Fight Against FOBO (Fear of Becoming Obsolete) in the Workplace

10 months ago 23

Have you ever heard someone say they have FOMO (fear of missing out) as a reason for not wanting to miss a fun event? It’s a real fear! Especially when your social media algorithm pushes photos to the top...

Have you ever heard someone say they have FOMO (fear of missing out) as a reason for not wanting to miss a fun event? It’s a real fear! Especially when your social media algorithm pushes photos to the top of your feed that you aren’t in—major bummer.

Well, one of the latest buzzy workplace terms borrows from the popularized slang. And whether you’ve heard the abbreviation or not, many are struggling with FOBO: fear of becoming obsolete. With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT, we’re already seeing the impact in the workplace. People who have made their careers in an area that AI is creeping into are feeling some very real fear. So instead of succumbing to fear or defeat, we believe that you can embrace advancing technology while also owning the unique value you bring to the workplace.

In this article, we share coaching tips for you to combat FOBO and become an expert in the very technology that’s disrupting your industry.


What is FOBO?

A recent Gallup study revealed that 22% of U.S. workers are experiencing FOBO (fear of becoming obsolete) due to technological advancements. This fear is trending up by 7% from 2021. So, the natural conclusion is that the release of ChatGPT stirred up concern within the workforce. And the expectation is that with numerous ChatGPT competitors arriving in the coming years, that fear will likely escalate as AI gets smarter, savvier, and more human-like. But the important fact to remember is that despite its human-like abilities, it’s not human. And we humans have unique and valuable qualities that will never be fully replaced.


How to Combat FOBO

Get to a healthy mindset. It’s so easy to let fear creep in and rule your thinking when things feel out of control. And it’s important to recognize and process your emotions—that’s a huge step toward acceptance and health—and shouldn’t be dismissed. So, give yourself some space (and grace) to feel what you’re feeling, but refuse to let negativity in. Remember, with every change comes opportunity. It might not be an opportunity you ever saw coming, and you might not initially be excited about it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good (or exactly where you’re supposed to be). It could be a catalyst for positive transformation in your life—if you give it a chance.

Identify the human aspects of your job. At Building Champions, we believe that better humans make better leaders. So, what human qualities help you excel in your role? Are you empathetic? Are you known as a connector of people? When people talk to you, do they feel heard, understood, valued? How do you demonstrate care toward the people you work with? These are immensely important leadership qualities that’ll never be replaced by a robot. Own them. Grow in them. And apply them to your leadership.

Embrace new technology. It may feel overwhelming because AI is growing so rapidly, but you can learn how to use it resourcefully within your role. Begin to view it as a partner in your work. You can feed it prompts to get you started on projects and edit accordingly. Take a class on AI and learn so that you can understand how to strategically apply it to your work. And educate yourself before your boss asks you. Demonstrate initiative and bring resourceful ideas to your boss, combatting FOBO, and showing your willingness to grow. An employee that’s both hungry and humble, ready to learn and embrace new ways of thinking and working is an asset—and will help your case for job security should AI ever jeopardize your specific role.

Let go of the aspects of your role that will be replaced with AI. There are some aspects of your work that AI will simply replace. That’s likely going to be true for everyone at some point. So, think ahead. How do you foresee technological advancements changing your work? It can be really hard (and painful) to accept that skills we spent years developing could become obsolete. So, again, allow yourself to sit with that reality—but then choose to accept it, embrace it, and find the opportunities that it creates for you.


We are living in a moment of tremendous change. Artificial intelligence is going to cause a cataclysmic shift in the world. But this isn’t the first time we’ve experienced enormous change, and it won’t be the last. So, lead yourself toward a healthy mindset, an optimistic view, and a resourceful attitude that encourages those around you to do the same. And if you’re working through your own fear of becoming obsolete, we’d love to walk alongside you to help you see the opportunities ahead. Reach out, our team of executive coaches are ready to embrace this change and walk with you in it.

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