? A Bookish Chat with 'Catnip, Plushie Balls, and Q-Tips' M.G. Rorai | Author Interview | #AuthorInterview #BlogTour #Interview

10 months ago 34

 Today we welcome M.G. Rorai to The Writer's Life e-Magazine! M.G. is the author of the new pet poetry book, Catnip, Plushie Balls, and Q-Tips. This interview is part of her Blog Tour by Pump Up Your Book. Enjoy! ...


Today we welcome M.G. Rorai to The Writer's Life e-Magazine! M.G. is the author of the new pet poetry book, Catnip, Plushie Balls, and Q-Tips. This interview is part of her Blog Tour by Pump Up Your Book. Enjoy!

M.G. Rorai enjoys hanging with her cats and annoying her husband. Her latest book is Catnip, Plushie Balls, and Q-Tips.

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TWL: Welcome to The Writer's Life! Now that your book, Catnip, Plushie Balls, and Q-Tips has been published, we’d love to find out more about the process. How did you come up with the idea to write your book?

M.G. Rorai: It all started with the first book in the series, Catnip, Toilet Paper, and Lasers. Being the avid feline lover that I am, I was reading silly cat stories on social media one day and posted to a group if anyone would be interested in a book about them. The response was very positive. I got permission to use the stories, and along with antics of my own cats Socks and Elsa, the first book of the series was born. 

Then of course my kitties continued to do cute things and I had to write about those as well, so a sequel needed to be done. I created inspired stories along with using my own to write the sequel, which I think is better than the first. Who doesn’t think reading about a cat infatuated with vibrating cardboard is hilarious?

TWL: Do you have cats of your own?

M.G.:Yes, my two pretties are rescues. Socks and Elsa are a sibling pair, and I’ve had them for about 3 years now. They don’t know they have it so well—two cat trees, two big windows to look out, one of which overlooks a garden to watch birds and butterflies, all rent-free!

But they are the best companions. Socks normally sits on the back of my chair and is the centerpiece of my class virtual sessions when I teach. Elsa’s favorite spot is on two stacked cardboard boxes that are just the right height to catch sunbeams in the morning. She stretches and chirps and you just must go over and pet her.

TWL: What have been some of the responses you have received regarding your book?

M.G.: My husband is my first betta reader. I read him all the cat shenanigans for part I and part II, and if he laughs or doesn’t like them then I adjust or take out accordingly. With Catnip, Plushie Balls, and Q-Tips he really liked the poems, and it sparked discussions of how silly our cats are. I read the entire thing to him on a four-hour road trip, so of course he couldn’t say no to my request.

My other beta readers love the personalities and quirks of the cats. They noticed the moments and scenes are relatable to many cat owners, or people who just like cats. It’s not something random like cat ninjas fighting a feudal war—these poems could be about your cat!

TWL: What’s one fact about your book that would surprise people? 

M.G.: Usually people are surprised how many poems there are. This book, like the first one, has around 100 poems. Plenty to digest over a course of time or devour in one sitting. But some people think thing book is going to be much shorter, like 20 poems. 

TWL: What other books are you working on and when will they be published?  

M.G.: I’ve currently got feline fiction and more poetry in the works. One is called A Book of 5 Mews, the philosophical view of a cat bent on world dominance while at the same time summoning cuteness to win over the hearts of humans. Commentary provided by a cat owner’s point of view. It’s in the editing stages, and the plan is to release around March or April 2024. This release time is not set in stone.

The next WIP is another cat poem collection, this time cat themes around classical poems, rhymes, and lyrics. Tyger, Tyger? Nevermore? Nursery rhymes? What do cats have to say about these, and wiggle them to do their bidding? This will be out sometime around/after A Book of 5 Mews.

The last WIP I’m currently working on is a take on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but with a feline persuasion. This will most likely be published toward the end of 2024, possibly in October.

As you can see I don’t like to concrete anything in, because life happens, and I might need to move something up or push something back. I am active on my blog and try to publish every two weeks—this is the best way to keep up with releases. Subscribing to my newsletter will also help you out as well. You can find the blog at www.WrathofKitties.com

TWL: Finally, is there a message you’re trying to get across with your book?

M.G.: This book, and the series, are more than just about cats. It’s about having a relaxing respite and laughing with kitties when good times might be hard to come by. What better way to find distraction than amewzing cat poems? A cat’s companionship can help tremendously on a bad day, and I wanted to capture some of that for anyone needing a silly moment.  




Title: Catnip, Plushie Balls, and Q-Tips: Cat Poetry: The Art of Being Feline

Author: M.G. Rorai

Publication Date: September 30, 2023

Pages: 178

Genre: Poetry/Cats

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Ever wonder why there are “mews” in “amewzing”?

'This collection of cat poems will tickle your whiskers and your funny bone. They’re the purr-fect way to brighten your day and celebrate the furry friends in your life.

Prepare to laugh out loud as you read about cat adventures with magnets, candles, strawberry milkshakes, and plush balls—but don’t let me ruin the surprise, you’ll have to read to find out! 

Get ready to laugh your tail off!

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