Seth Godin: Making sense of the modern marketing world

10 months ago 29

When you take out all the external trappings from modern marketing, it boils down to two basic thingsunderstanding human psychology and using common sense. Its what makes marketing easy and accessible for everyone. Unfortunately, it also lowers the barrier...

When you take out all the external trappings from modern marketing, it boils down to two basic thingsunderstanding human psychology and using common sense. Its what makes marketing easy and accessible for everyone.

Unfortunately, it also lowers the barrier for entry for everyonewhich is why marketing sometimes becomes a channel for people who are looking for shortcuts and hacks to manipulate the masses.

Seth Godin is one of the best marketing minds in our times who understands the predicament that modern marketing is going through right now. He recently appeared on The ABM Conversations Podcast to discuss the fundamentals of modern marketing.

Here are the excerpts from the show:

On marketing

In the modern marketing world, everyone hates marketing except for the marketing that works on them. Off late, theres an enormous number of short-term, narcissistic, selfish, profit-maximizing people who are calling themselves modern marketing professionals, who arent marketers at all.

They are just hustlers that they call themselves growth hackers as if thats something fancy. What they are doing is pushing something forward against the wishes of the people that they are marketing to. And thats the stuff that we dont call marketing.

It takes patience, insight, and empathy to deliver anticipated personal, and relevant messages to people who want to get them. Unfortunately, those three things seem to be in short supply these days.

As responsible marketers, we should create work that matters for people who care and choose to show up with stuff that people would miss.

On creating categories

I see category creation from the semantic standpoint. What is a category? Did Airbnb invent the category? I dont think so. Did Facebook invent a category? Definitely not.

Besides the fact that its fun to say, oh, those people succeeded because they invented a category, its pretty clear that theres only two categorieswants and needs. You can divide everything else within those categories into smaller and smaller slices.

The people who are talking about inventing a category, what they mean to say is youre not a commodityunless you act like one. And if you act like a commodity, then youre doomed.

Differentiation is selfish, because it says, I need to stand out. So I will invent artificial distinctions. Thats the opposite of positioningwhich is a service. Its a service because buyers dont have a lot of time. For example, if you have certain things you want to buy, you will go to one of the edges of what is on offer. When you decide you want something like that, it will be your obvious choice.

I like to talk about chocolate for this. Askinosie sources its dark chocolate ingredients from the Philippines and sells its bars for $20 each. They dont compete with Hersheys. Both brands make chocolates, but Sean Askinosie and his daughter Lauren didnt differentiate Askinosie.

Instead, their marketing says that Askinosie is for adults who want to spend a lot of money, get more than they pay for, and who want a remarkable ethical thing. And thats exactly what they make.

If you want a Hershey bar, Askinosie is eager to have you buy a Hershey bar. They are not going to try to stop you from buying a $2 Hershey chocolate bar because they are selling Askinosie for the other people.

On niching down

We marketers have been brainwashed into trying to serve the biggest possible audience. This is especially true if you work closely with the VC (venture capital) worldwhich is filled with a lot of people who dont really understand whats going on but theyve been lucky with the thesis. A lot of times, the VCs tell the brands that they need to cross the chasm and sell to everyone.

The truth as Seth Godin says, is that theres no such thing like selling to everyone. Even the best-selling authors in America reach only 2% of the audience. The biggest cable networksthe ones you would be happy to ownreach only 23% of the audience.

The brands that avoid niching down do so because they think their ideas are so good that everyone needs to buy it. But theyre fooling themselves because everyone doesnt need to buy from them.

On the other hand, the brands that embrace niching sometimes get caught up in a niche because of the features that their products offernot based on the dreams and desires of their customers. But thats why people buy from you, particularly in the B2B space. Lets be really clear about B2B.

The first thing ismost people buying a B2B product are not spending their own money. Thats a huge distinction.

The second thing isif you are a commodity, you arent giving enough reason for your buyer to convince their boss in terms of your product being a must-have. For example, if you are answering RFPs, you are commoditizing yourself and not standing-out enough.

