Why Stars for our fundraising?

10 months ago 27

Why Stars?  When choosing a worthy cause to donate the proceed from our ladies night to Stars was one of the suggestions.  My first reactions was....well obviously! Why didn’t I think of that?! Stars will always hold a very...

Why Stars? 

When choosing a worthy cause to donate the proceed from our ladies night to Stars was one of the suggestions. 
My first reactions was....well obviously! Why didn’t I think of that?! Stars will always hold a very special place in my heart and I’ll tell you why. 

When I was pregnant with Gabby (my first) I was told I had a complete placenta prévia. Basically my placenta had attached itself to my uterus. A natural birth was out of the question. She would have to be born via c-section. I was also put on strict bed rest and warned if I had any bleeding to get to the hospital immediately. That’s all I was told. Go immediately. 
So a sunny morning in June I woke up 24 weeks pregnant and feeling really good. I went to have a shower, one of the few reasons I was allowed to leave bed. My world turned upside down as I stepped into the shower, I started bleeding. And not just bleeding, it was like a faucet was turned on. 

TMI? Yep, probably, sorry bout that. 

I screamed and my husband rushed me to the hospital, we figured it would be faster than calling an ambulance. I don’t remember the trip there, I was dressed when I got there but I don’t recall putting my clothes on. As soon as I arrived at the hospital they checked me and started whispering. I was terrified. The doctor came in and told me Stars air ambulance had been called and I would be going to The Royal Alexandra In their helicopter. 





I remember thinking that. An air ambulance? This was serious. It seemed like moments later Stars was there and strapping me in the helicopter. They were so sweet and attentive. The beautiful medic gave me a Stars teddy bear. She told me they were only for children that ride in the helicopter but I could have this one and hold on to it for when my baby was born, on her due date, she said with a smile. I appreciated her sweetness, I knew she was trying to ease my fears. She also took a picture of me and text it to my husband. He had to drive all the way to the hospital and I knew he must be freaking out. She wanted to make sure he knew I was doing good. 


These people were incredible. They were so kind and concerned. I felt so cared for in the scariest moment of my life. 
We landed in Edmonton and that is where I stayed until Gabby was born. Thankfully she was not born that day. We held on until she was 32 weeks, with many scares in between but we made it. I always think back on that day...one of the scariest of my life. And I remember the kindness and concern those medics showed me. I will never be able to thank them enough for what they did and for what they still do. 

They help so many people. And have aided in saving so many lives. They are completely non-profit and are funded through organizations, individuals and event partners. It seems perfect to me that both our Athabasca and Edmonton location Spring VIP events would donate to Stars. 

Not only are ticket sales being donated, but we will also be offering a significant discount on purses purchased for the purpose of donating, in Edmonton at the event there.

This is for another fundraiser called the pursenalmission. All purses purchased and donated that night will go to the Pursenalmission. Which is a super fun shopping event that you can attend with your friends, enjoy some treats and go bid on brand new purses and accessories. All money raised from this event is being donated back to Stars as well! 

If you are interested in this event please find the information here 

We are truly blessed to have an organization like this available to us and we are really looking forward to being able to do a small part to give back to the amazing work that they do. 

For tickets to our edmonton ladies vip shopping event, follow the link below.


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