on the Kriegsmarine’s ability to breakout into the Atlantic and find convoys while frustrating British attempts to catch his raiders. The game chronicles the development of the Royal Navy’s strategy to contain the German fleet by pitting players against each other in five successive operations that comprise a Campaign Game. Seven additional scenarios treat specific historical actions, including a Sink the Bismarck scenario, a PQ17 scenario, and the Channel Dash. The game features battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers, convoys, and pocket battleships, while U-boats, elusive armed merchant raiders, and air assets play an important role too. Operations during the Campaign Game and stand-alone historical scenarios each take 1-2 hours to play.

We posted an interview with the designer Jerry White and you can read that at the following link:

I also wrote a fairly in-depth First Impressions post on the game and you can read that at the following link:

Here also is our video review:

If you are interested in Atlantic Chase 3rd Printing, you can pre-order a copy on the P500 game page for $64.00 at the following link:

Normandy ’44 4th Printing

A game that sits solidly on my shelf of shame but that deserves much better is Normandy ’44 designed by the incomparable Mark Simonitch. This game is a very playable 1 mapper that covers the whole of the D-Day landings in France during WWII. It uses the same ’40X System that we have loved in Holland ’44, Stalingrad ’42 and most recently Salerno ’43. And when a game gets its 4th Printing, you know that it is good!

From the game page, we read the following:

Normandy ’44 is a 2, 3, or 4-player regimental level game of the D-Day landings on June 6th and the battles that raged in Normandy for the next 21 days. During this crucial period, the Germans had their only chance to push back the Allied invasion before the preponderance of Allied men and material made the outcome certain. During this period, the U.S. 1st Army fought across the Cotentin Peninsula and captured the major port of Cherbourg while British forces took on the bulk of of the German panzer divisions near Caen.

Each turn represents 1 day. Each hex represents 3.8 kilometers (or 2.3 miles). Most units are regiments or brigades, though most of the armor units are represented as battalions.

The game uses a simplified Ardennes ’44 system: Move, Fight, and Reserve Movement. All non-tank battalion units are rated for Troop Quality, while all armor units have a Tank Rating. In each battle, these ratings are used to provide shifts for either the attacker or defender. Other important shifts are provided by air power, naval support, artillery, and/or Tiger tanks.

The game includes a 22 turn Campaign game, a 7-turn Tournament Scenario that focuses on the Allies linking up the beaches, and a scenario covering the battle in the peninsula and the capture of Cherbourg. In addition, there are rules for allowing 3 or even 4 players to play the game.

If you are interested in Normandy ’44 4th Printing, you can pre-order a copy on the P500 game page for $42.00 at the following link:

Simple GBoH 2nd Edition 2nd Printing

The Great Battles of History Series is awesome! Designed by the duo of Richard Berg and Mark Herman, the series covers lots of different characters and battles across the Ancient world. But, the series is very complex and crunchy and I know that the first time we played, we found it a bit daunting. Never fear though, as there is a rules set called Simple GBoH and it makes it much more approachable and ultimately more playable.

From the game page, we read the following:

Simple Great Battles of History (Simple GBoH) allows gamers to recreate the significant battles of the ancient Western world covered by GMT’s Great Battles of History (GBoH) SeriesSimple GBoH is designed for players who want a faster, less die-roll-heavy version of the GBoH System, while retaining as much of the historical flavor and insight of the original rules. These rules and its companion playbook cover all the battles published in Deluxe Great Battles of AlexanderSPQRCaesar: The Civil WarsCaesar: Conquest of GaulCataphract, and all their related modules. The battles presented in C3i are published in the Simple GBoH Battle Manual.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This rules book is self-contained; you do not need the original GBoH rulebooks to play this version…although the former does contain interesting Design and Historical notes. Most of the rules and mechanics which are part and parcel of all previous GBoH Series land battles have either been changed or are not here anymore.

So what has been updated or changed in this 2nd Printing edition you ask? Here you go:

Simple Great Battles of History 2nd Edition Highlights

The ZOC Rules were modified to address some odd-looking situations that can arise during play and to simplify the rules language. ZOC effects have been aligned with the standard game. Shock is now mandatory for active units that have enemy units in their ZOC; being in an enemy ZOC is not relevant. An In-Command unit may leave a hex adjacent to an enemy unit but cannot move adjacent to an enemy unit during that Player Turn. Out-of-Command units are pinned to the hex they are in if adjacent to an enemy unit but may change facing. Two-hex units may Reverse Face in reaction to enemy movement in a similar manner to single-hex units, albeit with a higher cost of failure. Offensive Javelin Missile Fire is limited to H&R Tactics and defensive (reaction) Javelin Missile Fire as Return Fire against H&R Javelin fire only. Elephant Screens are now active in Reaction Fire. The Elephant Rampage DR generated by a Missile hit has been removed; Elephant units incur 2 Hits instead (as do Chariot units). Elephants do not Retreat from Shock but instead incur 2 Hits. Weapons System Matrix reworked to better reflect the results from the standard game tables. Certain types (Archers, etc.) are no longer Shock capable. Shock Resolution & Results: Hits and Moving DRMs have been eliminated along with the Reduction result. Column Movement rules brought up to date.

If you are interested in Simple GBoH 2nd Printing, you can pre-order a copy on the P500 game page for $18.00 at the following link:

A World at War Mounted Maps

Mounter maps are pretty awesome! Why? Well, when you play with paper maps, they are harder to lie flat and you most likely will have to use a piece of heavy plexiglass to flatten them out which will lead to a ton of glare on your beautiful gaming pictures. They also last longer and can take a bit more abuse than conventional paper maps. So, for one of the more eclectic and large games on WWII out there, A World at War, having 4 of these mounted mapboards would be awesome.

