A Look Back at 2018

10 months ago 29

Sometimes, it's not until you take a few minutes to look back, you realise just how much you packed into a year (especially when most of the year was dominated by GCSE revision). Here are just a few of...

Sometimes, it's not until you take a few minutes to look back, you realise just how much you packed into a year (especially when most of the year was dominated by GCSE revision). Here are just a few of my highlights, and a real lowlight, from 2018:


The amazing response I got from people when I posted my open letter to Christopher Hope at The Telegraph following his disappointing article which referenced my visit to No10. Sadly I never did get a response from Mr Hope.

GCSE revision.


Turning 16. Driving next year hopefully!

GCSE revision


Ringing started on our own site and I look forward to building an in depth understanding of the area over the coming years..

GCSE revision


5 day trip to Italy with school.

GCSE revision.


A devastating month as the news came through that Hen Harrier Finn was missing.

A stunning White-winged Black Tern showed up at Budworth Mere, close to home.

GCSE revision


Finishing school and prom night!

No more revision!


Spurn volunteering on Little Terns project, but I also had great views of a Roseate Tern and Squacco Heron.


Taking part in a live panel debate hosted by The National Trust at Countryfile Live.

Hen Harrier Day at Parkgate. A great venue and an amazing group of people coming together to make a difference.

#Inglorious12th Thunderclap was signed by 1810 people and went out with a social reach of 8.2 million people.

Getting my GCSE results and securing my place at 6th Form.

Stumbling across a pair of Black-winged Stilt and chicks in Portugal and experiencing the Algarve for the first time.


Starting 6th Form to study Chemistry, Biology and Geography A Levels (revision resumes).

Great time camping at Spurn's MigFest weekend and great views of my first Common Rosefinch.


A pint and catch up with Mark Avery in London.  Brilliant afternoon.

Attending the BTO Marsh Ornithology Awards at the Mall Galleries in London to collect the Marsh Local Ornithology Award for 2018 with the Spurn Bird Observatory team.


Invited to attend the BTOs Agenda for Change event at the House of Lords.


News just in! Ruth Tingay winning "Conservation Hero of the Year" in the Birdwatch Birder's Choice Awards. Another step forwards in the fight against raptor persecution. Really well done Tingster.

And more news just in, Chris Packham being awarded a CBE in the New Year's Honours List in recognition of conservation work. Great to see important work like his being recognised.

An interesting year to look back on.  Let's see what 2019 brings!

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