The third thingwhich is the biggest thingwhen someone buys from you in B2B, theyre only asking one question: what will I tell my boss? If you dont give them a really good answer to that question, then theyre going to tell their bosses, Boss, I got it for a little cheaper.

As a brand, you have to give something better than that for your buyers to say to their bosses. Otherwise, they will probably buy the commodity because they are afraid to say something bigger than that to their boss.

Your goal shouldnt be to niche down. You should be specific about who is the smallest viable audience for your product. Be specific about the dreams, needs, and wants of the person who buys from you. Be aware of the stories that they might tell others. Once you figure that out, the products you make will take care of themselves.

Seth Godin: finding your niche

Let me give you a specific example with my bookPurple Cow. When I finished writing the book, I had to self-publish it. I printed 5000 copies of the book and put them in milk cartons.

I then wrote about the book in my column in Fast Company. Back then, roughly about 90,000 people read Fast Company every month. So I said to these 90,000 people with permission, Heres an excerpt from my book. If you want a free copy, send me $5 for postage and handling, I only have 5,000 copies.

That $5 covered my postage and my printing, so I was going to break even. When they mailed me the $5 postage, it demonstrated that they were early adopters of my book because of the 300 million people in the U.S., only 90,000 subscribed to Fast Company and read my column.

Out of that, only 5000 went through the trouble of mailing me $5 for a free book. When I finally shipped the book in milk cartons, I was doing something intentional, which isthe people who got the book put it on their desks. Why? Because they wanted their coworkers to see the milk carton. Because they wanted their coworkers to ask, Whats a purple cow?

That feeling is why they wanted the book because they liked being first. They liked being seen by their coworkers as early adoptersas people who lean into new ideas. By giving them a phrase that made them the smartest people in the room, by giving them the ammunition they needed to help their company make better work, I solved their problem. They werent solving my problem.

Thats the key to all of this. When you show up with a new software, a website, or a widgetit should solve their emotional problem, not their commodity problem. In return, they will say thank you and you dont have to hustle.

But is it easy or difficult to find these people? How do you choose whom to bet on? Well, its an experiment. There will always be people who are going to react and certain people who are not going to react.

The thing is, youre not looking for themtheyre looking for you. And the reason theyre looking for you is because they have a problem. So its your job to figure out where do these people with this problem go and go there. That is fundamentally different from the selfish mindset that most marketers use.

On developing a good marketing mindset

We need to own our work because if we dontwho will? I am a teacher, but Im also a game designer. I started designing games in 1976 on the internet and built one of the most popular online games of the Prodigy/AOL era.

I think about the world in terms of games and games dont force people to play. Instead, they seek enrollment. Games start by askingwho is enrolled in this journey? Who wants to go somewhere else? Whos willing to play this game with me? What rules are permissible in this game?

To pick an example that people are familiar withTED Talk is a game. Its a game because only 3000 people get into the final round in Vancouver. Its a game because only 100 people get to go onstage and give a speech. Ultimately, its a game of status. You can go down the list of all the interactions that are wired around status and affiliation from selecting speakers, all the way to the TED Talk video that reaches 50 million people.

Were all playing that game. It doesnt put food on our table. Its simply fun and engaging. It makes us glad that we did it. And most of the things that we make and sell at some level is a game.

The people who are looking for hacks will tell you that they are playing long-term games, but all they are doing is keeping track of their exits and revenue. They are not keeping track of return customers. Theyre not keeping track of opportunities created. They tend to work in the shadows. They are afraid that if they published all of their insights, people would either steal them or shun them.

But the people who are in it for the long haul give away everything they know because the infinite game gets better when other people know the rules.

On failing fast, tactics, and strategies

There are a couple of pieces to it.

The first isif you take a bunch of raw dough and put some cheese on it, you dont want to test whether people like it or not because its not yet a pizza. You have to bake it before you get people to like it.

