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Business Coach for Accounting Professionals
No excuse for bad behavior
Just because youre an accounting professional, doesnt mean youll be well respected by your clients. Basically, you set the standard. Clients, then, will follow your lead. So, do you tolerate clients who lack respect, are price sensitive who dont value your services? As a business coach for accounting professionals, we fix that.
Maybe youve experienced firsthand a client texting you at 8am on Sunday morning. When you dont respond within 15 minutes, then another text pops up on your screen. And if your invoice reflects the after-hours request, an email arrives asking why thats been added to the monthly invoice.
Or, you repeatedly reach out to your client regarding needed docs to file her tax return. All you get is crickets no response. Then 12 hours before the October 15 filing deadline, all the docs are dropped off. Your client, of course, expects her taxes to be filed before mid-night.
Whos Running Your Accounting Firm?
Its possible youre ready for change, but unsure how to resolve your specific challenge. Concerns about making a mistake, or losing clients, keeps you stuck. Well, a business coach for accounting professionals works closely with you in those areas. As a result, you end up running your firm instead of your firm running you.
Business Coach for Accounting Professionals
Take the case of Karyn, a bookkeeper. Essentially, she was overworked and underpaid. Her open-door policy meant clients dropped in sometimes just to chat. And, one particular employee took advantage of her generous nature. This meant catching up on weekends; often working 7 days per week.
This wasnt sustainable. It was eating into her profits, robbing her of time with her husband and drained her energy. Something had to change. But what?
The First Step
Business coaching for accountants applies the Raise Your Rates Formula
2. Value price your services. Next, you start to separate your fees from time. Your packages bundle specific services together. In addition, you now get paid for services which you previously gave away for free or didnt know how to charge for.
3. Value conversation. If you dont like the sales part, then this solves that. You never have to sell your services again. We turn your initial free consultations into a value conversation. At the end of the conversation, clients naturally ask how to get started.
4. Value your time. You work too many hours. What part of your personal life did you give up? Our work together actually lightens your workload. Imagine regaining your free time.
Youve already sacrificed enough for your accounting firm. Now its time to put things in place which raise your quality of life. Once again, this puts you firmly on the path toward your dream firm.
Whats the Cost?
Your Next Best Move
The post Business Coach for Accounting Professionals appeared first on Business Success Solution.