The Way of Kings, pt. 1 by Brandon Sanderson

one year ago 52

This is my third (ish) Brandon Sanderson book and it seems like his books can do no wrong. When I tell you that I've never been disappointed by one of his books, I really mean it.

Title: The Way of Kings, Pt. 1
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Release Date: 31 August 2010
Rating: 4,5/5 stars

“Cowardice can imitate heroism if given no where to flee.”

This is my third (ish) Brandon Sanderson book and it seems like his books can do no wrong. When I tell you that I’ve never been disappointed by one of his books, I really mean it.

The heavy worldbuilding during the start was a bit of a chore to get through but it’s part of the deal when reading epic fantasy. Once I got through the first 150 pages, I really started to get into the world and story.

Kaladin’s story is my favorite so far and his struggle with defeat or to keep on living had me hooked. Shallan’s story didn’t interest me a lot at the start but as the story kept moving, her interactions with Jasnah and Kabsal kept me entertained. Davlar’s story seems like the most important out of all and I really liked his flashback scenes, though I’m still not sure where everything fits in.

Sanderson’s writing is simple and to the point as always, and I found myself thankful for the absence of flowery writing since the heaps of world-building information were difficult enough to power through.

I’m keeping my review for this book short, since it’s still only part one, but I’m very excited to see where the second part is heading!

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