The minimum viable product has to have a minimum threshold. It has to be something that people can use. But that doesnt mean you have to push it to be perfect. It just means dont ship junk.

The second thing istheres a difference between strategy and tactics. Tactics are based on what your competition is doing. Tactics keep changing and you have to keep them a secret. But you can publish your strategy in public. You have to stick with it for a long time.

I met Guy Kawasaki and worked with him briefly in 1983. Its miraculous to find Guy and I mentioned in the same sentence 38 years later. Just before the Mac came out, Guy delivered one of the first Mac computers to me to use it as a beta tester. Thirty-seven years later, Apple still has the same strategy in its business. They havent changed their strategies because you stick with them.

You shift the tactics all the time because they have to change. But once you commit to serving your minimum viable audience and you know what they need, want, and dream ofdont change that. Commit to it for a long time.

On mistakes, blunders, and experiments

Mistakes are tactics that didnt work, but that taught you something. Blunders our moral failings or sloppiness that gets you kicked out of the game. Theres a fine line between the two and its helpful to know the difference.

I wrote a book called The Dip that talks about when to quit or when to stick with an idea. I used to be one of the most important DVD producers in the U.S. But Im glad I dont do that anymore because no one buys them. I used to make online games. I dont do that anymore either. I used to run Akimbo (Seth Godins podcast that has been rebranded into a learning platform for all kinds of professionals)but I dont do that anymore.

To grow is to acknowledge that there are sunk costs in your life and to realize that there is a choice on your part, whether you carry them around or not anymore. If you cant serve your audience by sticking with what you are, its okay to move on and do something else.

On following your passion

It is much more resilient to be passionate about what you do than trying to guess what you would be passionate about and go after that. If you choose to be passionate about what you are already doing, then you are almost always going to be in the right placeat least until you decide to be someplace else.

On brand promise

A brand is not a logo. A brand is a promise. It is an expectation. It is a shortcut.

Patagonia makes difficult-to-make parts for people who do aggressive mountain climbing. When Patagonia came up with their first jacket, the mountain climbers knew what to expect from a Patagonia jacket. Patagonia figured out that they could also make luggages because as long as the luggage is for a similar group of people and works in a similar high-performance way, the brand is intact.

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On the other hand, Yeti makes coolers. The Yeti cooler led to the Yeti tumbler. The Yeti tumbler worked out because they actually made a tumbler that was much better than regular tumblers, the same way a Yeti cooler was much better than regular coolers. But now Yeti wants to make luggages. And I, as somebody who has encountered yet, am skeptical that they can keep the brand promise that they can make luggage that is much better than regular luggage the same way Yeti coolers are better than regular coolers. Thats where brands get in trouble.

Your brand should stand for somethingusually an emotion. If you can bring that emotion for the same customer or to a different place than you can do well with it.

If I had to talk about Apple as an example here, it was a company that was originally known for computers until they started making iPods, iPhones, and AirPods. So how do you look at that? What does Apple stand for? It has changed in the profit-maximizing Tim Cook-era, but it is still similar to what Apple is largely stood for, i.e.good taste in digital experiences.

People who see themselves as having good tastes, people who want to be seen by others as having the status that comes from having good tastes are drawn to the luxury goods that Apple makes. Apples products stopped being more productive or more efficient for the dollar a long time ago. But they still bring with them the expectation that you have good taste and high status because of the attention to detail that goes into making Apple products.

The challenge that Apple has today, because Tim is trying to maximize profit for the company, is that they have forgotten to take care of many of the rough edges in their products. For example, the Keynote is not a better piece of software than it was five years ago. Keynote doesnt make its users seem any better than a PowerPoint userthe way it did five years ago.

As a brand, Apple has a lot of work to do if it wants to get bigger again because of its brand promise. The amount of competition they have is so significant that they will have to do some bold things to keep that promise in the future instead of just doing the things that get them profits.

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On 30-foot rule

Lets say that you come out with a new line of snack food in the supermarket business. If Ias a consumercant tell from two miles away that thats the one you made, then its not distinctive. Its just a me-too brand.


