Christian Book Highlight: 'Making the Transition'

10 months ago 28

 Aug. 2, 2023Happy New Month!So, throughout August, I'll be discussing lessons learned from certain Christian books I've read, lessons I hope will speak to and empower you as well.Featured in this post is 'Making the Transition: Becoming the Unique...

 Aug. 2, 2023

Happy New Month!

So, throughout August, I'll be discussing lessons learned from certain Christian books I've read, lessons I hope will speak to and empower you as well.

Featured in this post is 'Making the Transition: Becoming the Unique Person God Created You to Be', by Larry Fox. This book has and continues to have a huge impact in my life and how I see myself as a believer. Keep reading to understand why.

In “Making the Transition,” Larry Fox delves into the process of transitioning from a sinner to a born-again believer. He emphasizes that accepting Jesus as one's savior is only the first step; true transformation involves aligning one's thoughts with God's expectations. It's not about receiving a new spiritual gift when you accept Jesus, but rather ????????? the spiritual gift God has already given you from the moment of your conception.

? The key is recognizing that these gifts are meant to be used for God's glory and to advance His Kingdom, rather than for personal gain. Without this mindset shift, even if you manage to do all the right things on the surface, you may still fail to truly please God because your intentions are not aligned with his.

? By intentionally transforming your mind, you can break free from the grip of sin and redirect your gifts towards serving God and others.

? Through this transformation, you will discover joy, fulfillment, and the abundant life God has intended for you.

Fox further explores the various aptitudes and natural abilities God has gifted each individual with. He shows how sin distorts and perverts these aptitudes, taking people away from their original purpose of serving God. However, he also provides guidance on redeeming and redirecting these aptitudes back to their intended purpose.

'Making the Transition' serves as a powerful reminder that becoming a born-again believer goes beyond mere salvation; it requires a complete mindset shift and a life dedicated to purpose and service to God.

I recommend this book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their aptitudes and natural skills and how they can use them in a way that honors God and benefits others!

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