Dana Klisanin’s Future Hack introduces readers to Lexa Andromeda, a protagonist both fearless and deeply committed to environmental preservation. The narrative takes off when an ill-conceived prank leads Lexa into serious trouble, prompting her supportive but disappointed parents to...
Dana Klisanin’s Future Hack introduces readers to Lexa Andromeda, a protagonist both fearless and deeply committed to environmental preservation. The narrative takes off when an ill-conceived prank leads Lexa into serious trouble, prompting her supportive but disappointed parents to channel her fervor into a constructive outlet: the Thistleton Academy for Highly Creatives. However, the academy is not as it appears, and the revelation of an impending extinction event, disclosed by a time traveler, catapults Lexa and her friends into a quest to unearth Thistleton’s secrets and advocate for a brighter future.
Lexa, with her charismatic and determined spirit, truly resonates with the reader. Her late Saluki, Zara, remains a poignant memory throughout the story, enriching Lexa’s character with depth and resilience. Jack, another student at the academy, is particularly notable for his intelligence and loyalty. Klisanin’s prose brings each character to life with distinctive personalities and expressive dialogues, effectively weaving themes of nature, environmental stewardship, friendship, and responsibility into the fabric of the narrative.
Initially, the story takes a measured pace to establish Lexa’s background and her family’s environmental ethos. This slower start lays a solid foundation for the ensuing action and mystery that grip the reader once Lexa steps into Thistleton Academy. Klisanin’s meticulous character development ensures a connection between the reader and the characters, fostering a deep empathy for their journeys.
Future Hack is a compelling exploration of environmental conservation’s complexities, underscored by the importance of creativity and perseverance. Klisanin has crafted a world where young, creative minds confront significant challenges, making this book a notable contribution to young adult speculative fiction.
Pages: 251 | ASIN: B0CJJ9K8PZ