Reflecting on 9 years of book blogging

one year ago 51

In late November, it’s been 9 years since I started this blog. It’s funny, because I never thought I’d forget about this milestone. Worst: I never thought I’d intentionally leave this post to the side and… not celebrate this...

In late November, it’s been 9 years since I started this blog.

It’s funny, because I never thought I’d forget about this milestone. Worst: I never thought I’d intentionally leave this post to the side and… not celebrate this milestone.

Turns out that’s what I did, this year.

I’ve had this date, this anniversary, written down on my Notion blogging calendar for ages. I hoped that, when the time came, I’d have this little spark of inspiration, of creativity, this idea to make this blogging celebration fun.

I didn’t, so here I am, rambling instead.

Blogging has been ups and downs this past year. I’ll admit it: mostly down. I haven’t been feeling this slumpy about blogging in… well, 9 years. I haven’t been feeling my best personally, either, but that’s another story.

I genuinely still enjoy blogging, but I also haven’t felt like blogging.

I let so many other things in my life come first in the past year. Like, writing my book. Especially writing my book. I’ve been hyper focused on this project of mine, something I honestly want to talk about more, even if I feel crippled by anxiety about being perceived with my writing.

It’s something I want to do, something that I feel like I need to do.

Coming & going ?

In my 9 years of blogging, people came and went.

People stopped blogging, people stayed on social media, people disappeared to live their lives. I never thought I’d become one of these people.

I’m not one of these people.

I’m still here, a ghost, a reality, haunting this place, posting reviews, letting inspiration take me wherever, whenever.

I think I’m trying to be okay with coming and going, now.

From an excessive posting schedule to a I-can’t-relax-about-blogging mood, to this, now, I’ve gone through every emotion in the blogging spectrum, I guess.

That’s growing up, maybe.

Goals & dreams ?

I’ve been looking for inspiration by scrolling down my old blog posts and blogging celebrations. I stumbled upon this 6th year of blogging celebration.

So, three years ago, I wanted to reach 15k followers, 10k pageviews and get mentioned in a book, basically. I kind of wanted to be paid to book blog, as well.

Full transparency here: some of these dreams came true.

I reached 10k page views a month, at times. Not regularly, but some months, I do. I’m forever amazed and grateful about that.

Some incredible people actually clicked on my affiliate links and allowed me to make a little dime. Not enough to pay for my hosting fees (these cost 120 euros a year, for full transparency), but it was something pretty cool.

The other dreams didn’t come true… and I don’t know if I care.

This sounds very negative, but hear me out. It’s not that I don’t care. I’d still be amazed and forever grateful at finding my name quoted in a book or something. I just don’t feel like putting out more energy towards these goals.

I’d rather focus on some other goals, maybe.

Hint: writing my book, maybe. Books.

Social media & presence ?

In online bookish communities, your presence and worth seems to be determined by algorithms, now.

Let’s face it: I suck at bookstagram. I’m trying every now and then, but I’m struggling with my identity, my presence, my feed, everything on there. (Let me tell you a secret, though: it’s one of my biggest project for 2024.

I’m not on Tiktok (another secret: yet).

Most of the friends I’ve made in over 9 years of book blogging have left the blogging ship. They moved on to social media, or just moved on, quitting book blogging altogether.

I’m still here, not moving on, even if I’m a bit invisible. I’ll still here, but deeply thinking and reevaluating my presence on this blog, on social media, everywhere to match my current, my new, my dreams I’ve had for ages, back at a time where blogging didn’t even exist. (I’m 30, I’m not that old, but still, I guess blogging wasn’t a thing when I was 9, okay).

So… this year kind of feels like a bittersweet celebration, I guess.

I’m here, but not really, I’m trying, but I’m thinking (too much, as always, if you ask me), as well.

So…what’s next? ?

This is not a goodbye post, even if it might seem like a sad little rant. I’m still having fun, sometimes. I lost bits of the spark here and there, but sometimes, I find it back. I’m still here, nine years later, and I think that has to count for something.

I don’t know if I’ll ever blog like before, if some of my old blogging dreams will come true.

I know I’ll keep on going, seeing where inspiration takes me. I’ll keep on promoting books I love, I’ll make lists that are hopefully helpful, I’ll keep doing my best to connect with bloggers I love, because I genuinely LOVE that, even if I’ve neglected it, lately, a lot. I’m sorry about that.

I’ll see what happens next, if the spark gets back here permanently, if I become some sort of social media wizard, eventually. Who knows.

I’ll keep on following other dreams, too. Maybe try talking more about writing here, or in my newsletter (which I desperately need to revive, someday). Hopefully try my best to be more active on social media and talk about books and writing, more, too. I hope you’ll meet me there, too.

Forever grateful for you for being part of this adventure, for reading this. For checking out this little corner of the internet I’ve poured my heart out in for years, now. I hope, I’ll try to keep on doing just that and I hope you’ll still be there, too.

Words aren’t enough, but: thank you. x

For more book blogging reflections, check out these blog posts:

8 of my Best Book Blogging Tips To Celebrate 8 Years of Blogging Reflecting On 7 Years Of Blogging: Lessons Learned, Wins, Fails & Goals 8 Hard Truths About Book Blogging (And Easy Tips To Keep On Loving It)

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