Bulgarian Split Squats: The Best Way to Build Great Glutes and Stronger Legs

10 months ago 34

A powerful lower body exercise that will improve your fitness level tremendously.

Learn the best way to build great glutes and stronger legs with the ultimate guide of the Bulgarian Split Squats!

The Bulgarian Split Squat is a squat variation where one leg is elevated on a surface and other performs a squat, receiving most of the load.

Because of this split position, this single-leg unilateral exercise targets the quadricep muscles, glutes, and hamstrings like no other leg exercise.

It is an exercise recommended for intermediate to advance level athletes who have more control and body-awareness, but beginners can also perform Bulgarian Split Squats on a lower elevated surface without weights to develop these traits.

The Bulgarian Split Squat, with its potential for delivering remarkable gains, demands a comprehensive understanding of its setup, form, and various nuances. So, let’s delve into the intricacies of this beloved leg exercise with the help of Jeff Cavaliere, ensuring that each rep brings us closer to our fitness goals.

Jeff Cavaliere is a fitness trainer, physical therapist, and the creator of the popular fitness YouTube channel called ATHLEAN-X. He is known for his expertise in strength training, conditioning, and sports medicine. Jeff Cavaliere served as the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets in Major League Baseball from 2006 to 2009.

See more below.

Related: 8 Incredible Benefits of Bulgarian Split Squats (Set Your Glutes on Fire!)

Bulgarian Split Squats: The Best Way to Build Great Glutes and Stronger Legs

The problem, as Cavaliere observed, is that a staggering 90% of the issues with this exercise arise from the initial setup. The nuances of foot placement, bench positioning, and understanding the mechanics often elude individuals, leading to compromised form and, subsequently, diminished results. Hence this guide through the intricacies of the Bulgarian Split Squat, starting from the very foundation of how you set up for the exercise.

athlete performs Bulgarian Split SquatSource: Jonathan Borba on Pexels

Setting Up for Success:

Many errors in executing the Bulgarian Split Squat stem from improper setup. Begin by sitting on a bench with dumbbells on your thighs, extending one leg outward slightly to determine your foot’s heel position. When standing up, maintain this heel position, creating a foundation for the exercise. Place the back foot on the bench with the toe turned outward, maximizing contact for better balance and avoiding common mistakes like placing the toe directly on top of the bench.

Alternative Setups:

For those who prefer alternatives to the bench, consider using a pad around a barbell in a rack, allowing for a rotating placement of the back leg. This rotation smoothens the movement and reduces concerns about foot placement. Regardless of the chosen setup, achieving a balanced stance is crucial for effective execution.

Perfecting Torso Angle:

The torso angle determines the muscle focus during the exercise. For quad emphasis, maintain an upright torso throughout the movement. If targeting the posterior chain and glutes is the goal, lean the torso forward, resembling the starting position of a sprinter. Understanding how the torso angle influences muscle engagement enhances the effectiveness of the Bulgarian Split Squat.

Read More: How to Get Massive Legs Without Training to Failure

Optimal Depth and Cheating Mechanism:

To maximise results, aim to touch the ground with the dumbbells without resting. This ensures continuous tension on the working leg. Adjusting the dumbbell tilt provides a subtle cheat mechanism for fatigue management. By tilting the front of the dumbbells down, you can shorten the range of motion without compromising form, allowing for effective repetitions without sacrificing depth.

Integrating Intensity Techniques:

The versatility of the Bulgarian Split Squat makes it an ideal candidate for intensity techniques. Experiment with paused reps in the stretch position, one and a half reps to increase time under tension, or explosive repetitions for added challenge. The exercise even lends itself to advanced variations, such as one-legged plyometric Bulgarian Split Squats, offering endless possibilities to enhance muscle growth and strength.

Hacks for Bigger LegsBuild powerful legs and glutes with the Bulgarian Split Squat

Good Leg Workouts at Home for Stronger Quads, Hamstrings and Glutes

The sheer dedication to this leg exercise is heartening, but what truly is concerning is the missed potential due to common pitfalls in execution. As a coach, it’s Cavaliere’s duty to bridge the gap between enthusiasm and efficacy, guiding individuals through the nuanced art of the Bulgarian Split Squat to unlock its full benefits.

The allure of this exercise extends beyond its popularity; it lies in its capacity to sculpt and fortify the lower body when executed with precision – and you now know you can help yourself out by adjusting the foundational setup. The foot placement, bench positioning, and understanding of mechanics often elude gym bros, leading to compromised form and, consequently, diminished results. Therefore, we hope this roadmap for mastering the Bulgarian Split Squat, starting with the essential elements of proper setup, will set you in the right path of lower body gains.

Passion fuels our fitness journeys, inspiring us to engage in our favourite exercises consistently. However, without a thorough grasp of the intricacies involved, this passion may not yield the intended outcomes. The Bulgarian Split Squat, with its potential for delivering remarkable gains, demands a comprehensive understanding of setup, form, and the various nuances that make it effective.

Perhaps you find it difficult to imagine how to perform correctly the Bulgarian split squat by just reading the info above. To get a visual class on the best guide and mistakes to avoid, you can also watch the video below from Jeff Cavaliere.

Let the gains begin!

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Bulgarian Split Squat variations

While the leg positioning in the Bulgarian Split Squat is mostly the same, there are multiple ways you could hold the weights to vary the exercise. You can either:

Hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides Hold a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell by your chest (front loaded Bulgarian Split Squat) Hold a barbell behind your back (back loaded Bulgarian Split Squat) Hold a weight overhead

Muscles Worked

The Bulgarian Split Squat is a lower body exercise that primarily targets your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, abductor muscles, and calves.

Secondarily, this exercise taxes also your abdominal muscles and spinal erectors.

Depending on where you place your feet, as well as what weight you use and how you choose to hold it, the Bulgarian Split Squat will target slightly different muscles. Standing close to your elevated surface will emphasise your quads (although you should be aware of your knees), while standing further away will tax your hip flexors more heavily.

Holding weights above your chest as you would with an overhead or back- or front-loaded Bulgarian Split Squat will also increase the strain in your core muscles.

Expand Your Knowledge

Learn what type of squat is best for you depending on your abilities or try these excellent variations:

Read more: 6 Back Squat Benefits That Will Make You Want to Grab a Barbell Straight Away

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