Resources for Andrew’s Book, Marketing for Small B2B Businesses

10 months ago 229

If you’ve found your way to this page from the Resources section of my book, thank you and I hope you found actionable information that made the book worth your time. (I hope it was an enjoyable read, too.)...

Front cover, Marketing for Small B2B Businesses

If you’ve found your way to this page from the Resources section of my book, thank you and I hope you found actionable information that made the book worth your time. (I hope it was an enjoyable read, too.)

If you haven’t read my book, Marketing for Small B2B Businesses: How Content Creates Marketing Muscle and Powers Traditional and Digital Marketing, what are you waiting for?! You can find a copy here on Amazon or you can reach out to me directly and I will send one your way.

Since digital marketing changes so quickly, it felt pointless to include a list of links in the printed version of the book. (To say nothing of the hassle of you having to type in URLs – some are pretty long.) Instead, I’ve created this page and will keep it updated to reflect changes in existing tools and new approaches for you to consider.

If there’s something missing you’d like to see here, or if you find a broken link, or even if you have a question about your own marketing in particular, feel free to reach out. I’m happy to help.

Happy marketing,


Table of Contents
Other Books Worth Reading
Landing Pages and Lead Magnets
Email Marketing
Video for Content Marketing
SEO, Link Building, and Other Search Marketing
Metrics, Data, KPIs, and Testing
Website Security and Maintenance
Accessibility Compliance

Other Books Worth Reading
Some of these dive far deeper into their topic areas than you might want or need to, but even skimming them can provide you with valuable perspective and insight – and the ability to communicate effectively with your team members or outside partners who manage these areas.

Conversation Marketing
How to Be Relevant and Engage Your Customer by Speaking Human
by Kevin Lund

The Design of Sites: Patterns, Principles, and Processes for Crafting a Customer-Centered Web Experience
by Douglas K. Van Duyne, James A. Landay, and Jason I. Hong

Don’t Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
by Steve Krug, Roger Black

The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web
by Jesse James Garrett

Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed
by Jakob Nielsen, Marie Tahir

Niching Up: The Narrower the Market, the Bigger the Prize
by Chris Dreyer

Web Redesign: Workflow That Works
by Emily Cotler

table of contents

Landing Pages and Lead Magnets

Strategies for effective mobile landing pages

You can build landing pages using the CMS you already have in place, whether that’s WordPress, a full-custom CMS, or one of the hosted website platforms like Wix or Squarespace.

table of contents

Email Marketing
Making Your Email Marketing Stand Out
It’s not just about high-quality, relevant content – though you won’t see much return on your investment without great content. Design, compelling calls to action, and other elements will help you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing Automation
Although this article happens to be from Mailchimp, just about any email marketing platform you might be using will have its own version of automations. Even with a small list, automations will allow you to reach more people more efficiently and more effectively than trying to manage the workload manually. Be sure to find your email service provider’s automation tools.

Eight Ridiculously Silly Ways to Sabotage Your Email Marketing Efforts
[free registration required]
Simple tips to help you get out of your own way with email marketing.

Full Contact
Make the most of the data you have accessible to you – without running afoul of privacy regulations or your own privacy policies.

Tracking Email Opens
Any of the popular email service providers and CRM systems will provide a suite of analytics tools and plenty of data to help you understand what is working and what needs improvement. Even better, most include a reasonable amount of information. There may be some data points missing that you wish you had, but you won’t feel like you’re drinking from a fire hose as you try to find insights amidst all of the information.

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Video for Content Marketing
Here’s a collection of articles and tools you may find helpful for creating effective video for your content marketing.

How to Start Using Video for Business

Seven Types of Videos You Need to Power up Your Marketing

Six More Marketing Video Best Practices For Those Who Aren’t Sure They Know How To Make A Video

Why LinkedIn Video is a No-Brainer for B2B Marketers

Three Reasons Why You Should Regularly Post Videos On LinkedIn (And How To Do It Well)

Mmhmm – Slides, Backgrounda and other DIY Video Tools

table of contents

SEO, Link Building, and Other Search Marketing

There are many websites that provide a steady stream of valuable information or that have great reference materials that you may only need once in a blue moon. Here are a few of each.

Neil Patel
Neil Patel’s digital marketing website is full of great tips and tools.

Getting Great Links to Your Site
Creating and publishing great content is only part of the battle. Helping your target audience find that content is critical, too. Links from other relevant sites are a an excellent source of credibility, both in the eyes of your prospects in the estimation of the algorithms powering the search engines.

table of contents

Metrics, Data, KPIs, and Testing
How Your Company Should Actually Use Data
Not everything in this article will be applicable to smaller businesses like ours, but the broader themes of collecting data, analyzing data, and putting that data to work are important for all marketers.

The Four Pillars of Website Maintenance, Part IV
Maintaining your website is too often looked at as a technical matter, but your site’s marketing performance is as critical as its security.

Google Analytics
There are other website analytics tools available but none are as widely used as Google Analytics. Master takes intensive effort, but even without making it a full-time job, you can learn enough to tease real insights out of the noise.

Tools to Help You Learn Analytics
Analytics Academy
Analytics Training and Support
LinkedIn Course in Google Analytics

Testing Tools
Google Optimize
Crazy Egg – Website Heat-Mapping Tool

table of contents

Website Security and Maintance
Basic WordPress Hardening
Wordpress’ popularity as a website building platform makes it poopular with hackers, too. Changing some default settings and adding a few precautions can deter many types of attacks. Most only take a few minutes to implement.

Why Website Security Matters for Digital Marketing
If your website is down, so is your marketing. Here are a half-dozen ways you can keep your website safe from threats both internal and external.

The Four Pillars of Website Maintenance, Part I
Security tops the list of maintenance concerns. Other maintenance shouldn’t be ignored, but it also won’t matter much if your site has been hacked and taken offline.

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Accessibility Compliance
Introduction to Web Accessibility
An introduction to website accessibility concepts.

WCAG Accessibility Standards Overview

Common Web Accessibility Issues
The most common accessibility issues you might find on your website are a mix of content-related errors that you can likely correct (and prevent) yourself as you make editorial updates and more technical issues that will require the expertise of someone with some WordPress coding experience. All should be reviewed and addressed regularly.

Accessibility Checker
WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
W3C Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List
If you aren’t sure about your website’s accessibility compliance, these tools can help you review and assess.

table of contents

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