Surviving Crazy is a humorous fiction written about a gigantic solar that plunges into the world creating a lot of chaos. Riley, Louie and Shephard are an interesting pair of friends who happen to find themselves trapped. The post-apocalyptic...
Surviving Crazy is a humorous fiction written about a gigantic solar that plunges into the world creating a lot of chaos. Riley, Louie and Shephard are an interesting pair of friends who happen to find themselves trapped. The post-apocalyptic story then takes you on a funny interesting endeavour as we read along how they cope with no electricity.
I wasn’t a big fan of the formatting but the content was too funny and enjoyable to read. The pace of the story was steady and possessed more dialogue than description. The literature was geared towards a younger genre and comedy dominated its nature of content.
What did pull everything together was the characters and their personalities. They were witty, young, fun and entertaining.
I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read comedy fiction.
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