Blue Sage Smudging: Benefits and Uses

10 months ago 21

Smudging is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to cleanse and purify the air, mind, and spirit. One of the most popular herbs used for smudging is blue sage. The practice of smudging is believed to...

Smudging is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to cleanse and purify the air, mind, and spirit. One of the most popular herbs used for smudging is blue sage.

The practice of smudging is believed to have originated with the Native American tribes, who would burn sage and other herbs in ceremonial rituals to cleanse their spaces and themselves of negative energy.

Benefits of Blue Sage Smudging

Blue sage, also known as “grandmother sage,” is a type of sage native to the southwestern United States. It has a sweet, pleasant aroma.

There are many benefits to smudging with blue sage.

The smoke from blue sage can help to purify the air by removing bacteria and other harmful particles. This can be especially helpful during cold and flu season.

Some studies have shown that certain types of sage have antimicrobial properties and may provide additional benefits.

For example, research has demonstrated the potential health benefits of white prairie sage, a variant of mugwort known scientifically as Artemisia ludoviciana, and white sage, also known as Salvia apiana.

In one study, both types of sage were found to exhibit antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

Another study revealed that drinking sage tea twice a day played a significant role in boosting antioxidant defenses while improving cholesterol levels.

Smudging with blue sage can also help to relieve stress and anxiety. The calming aroma of blue sage can help to soothe the mind and promote relaxation. This can be especially helpful during times of high stress or when you need to unwind after a long day.

Additionally, blue sage is an effective natural insect repellent that can help to keep mosquitoes, black flies, and other biting insects at bay.

One way to use blue sage as an insect repellent is to burn it as incense.

To increase the effectiveness of blue sage as an insect repellent, try combining it with other herbs such as dragon’s blood or eucalyptus. These herbs are also believed to have insect-repelling properties and can help to enhance the effectiveness of blue sage.

You can also create your own insect-repelling spray by combining blue sage, dragon’s blood, and eucalyptus essential oils in a spray bottle.

On a spiritual level, smudging with blue sage can help to cleanse and purify the energy in a space or around a person. This can be helpful when you are feeling stuck or stagnant, or when you want to create a fresh start.


In my spiritual practice, I often use blue sage to cleanse and purify my collection of crystals. I have found that this cleansing ritual not only removes any negative energies that may be attached to the crystals, but it also serves as a way to reset and recharge the stones’ natural vibrations.

Additionally, I like to take the time during the cleansing process to set new intentions for each crystal, infusing them with positive energy and affirmations that align with my personal and spiritual goals.

Blue sage is believed to attract money and success, making it a powerful tool for those seeking to improve their financial situation.

There are several ways to use blue sage for financial abundance. One way is to burn it as incense.

Another way to use blue sage for financial abundance is to add it to a ‘Wealthy Jar’.

A Wealthy Jar is a jar filled with items that represent wealth and abundance, such as coins, dollar bills, and herbs like blue sage. Place the jar in a prominent location in your home and focus on your intention for financial abundance each time you see it.

You can also carry blue sage with you as an amulet. Simply place a small sprig of blue sage in a pouch or locket and carry it with you wherever you go. As you go about your day, focus on your intention for financial abundance and success.

How to Use Blue Sage for Smudging

Using blue sage for smudging is easy. Simply light the end of a blue sage smudge stick and allow it to smolder.

Then, use a feather or your hand to waft the smoke through your space or over yourself. As you do this, focus on your intention for the smudging ceremony.

To maximize the benefits of smudging with blue sage, it’s important to set an intention before you begin.

This could be something as simple as “I release all negative energy” or “I invite peace and calm into my space.” Focusing on your intention will help to direct the energy of the smudging ceremony.

In addition to setting an intention, there are other tips you can follow to maximize the benefits of smudging with blue sage.

For example, it’s important to make sure your space is clean and clutter-free before you begin. This will help the smoke from the blue sage to circulate more effectively.

It’s also a good idea to open windows or doors during the smudging ceremony to allow fresh air to enter your space.

This will help to carry away any negative energy that is released during the ceremony.

Finally, it’s important to treat the smudging ceremony with respect and reverence. Take your time and focus on your intention as you waft the smoke through your space or over yourself.

Here are some additional tips for incorporating smudging into your daily or weekly routine:

1. Set aside a specific time each week to smudge your home. This could be on a weekend morning when you have some free time, or on a weekday evening after work. Choose a time that works for you and make it a regular part of your routine. 2. You can also incorporate smudging into your daily routine by smudging yourself before meditation or yoga. 3. Another way to incorporate smudging into your daily routine is to smudge your workspace at the beginning or end of each day. This can help to clear any negative energy that may have accumulated during the day and create a fresh start for the next day.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to incorporate smudging into your routine. The most important thing is to find a way that works for you and feels meaningful and beneficial.

Blue Sage vs White Sage vs Cedar vs Sweetgrass

Video: The difference between White Sage, Blue Sage and Cedar Sage?

In addition to blue sage, there are several other herbs that can be used for smudging. Some popular options include white sage, cedar, and sweetgrass.

White sage is a type of sage native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. It has a strong, pungent aroma and is often used for smudging to cleanse and purify spaces and people. White sage is believed to have antimicrobial properties and may help to remove bacteria and other harmful particles from the air.

While both white sage and blue sage can be used for smudging, they have slightly different aromas and properties. White sage has a stronger, more pungent aroma and is believed to have antimicrobial properties. Blue sage has a sweeter aroma and is believed to have calming and soothing properties.

Ultimately, the choice between white sage and blue sage for smudging comes down to personal preference and intention. You can experiment with both to see which one resonates with you and your intentions for the smudging ceremony.

Cedar is another herb that is commonly used for smudging. It has a fresh, woodsy aroma and is often used in smudging ceremonies to promote healing and protection. Cedar is believed to have antifungal and antiviral properties and may help to boost the immune system.

Sweetgrass is a type of grass native to North America and Europe. It has a sweet, pleasant aroma and is often used in smudging ceremonies to invite positive energy and good spirits. Sweetgrass is believed to have calming and soothing properties and may help to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Each of these herbs has its own unique properties and benefits when used for smudging. You can experiment with different herbs to find the ones that resonate with you and your intentions for the smudging ceremony.

Parting Words

Smudging with blue sage is a powerful practice that can provide many benefits for your mind, body, and spirit.

Whether you’re looking to purify the air, relieve stress, or cleanse your energy, blue sage is an excellent tool to have in your spiritual toolkit.

If you’re new to smudging, don’t be intimidated. It’s easy to get started with blue sage smudging. Simply follow the steps outlined above and focus on your intention as you perform the ceremony.

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