Friday 29th December 2023

10 months ago 43

Whitemoor Haye  (please note the workings are strictly out of bounds)Redhead Smew still, also Slavonian Grebe, Merlin, 6x Goldeneye, 55x Pochard, 2x Gadwall, 21x Shoveler, 6x Wigeon, 3x Little Grebe, Great Egret, 3x Little Egret, 2x Grey Partridge, 5x...

Whitemoor Haye  (please note the workings are strictly out of bounds)

Redhead Smew still, also Slavonian Grebe, Merlin, 6x Goldeneye, 55x Pochard, 2x Gadwall, 21x Shoveler, 6x Wigeon, 3x Little Grebe, Great Egret, 3x Little Egret, 2x Grey Partridge, 5x Egyptian Geese, Chiffchaff,  (SCo)  -  Short-eared Owl, 8x Goldeneye, 2x Pochard, 2x Stonechat, 60x Lapwing, 3x Little Egret, (BHa)

                                                       Slavonian Grebe by Stu Collins

Aqualate Mere

Marsh Harrier over the reed bed at 10:30, (KHa)

Stoke on Trent

At least 20x Waxwing still in Fenton, (BGo)

Endon - Denford

61x Snipe, Jack Snipe, Water Rail, 2x Goosander over, Ashes Pool 10x Mandarin, 27x Lapwing, Snipe, (DCo)

Doxey Marsh

Marsh Harrier (cream-crowned), 50x Golden Plover, Great Egret, Little Egret, Cetti's Warbler, (AHa)

Branston GPs

2x Green Sandpiper, 19x Curlew, 671x Lapwing, Little Grebe, 23x Goldeneye, 42x Pochard, 8x Shelduck, 7x Egyptian Geese, 30x Little Grebe, 7x YL Gull, 12x GBB Gull, 12x Common Gull, Green Woodpecker, 2x Stonechat, Cetti's Warbler, 8x Greenfinch, 20,000x Starling, (JWo, DSc)


Great Egret, 100x Wigeon, 20x Pochard, Goldeneye, 4x Snipe, (DSc)

Churnet Valley

2x Red Kite over fields and woods between Cheddleton and Consall, (DSc)

Trentham Gardens

3x Goosander, (STu)

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