From the game page, we read the following:

A set of 4 mounted maps for A World at War (2 for Europe, 2 for Pacific).

If you are interested in A World at War Mounted Maps, you can pre-order a copy on the P500 game page for $42.00 at the following link:

Charging & Shipping

The following information for Charging and Shipping was copied directly from the Update:

Shipping in Progress:

2023 Replacement Countersheet

Banish All Their Fears

Norman Conquests: Men of Iron Volume V

Tanto Montahere is a link to our interview with designer Carlos Diaz Narvaez

The Plum Island Horrorhere is a link to our interview with designer Hermann Luttmann

Next Charges/Shipments: GMT plans to charge for the following games on Wednesday, January 3rd and start shipping about a week thereafter.

C&C Medieval, 2nd Printing

C&C Napoleonics Expansion 6: EPIC Napoleonics, 2nd Printing

Panzer North Africa 

Vijayanagara here is a link to our interview with the designers Saverio Spagnolie, Mathieu Johnson, Cory Graham and Aman Matthews

Not There Yet P500’s

I wanted to make sure to highlight a few of the P500’s that are not moving up the ladder quickly in their number of pre-orders but that probably deserve more orders. None of these games are being threatened with removal from the P500 but definitely need some more love.

Napoleon in Egypt – This one is about the French campaign in Egypt and Syria from 1798–1801, which was led by Napoleon Bonaparte. On July 1st, 1798, 35,000 French soldiers landed in Alexandria. This expeditionary force’s mission was many-fold: to find an alternative spice route through a foreseen Suez Canal, to settle yet another score with the British, to enlighten the population with ideals stemming from the recent French Revolution, and to discover what marvels and riches this fabled land of the 1001 Nights might hold. This was indeed an expedition where scientists walked alongside soldiers. We posted an interview with the designer Pascal Toupy and you can read that at the following link:

BorikénBorikén covers three main periods in the history of Puerto Rico, one is the settlement of the Island of Puerto Rico by the Taíno people (Pre-1493), another covers the arrival and settlement of the Spanish on the Island (1493-1511) and lastly the removal of the Taíno in the subsequent years (1512-1529). Borikén is not a campaign game, but is three separate games that use the same base system, but are meant to show different experiences. The first game is competitive, while the other two are cooperative. These three games can be played independent of each other, but can also be played in order as a full experience, especially with the shifting emotions of the Taíno point of view. We posted an interview with the designer Julio Nazario and you can read that at the following link:

Hannibal’s Revenge – A few years ago, the Card Conquest System made its debut in a game called Hitler’s Reich. The system uses cards and dice to decide the outcome of battles and really creates a light and engaging strategic exercise. The only problem with Hitler’s Reich was the rulebook and I think that we will not see that problem again. The next game in that series is called Hannibal’s Revenge and pits the forces of Carthage against the mighty Roman Empire in the Second Punic War. We reached out to Mark to talk about this interesting looking Ancients game and you can read more on our designer interview at the following link:

We have plans to reach out to the designers for Iron StormŽižka, Epipolae, Spearhead, Ortana, Hammer & Sickle and Decisive Action to get their thoughts on their work. Give these games a look and consider backing them as we need to make sure we get to play them.

New P500’s on the Horizon

One of the features that I have always enjoyed about these Monthly Updates has been the New P500’s on the Horizon where Gene Billingsley shares a few very cryptic comments about an upcoming project and we are supposed to somehow decipher his meaning from these “clues”.

Here is a brief tease for P500 additions lining up in the coming months. This month’s Defiance was teased in October as ” A contemporary operational level wargame from Mark Herman and David Dockter. And this month’s “Island Hopping Combat Commander Battle Pack” is one of the two products we mentioned last month as “TWO new products for the Combat Commander series.” Note that this is not a comprehensive list (nor will I preview EVERY game we have planned), so I will switch these up a bit from month to month. Over the coming 1-6 months, I anticipate that we will add:

Volko’s newest design set in the Pacific during WWII – I have a feeling that Volko is getting an itch to do a new Combat Commander product but this is really just a guess at this point. I don’t think that he would do Levy & Campaign Guadalcanal would he? A power struggle strategy game set after the Russian Revolution – I guessed this last month but could this be Lenin’s Death designed by Matthias Cramer? Gene is just trying to be distracting and sow disinformation! A new Battles of the American Revolution Series game – Volume 11 will be Battle of Green Spring Plantation in Virginia. More content for The Plum Island Horror – three new Factions, three new Mutations, more Search, Fate and Event Cards, additional Civilians, a new type of VIP civilian, a new type of Alpha Horrors tile that will make their stack a super stack, and other things. Sounds great! A new operational hex and counter game set in WWII Italy – I feel like this is not correct but I am going to say it is The Gustav Line designed by Mark Simonitch. See the draft board shown below that Mark shared on Facebook this past week.

I pulled out all the stops this month and cashed in all of my favors to try and get some of these correct! I feel like I got at least 2 with the possibility that a 3rd was right. But who knows? How did I do Gene?

Project Updates and Sample Art

One final thing that I wanted to share this month is all of the great sample art that has been shared as a part of the update on various games as they run up to production.

The first piece of art that they shared in the Monthly Update was the box back for the upcoming Wolfpack: The North Atlantic Convoy Struggles, October 1941-March 1943 designed by Mike Bertucelli. This one looks pretty interesting and has a solitaire mode and plays 1-4. Modeling the German wolfpacks of WWII will require several players working together to sink shipping.

We posted an interview with the designer Mike Bertucel

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