Yangten Rinpoche in London 2024!

10 months ago 69

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We are thrilled to share some truly auspicious news with you. After several years of online teachings, we are overjoyed to announce that Yangten Rinpoche will be coming to Jamyang London Buddhist Centre in-person.

Rinpoche’s wisdom and guidance have been a source of inspiration for our students. The opportunity to receive his teachings in-person is an extraordinary and rare privilege. But don’t worry! If you cannot travel to the centre, you will still be able to join online for two out of three teachings given by Rinpoche.

Registration for Yangten Rinpoche’s Teachings Now Open

Yangten Rinpoche's Teachings at Jamyang London Buddhist Centre

There’s more!

Geshe Kelsang Wangmo, who translated for Rinpoche during his online teachings for Jamyang, will come to the UK to translate for Rinpoche again. Kindly, she has also accepted our request for her to give teachings herself.

Science and Wisdom LIVE are also pleased to present a dialogue between Yangten Rinpoche and Dr. Elena Antonova. who will explore the deep questions of consciousness, offering insights and perspectives from their respective fields of Buddhist philosophy and neuroscience.

The Two Bodhicittas

with Geshe Kelsang Wangmo

23 – 25 January at the centre and online.

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Illuminating Consciousness: Merging Buddhist Insights with Scientific Inquiry

with Yangten Rinpoche and Dr. Elena Antonova

Wednesday 17 January, 19:00 – 20:30 at the centre and online

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Re-watch Rinpoche’s teachings on Tsongkhapa’s Song of Experience

Volunteer during Yangten Rinpoche’s Visit

Many hands make light work! Would you like to lend a hand and help us make Rinpoche’s visit magical?
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Read More About Rinpoche’s Life

Yangten Rinpoche was born in Dhapa in Kham region of Tibet on 15 December 1978. His father is Mr. Lobsang Dorjee and his mother Kalsang Yangzom. He was recognised as the reincarnation of the previous Yangteng Rinpoche at of age of 10.

After living in Tibet under the Chinese rule for 12 years he left his homeland for India, the Land of Noble Beings, in pursuit of traditional Tibetan monastic education in south India. In 1990 he came to India and joined Sera Mey College of Sera Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, in South India. There Rinpoche carried out the study of traditional Buddhist texts on philosophy, logic and epistemology, Buddhist Metaphysics and Cosmology (Abhidharma), and Monastic Code of Conduct (Vinaya). He studied under many illustrious teachers of Sera Mey monastery such as Gyalrong Khensur Rinpoche and Gosok Rinpoche.

In 2008 as he completed his higher studies of Tantra at Gyuto he was personally summoned by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama to work at the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Theckchen Choeling, McLeod Ganj. Since then Rinpoche has been serving His Holiness in various capacities. He is currently in charge of Monastic Ordination Section at the Office of H. H. The Dalai Lama. He is also the Head of the project for compiling the writings and teachings of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Besides these responsibilities Rinpoche also locates various scriptural sources for His Holiness from the Kagyur and Tengyur literature comprising over three hundred volumes of Tibetan traditional book format.

Rinpoche is also a close disciple of His Holiness the Dalai Lama whom he is serving currently at the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Rinpoche completed his traditional monastic studies at Sera Mey College with the highest degree of Geshe Lharampa sitting for the final oral debate examination at Amravati in 2006 during the Kalachakra Empowerment conferred by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
After receving his Lharampa Geshe degree he joined Gyuto Tantric College at Sidhbari near Dharamsala in north India. There he pursued and excelled in his studies of Tantrayana while living under the strict discipline of the College in 2006 and 2007. During his time at Gyuto he also served as a Debate Assistant to Gyalwa Karmapa Rinpoche, the Supreme Head of the Karma Kagyu Order of Tibetan buddist tradition. Since then Rinpoche is a close spiritual friend of Gyalwa Karmapa.

Moreover, as instructed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Yangten Rinpoche sometimes give short reviews on Buddhism during the public teachings of His Holiness. He also gives introductory lectures to beginners in Buddhism at the behest of His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself.

(This biography was compiled by Tenzin Tsepag for the occasion of Yangten Rinpoche conferring the Chenrezig Initiation at Tushita Meditation Centre, McLeod Ganj, India on May 27, 2014.)

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