Xentastic, the second installment of Maury K. Downs’ trilogy, can be read as a stand-alone novel, allowing readers to delve in without needing prior knowledge of the series. This adventure novel weaves a tale involving high-value jewels, glamorous models,...
Xentastic, the second installment of Maury K. Downs’ trilogy, can be read as a stand-alone novel, allowing readers to delve in without needing prior knowledge of the series. This adventure novel weaves a tale involving high-value jewels, glamorous models, and covert transactions, igniting the reader’s imagination.
The protagonist, Xenyatta Davenport, is a globe-trotting international model whose perfection and lack of negative emotions spur her boyfriend Spencer and his friends into humorous speculation about her true nature, throwing around terms like ‘alien,’ ‘bionic woman,’ and ‘android.’ The plot thickens when Xen acquires the Almasi Ya Kifo diamonds, reputed to curse non-tribal holders. Her mission to return these diamonds to their rightful Native American owners forms the crux of the story.
The book’s brevity, akin to an hour-long TV episode, lends itself to a concentrated, fast-paced narrative. The language is straightforward and colloquial, resonating with readers through realistic character traits like jealousy and suspicion. Xen, however, is crafted differently, embodying the ‘not like other girls’ trope—a glamorous, blonde model who defies stereotypes by enjoying less refined pleasures. The character development, while subtly presented through description more than demonstration, intriguingly sets the stage for further exploration in the next book. This approach maintains a continuous sense of anticipation, promising an enriching depth in the storyline as it progresses.
As a light, quick read, Xentastic is unburdened by graphic content or strong language, making it accessible to a wide audience. Interestingly, its true power could be in serving as an excellent foundation for a movie script, especially given the author’s exciting plans for a film adaptation. This potential adds a unique dimension to its value beyond just a standalone literary work.
Pages: 62 | ASIN : B0CNQTG2YQ