But the point isnt just about being distinctive. It is about putting your signature to your workwhether its a website you design, the way you speak in a microphone, show up in a Zoom call, or participate in meetings. Can we tell that it is you, is it consistent and distinctive in service of the people that you were there to work with?

If its not, then you have chosen to be indistinguishable.

On the future of audio social

Theres no dispute on how Clubhouse launched technology to the cool kids better and with more heat than almost any organization I can think of. They became a certain kind of digital hipster in the shortest period of time. However, there are some fundamental flaws of efficient interaction in the whole idea of audio social media.

What Is Clubhouse? The Invite-Only Chat App Explained | PCMag

Problem #1 isit doesnt scale and that it doesnt have any asynchronicity to it. It demands that you find something worth listening to or participating in every time you log onwhich is hard to guarantee.

Meanwhile, almost everything else on the internet is asynchronous. You can watch the Low Darts song performance that they recorded two weeks ago on YouTube. You can read a blog I wrote eight years ago.

Problem #2you cant really search for anything specific on audio social media because its audio. So if its live and you cant search it, its even harder to surface and find.

Problem #3its not a natural monopoly. Why should there be only one channel for this? It makes perfect sense that there will be many other players. Its likely to become a commodified service so that a community of any kindwhether its Slack, Facebook or Discordcan install a plugin that gives them Clubhouse-like functionality.

And then there problem #4. Some things naturally monetize themselves such as search. When you do a search on the Internet, for example, you want there to be search ads because ads are a way of signaling that someone thinks its worth clicking. But you dont want there to be ads on Clubhouse. The idea of linear audio makes it almost impossible to run effective adsparticularly direct marketing adsbecause either its going to interrupt the flow of what Im doing. I would either hate them or skip them, in which case they dont matter.

Seth Godin said I have been in the media industry for 40 years now and there isnt a lot about this medium that strikes me as a business or something that will change the culture in significant ways. It strikes me more as some growth hackers, flexing their muscles, combined with the cool kids, making it the thing of the moment. But Ive been wrong before. So I dont know.

On who should own storytelling within a company

Just like how accounting is anything that touches the accounts, marketing is anything that touches the market. And the modern marketing aspect that touches the market the most is the story your company lives and breathes.

Its things like who you hire, what you dump in the river, what your pricing is, how you answer the phoneall of that is marketing. That has to go all the way to the top. It begins with the people who deal with customers and it ends with people who sign the paycheck. And if those people arent in charge of marketingwho else is? If they are in charge of marketing, then they must be clear about what they stand for and dont stand for. But if your company thinks you can pick anyone and everyone to tell stories, then youre doomed.

On solving customer problems

I wrote about this in This Is Marketing. People only care about two thingsaffiliation and social status. Once people meet their basic needs, all they care about is affiliation and status. Affiliation is when people look for other people who are like them and try to be affiliated with like-minded groups. Status is when they ask themselveswill this make me better than my peers? Will this keep me from falling behind?

Book Review - This is Marketing by Seth Godin | HyperWeb

Think about a car commercial that brags about how much horsepower it offers. You know that you are not going to be in a race with anyoneyou dont need to know about the horsepower. What the commercial is actually saying isthis will make you cooler than your next door neighbor.

This is Facebooks entire strategy. Their messaging tells you, people are talking about you behind your back. Do you want to hear what theyre saying? Its the same with LinkedIn who say, theres a big club going on and you are not in it. You better catch up!

So we keep coming back to those two thingsstatus and affiliation. As copywriters, strategy makers, and storytellerswe need to ask each other the following questions before we spend a nickel on advertising, marketing, or sales:

Whos it for?Whats it for?What are we promising when it comes to affiliation?What are we promising when it comes to status?

If you cant figure that out, you should probably go home and not come back until you can.

The post Seth Godin: Making sense of the modern marketing world appeared first on Yaagneshwaran Ganesh.

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