What you need to know about business coaching

10 months ago 23

Let’s face it, there are a LOT of business coaches out there. With so many different kinds of coaches and so many ways to access business coaching, how do you even begin to make the decision to work with...

Let’s face it, there are a LOT of business coaches out there. With so many different kinds of coaches and so many ways to access business coaching, how do you even begin to make the decision to work with a business, let alone find one that fits you and your business?!


What is business coaching?

First things first, let’s define what business coaching is. Business coaching is a process by which a professional coach guides a business owner in the pursuit of their business goals, that includes growth of some kind. But that is only a part of the picture. So, let’s take one step back (just to mix our metaphors!)


Before defining what business goals someone has, we need to look at their personal goals. If that sounds odd then just stay with me…. Most business owners will say that they love what they do, and that’s great. Or they will say that they have a purpose and want to do work that helps others, and I am all in for that.

But really understanding what you are doing it all for requires another kind of motivation.

This is where our personal goals come in.


Personal goals and your business

Making the choice to set up and run a business is not an easy one, and frankly, there are probably easier ways to earn money! Business owners are more susceptible to burn out than those in employment, and even with a relatively stable business, we can never guarantee an income, so it’s a risky business (!)

When you have tough days, weeks, months, (which you will!) you need something other than money to motivate you.

Financial goals will only get you so far, so you need to understand what the money and profit you are making is actually for.

That’s why your personal goals need to be integral to your business, which is why we put them first.


What does a business coach do?

So now we have established what your personal goals are and have established some business goals to move you towards achieving those goals, we now need a strategy.

A strategy uses objectives to create specific actions, so you know what to do when you sit down to work every day.

Let me give you an example; the first time I sit down with a business owner I will often hear them say that they when it comes to marketing, for example, they don’t have a plan, or a strategy. So, often, they try different things and just see what happens. But because there is no strategy, they adopt this scattergun approach and hope something sticks.

When you have a strategy, based on clear achievable goals, things start to gain momentum and you find your business growing as a result. You can then review your progress, reflect, and see what can be improved upon, before moving on to new goals if you want to.

Make sense?

So as well as helping you identify your goals, and create a strategy, a good business coach will:

1.     Help you clarify your vision and values – Starting and running a business is hard and many people are often so busy running their business that they don’t get time to sit back and look at the bigger picture. A good business coach will help you define your vision for your business as well as ensuring that you are creating a strong brand based on your values.

2.     Listen to you and create a bespoke offering that works for you – You will always know your business better than anyone and that includes your business coach, but a good coach will listen to you and what is important to you. Therefore, they should work with you in a bespoke way. Business coaching is not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal, and you should never feel as though you are just another wheel in the machine. Work with a business coach that strives to know and understand what is important to you.

3.     Create a space for vulnerability and growth – Business is where all our unresolved stuff shows up! As you grow, you need a place to share what comes up without ridicule or humiliation. A good coaching relationship is built on a lot of trust and your coach should always prioritise your safety. They are there to help build your confidence in who you are as a business owner, as well as who you are in yourself.

4.     Hold you accountable – As I always say, the difference between something getting done or not is in the accountability. Your business coach is your accountability partner so you can both be sure that you will follow through on the things you say you are going to do. But it must be done with compassion and respect. You don’t want to have someone shouting at you!

5.     Help you stay motivated – There have been many (many, many!) days where I have not wanted to show up to my business. Where I have been too tired, have felt a lack of confidence or imposter syndrome and just wanted to pull the duvet over my head! My coach (yes, of course I have one!) is the person that reminds me why I am doing what I’m doing and reminds me just how far I have come. You need to feel like your coach is in your corner and has your back, always.


What to expect from business coaching

As the old saying goes, “If you want to get something done, tell someone about it!”

Before you embark on any kind of business coaching, you need to be committed to doing things differently and wanting to grow your business in some way. Through getting to know and understand you, your business coach is there to help you grow personally and professionally.

But one of the biggest benefits of working with a business coach is you get to learn from all the mistakes they made.

I am no exception to this!

In 27 years in business, I have made a lot of mistakes, and you get to benefit from those painful lessons I had to learn, many of which cost me money. When you work with a business coach, you are tapping into years of experience, so you don’t have to go through the same pain!

But really, for me, the best kinds of coaching relationships are about the coachee becoming the best version of themselves.

Many of my clients have been with me for years and I have seen them triumph through tough times. Yes, their businesses have thrived, but it’s the changes they have made personally that has been so rewarding to witness. It’s why I love what I do!


Want to find out more?

If you are curious about what a coach does and want to know how it can help you and your business, I offer a FREE two hour business review, so we can find out more about each other and explore how I can help you.

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