Regent's Park so far in 2021

10 months ago 32

Birds in Regent's Park so far in 2021 ...

Birds in Regent's Park so far in 2021

The Kingfisher continues to be seen. She seems to prefer the end of the NE arm of the lake with the waterfowl collection or the quiet stretch of water where the two blue bridges are.

An exceptionally early start to the Herons breeding season with the first eggs being laid prior to the 20th December 2020.

Due to a lack of really cold weather Little Grebe's were able to spend the winter in the parks as did at least 3 Great crested Grebes.

Overall waterfowl numbers on the lake were low. However 5 was the maximum number of Gadwall seen with aerial display flights taking place from mid February

Mandarin and Red crested Pochard numbers were disappointing.

Once the Redwings had eaten the cotoneaster berries in my neighbours garden they dispersed into the park.

Birds seen in my Garden

Nuthatch was a new bird for my garden.

When the snow arrived, which thankfully didn't amount to much the Stock Dove numbers did increase with the flock peaking at 82.

The Moorhen has been present in my garden since the end of November. It's quite a nervous bird and infuriates me with it's habit of crapping in my bird bath.

The female Water Rail was joined by another bird that looks like a male to me. He may have come from the reedbed opposite where we carried out some work to lower the level of the bed because it becomes quite dry in the summer.

The pair of Kestrels in the Wetland Pen area 32 have had to put up with being mobbed by crows attracted to the area by visitors who are to selfish to follow the request not to feed the parks wildlife.

If you are lucky the Little Owl sometimes suns himself in nearby trees.

Blackcaps have been feasting on privet berries on the Inner Circle, once the Redwings found this supply they didn't last much longer.

Once the ground began to thaw there was a slight movement of Redwings and Fieildfares

Grey Wagtail is another species that a few years ago would never be found in the park during the winter months.

With young to feed the Herons were looking for easy food, this they found at the old rearing pond in area 1.

The Kingfisher would on occasions hide away in the reeds at the NE end of the lake, one time she appeared to be looking for food in bankside vegetation

When the wind veered to to the south 20th February 2 female Stonechats turned up in the Chat Enclosure before moving to the Triangle Pen. One bird was present the following day.


I was luck to capture some videos clips of the Kingfisher eating, or should I say bashing things.

6 Lesser Redpolls dropped in on the 27th February they were accompanied by 1 Common Redpoll. I was unable to get there until the afternoon by which time only 2 Lesser Redpolls were left.

2nd February
Two Siskins are present in area 31.
Two Lesser Redpolls were in area 32.
Cetti's Warbler: 3 were singing from areas 2, 17 and 32

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